Published Dec 17, 2007
432 Posts
Periodically during my 20-plus years in nursing, when I use a credit card that identifies me as a nurse, I have been told, "Oh, you're a nurse? You LOOK like a nurse."
(Sorry, folks. I KNOW I should've asked the question to all those involved what they meant by "You look like a nurse" but I was always too chicken) :trout:
Yet the question remains...
S.N. Visit, BSN, RN
1,233 Posts
I don't think I look like a nurse, I suprise pretty much everyone when they find out.
127 Posts
"Oh, you're a nurse? You LOOK like a nurse."WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? SHOWBIZRN
Is there any chance you are shopping while wearing scrubs, a stethoscope around your neck, and crocs?
Seriously, no one ever guesses I am a nurse...but when they get to know my seriously twisted sense of humor and ability to discuss ANYTHING while eating...
4 Posts
Is there any chance you are shopping while wearing scrubs, a stethoscope around your neck, and crocs? Seriously, no one ever guesses I am a nurse...but when they get to know my seriously twisted sense of humor and ability to discuss ANYTHING while eating...
by this statement a nurse tend to eat even when people are discussing fecal material or anything and still go on eating now thats a nurse for me
979 Posts
Not in the least, and I think it's an advantage.
724 Posts
I was with my mother at an ER a couple of years ago and the Doc helping her said the same thing to me. I was studying microbiology and I put down my book when he came in to examine dearest Mom. The Dr said are you studying to be a nurse? You look like a nurse. He also said hurry up because we need you. Then he proceeded to teach me how to get my mother to take all of her medications, etc. He was so funny. I always wondered what he meant when he said you look like a nurse.
Will be an RN in may '08'.
vashtee, RN
1,065 Posts
I don't know that I "look" like a nurse, but I've been told that I act like one because I am somewhat assertive. I don't think the old guy who told me that meant it in a negative way, but it made me feel kind of mean.
Jo Dirt
3,270 Posts
I look like the cleaning lady.
8 Posts
At the end of the past quarter of LPN school, I was chatting with a classmate about impressions of students at orientation. She said to me "I looked at you and thought 'oh, that's exactly what a nurse looks like!". I found it very funny because for some reason, it always comes as a shock to people when I tell them I am in the nursing field. So yeah, what does a "nurse" look like?
24 Posts
They say I do... once a PA said... your face... it looks, "nice". I thought maybe my makeup was especially good that say or something. He preceeded to explain that I have a friendly look -cherub like. Yah - I am pretty sure that it's the porcelain skin and the round cheeks (little chubby) and the red hair.
That was a compliment I hang on to. My husband, on the other hand, says that I am a great nurse, but also says that I have a look that I give people (i.e. slow people who can't drive carts well in the supermarket) that make them question their own existance. I guess that is why I am an ER nurse, and not an OB nurse, for example?
I think what "they" are seeing is the professionalism so many of us pride ourselves in. I think you start expecting it out of everyone else and it flows into your home/social lives?
81 Posts
I wouldn't know, I look like a rock star......:biere::roll
(only kidding, sorry, I've been awake for far too long!)
551 Posts
Only been taken for one if I go shopping after work (I'm a CNA).
At class (LPN school), others on campus seem to think art student, English major... something in the liberal arts. Once, even, nun O_O I do wear black a lot, but it's not that concealing!