Do you remember your first day on the job?

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    Editorial Team / Admin

    Joe V

    7 Articles; 2,555 Posts

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.


How was your first day at work? Were you excited, nervous, surprised, lost, or just happy? Share your stories below.


My first day was my coworker's second day, so it was kind of like when you're a kid by the pool and two people grab you by the wrists and ankles, swing you three times, and throw you in. Did I mention we were the only two nurses? Fortunately the PA was great and showed us the ropes!

Specializes in Maternity.

It's not my first day anymore....but I did just switch jobs two months ago. Scary as heck and unbelievably challenging! Thanks for sharing this!

Specializes in cardiac CVRU/ICU/cardiac rehab/case management.

Kind of scarey but I have not one memory at all of my 1st day.!!! I will say , I had a fantastic preceptor during orientation that made everything go smoothly . I still,20yrs later feel a gratitude to her for that. I still think she is fantastic and represents the very best of nursing.

Shout out to the nurses that give new nurse's the very best of beginnings!

I start my first day on the floor as a new grad tomorrow, hopefully this doesn't happen to me!

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

My first day was responding to a code in an MRI that went on for over 3 hours....

A baptism, so to speak.

my first day of workwas like a graduating nursing student..superviser was watching me do EVERYTHING..and saying get used to it..and then a week later..superviser says keep it up!!..its relieving.......;):)

I'm a NA. My first day was insane. I went home and cried every day for a week. I'm thankful to say I stuck it out and enjoyed it after the first month or so.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

Yep, I was shown the med room, break room and then given 4 pts to take care of. So much for orientation.

I certainly do its was terrible and mentally and physically exhausting, its like a roller coaster ride.

Specializes in Patient Care Technician/ EMT.

Do I remember? could I possibly forget...?

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