Published Apr 12, 2008
464 Posts
Some of you on here might not remember me as you are on the nclex board studying your little butts off. But, I have been a member here for a few years now and if you look at my post you can read alittle about my situation.
In a nut shell I grad. in 94 failed the boards 2 times and became a stay at home mom for almost 12 years. Went back and studied on my own and took the boards on 6-6-06 (yeah yeah I know weird date uh?) and 26 hours later found out I passed! Thank God Ohio did not require I take any classes to refresh!
as of today I currently hold 4 jobs....LOL I plan on downsizing real soon. I couldn't have dreamed up such a wild ride if I tried.
My mom got me a job on the PEDS dept working on call but let me tell you they stay busy in the winter months and it has been such a great skill building time. The nurses are all so great and it is like family up there.
I also teach a lamaze class once a week and just recently took the "Childbirth Education coordinator' job. Huge learning curve but I have found out it is not completely what you know but who you know.....LOL
and I also recently took another oncall position at our local first care (kind of a glorified ER without the E part....LOL)
So, I just felt like encouraging you all that it can be done and done well and always stay positive. I cant tell you how worthless I felt over those 12 years but now I am on top of the world doing what I love. and not to mention the pay is great!
one tip that I stuck to was that someone once told me on here go for what you want and keep going for it till you get it. Well I have gotten what I wanted and I didnt' have to start out in med surg to get there!!!!
but I have to admit if it were not for the Lord in my life none of this would have happended!!
Feel free to contact me if needed and all of you wonderful soon to be nurses that have contacted me already please continue to update me often!!!!
God Bless!
In His Name!
michaRN, RN
420 Posts
Thank you AmyDRN you are inspiring!it seems that you been having a busy career life now..well we are hoping here with God's blessing and his guidance :saint:all nurses waiting to take the nclex exam will soon be on your step..Keep us in your prayers and God bless you more!!!thanks:bowingpur
395 Posts
Hi Amy, yes I do remember you. Good to see you back, live & Kickin'. Thank you for coming back to check on us :). Like Micha said, God bless you more.
216 Posts
Wow, your story is very inspiring! I am stay at home mom for 2 years now, I thought I might gonna like just be a staying at home mom and taking care of my family and forget my nursing career for awhile. But, I became so depress:cry: after a year of being stuck at home:banghead:, no money:twocents: for me at all as a wife. My self-esteem gone low, I became a new person, a weak one.
So I decided to take NCLEX but unfortunately I failed:down: twice:cry:, so 10 days from now:heartbeat I will gonna sit for my 3rd take:typing, hopefully the last. I am looking forward to pass:yeah: this exam so I could apply for a :nurse:job and boost up my self-esteem again:anpom: plus end up my depression:scrying: and :wtosts:.
Oh girl I hear ya! I could write a book on feeling depressed and having low self worth. 12 years worth to be exact! But it wasnt' all bad, it took me a few year to really get in a groove being a stay at home mom. But once I did i loved it. I would not take it back for anything. if anything I would have got my Rn first then stayed home for 12 years! seriously!!! The fact that I got to raise our kids and no one else has just doubled the blessings all the way around. my kids had very strong characters and self worth before they entered the public school system at 4th and 6th grades! believe me when I say this If I had to do it all over again i would in a heart beat!
Good luck in your nclex testing and I will be praying for you!!
In His Name
~*~ Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting~*~
Debt free in 08 ~ Watch out house you are next!!!
*on babystep #3
If broke is normal I want to be WeIrD!!!
32 Posts
hi guys,
i just want to tell my story that is quite similar to Amy.
I graduated 12/2006. I took it 5 times, yes 5 times before I passed recently in March. I was so happy and blessed. I too felt I had NO confidence. I started working one of the local hosptial as a GN, took boards failed, became a nurse tech then failed and now a CNA. If I did not go back the 6th time, I today would not be an RN. I struggle throughout 2007 always and constantly looking for ways to help me pass boards. I log on to this website almost every single day. I saw suzanne plan's. I figure I might as well use bc first its free, what do I have to lose. i study my butts off, bc I wanted to be the last and want my license so bad. i started again right after news years jan 15, 2008. I studies Monday through Thursday approximately 6-8 hours a day. I know this is long time but this is what I had to do to feel that I was fully prepared. I did saunders plus CD questions, hurst review, kpalan q bank.
i postpone the test twice before finalize the actually date in March 31 ,2008 two days later, I passed. i utlilize the quick results on April 2, 2008 and saw the word PASS, I started to cry--bc of happiness and relief that I can now start my life. I was sick of working as a CNA and getting CNA pay when i know I used be getting RN pay. I hated to see other working as a RN knowing that I can do that too.
my point is never give up. If I was to give up after 5 times, I would not be an RN as of April 2. Trust me, i had people at work talked about me whether when i am taking the test, why cant she passed boards, is she ever going to pass. I was devastated with the comments and sense RN and CNA look down on me. I was so determined to not let that bother me. I know that if I can passed nursing school, i can pass boards. It was a big bump in the road for me but know i can relax knowing that i can get a job anywhere in the 50 states.
Good luck to all who is testing and stay positive and calme
Nicole RN:nurse:
109 Posts
I read your story about a year ago. Thank you! As I've told you before, I took that first step because of you. You were really an inspiring force. And now, I too, am a RN!!
For anyone, out there struggling through this process, it can be done!! Never let anyone tell you differently!!!
God Bless,
janina08RN, RN
178 Posts
Hey Amy!!! Good to see you again :) As I was reading your story and previous posts, I was thinking that I could actually relate to it...Been a stay-at-home mom for 7 years now, took the NCLEX 2003 and failed, took it again 2004 and failed again, and took it one more time (thought that would be my last) August of 2007...and failed again...I just took it again last week for the 4th time coz I was thinking that reapplying for the exams would be more expensive and tedious if my application lapses...And because I believed this time that God, with my constant prodding, will finally fulfill His promises of giving me hope and a future, I faced the test one final moment...and indeed FAITH WORKS!
It's great to see people who share their faith and experiences, and who continues to encourage others to go ahead and battle with the NCLEX...for in due time, victory will be ours.
Thanks AMyD for your posts. You have been an inspiration to us. :icon_hug:
Oh girl I hear ya! I could write a book on feeling depressed and having low self worth. 12 years worth to be exact! But it wasnt' all bad, it took me a few year to really get in a groove being a stay at home mom. But once I did i loved it. I would not take it back for anything. if anything I would have got my Rn first then stayed home for 12 years! seriously!!! The fact that I got to raise our kids and no one else has just doubled the blessings all the way around. my kids had very strong characters and self worth before they entered the public school system at 4th and 6th grades! believe me when I say this If I had to do it all over again i would in a heart beat! Good luck in your nclex testing and I will be praying for you!!In His NameAmyD RN~*~ Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting~*~Debt free in 08 ~ Watch out house you are next!!!*on babystep #3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If broke is normal I want to be WeIrD!!!
:tku: AMY
I will keep that in my mind. I will continuously focusing to my 2 boys even though I am so eager to go back to work. I am hoping and praying that I will pass this time so I could focus more to my sons specially my 5 year old.
God bless to you.:icon_hug:
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
What an inspirational story so many of you have! Thank you for posting! :)