Do you recommend becoming a nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Do you recommend becoming a nurse?

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Nursing is not an easy career path to choose. It is certainly one of the most difficult. When friends or prospective students ask, do you recommend becoming a nurse?:)

I remember when I met this girl for the first time, I told her the story of why I wanted to become a nurse...and we talked for like an hour - here we are a couple years later. I finished nursing school, she just started nursing school. She probably wants to wish death on me right now (she's doing her clinicals) :) - she's sooooo thankful for our conversation.

I love to prove people wrong about the profession. :)

Just curious, what country is that???? and why????

here in USA, the staffing issues are the major problem......

and the lack of respect from co-workers, doctors, visitors, etc, etc....

Im from the Phils. the reason that I wouldn't recommend other taking the course is that there are already many of us here and that is the main problem of our country right now. I mean nursing school here are like mushrooms popping out everywhere

Specializes in Med surg, Critical Care, LTC.

I totally agree with the poster "nursing is a joke". I agree with everything she said. I've lived nearly everything she said.

I would never be a nurse if I knew then what I know now.

I am an excellent nurse, great assessment skills and better instincts - but administration basically sets you up to fail.

Specializes in None yet.

I kind of discourage people who what to jopin the profession in order just to have "something to fall back on" I feel like you should be in it whole heartedly and sure pay is usually the number 1 reason but why do something just for money and make the lives of other people miserable. As far as the nursing hardship you find something negative with any job it all depends on how you handle it and it helps when you don't compare yourself to someone else....

oh just to add my :twocents: about someone that metioned the nurse that does "nothing" but talk to her patients...being on the other side of the bed it helps when you do take the time to just say hello or let them know that you haven't forgot them you've just been really busy, it get really lonely just being in thier by yourself


oh just to add my :twocents: about someone that metioned the nurse that does "nothing" but talk to her patients...being on the other side of the bed it helps when you do take the time to just say hello or let them know that you haven't forgot them you've just been really busy, it get really lonely just being in thier by yourself

BTW, I agree that it would be wonderful to be able to sit and talk with patients. It just so happened that I did just that today. It put me behind on everything else, but it was worth it.

There's a nurse I work with that I was referring to that that's ALL she does IS bs with the patients, that and suck up to mgmt and docs....

Just venting.... it's hard to live up to the Florence Nightengale ideal that nursing school teaches you when- no matter how hard you try, you just can't get there, and then you see people like that who get rewarded for outward appearances, then dump nursing duties on everyone else.

P.S. I've also seen that same nurse hit, slap an dshove patients when she thought no one was looking. And yes, I reported it to mgmt, but because of 16 years of service, and the above mentioned appearances, I was told, "that's just _(name)_____" :o

Specializes in None yet.

P.S. I've also seen that same nurse hit, slap an dshove patients when she thought no one was looking. And yes, I reported it to mgmt, but because of 16 years of service, and the above mentioned appearances, I was told, "that's just _(name)_____" :o

Ahh I see...when one day she'll get what she deserves....but that really is really horrible.

Specializes in Med Surg, LTC, Home Health.
I've also seen that same nurse hit, slap an dshove patients when she thought no one was looking. And yes, I reported it to mgmt, I was told, "that's just _(name)_____" :o

Then you have not done enough. There is no room for tolerance with this. Your supervisor's lack of ethics does not excuse you to compromise yours. With such a response, this shouldnt even count as being "reported".

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

Nursing is a joke-You've pretty much summarised how I feel. While I love my job and can't imagine doing anything else, it's the petty tactics that management use and the horrendous workload that prevent me from giving the best care that I can.

I would only recommend becoming a nurse to anyone who I feel has the courage to stand up for themselves. We need more nurses who will say NO, who will advocate for themselves and their fellow nurses when we are treated like dirt. I don't want anyone who will just nod their head and do what they are told because they will be no help to the nursing profession.

Specializes in paediatric and trauma.

yes I do recommend becoming a nurse it pays quite alot its challenging rewarding and shows that your a good person who cares about everyone and don't like to see people go or get ill and this is why Irecommend it

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

Nursing is a job that is different from other types of jobs (standard blue or white collar jobs) in that you are dealing with people at a gut level, invading their privacy. As such, it demands a certain amount of empathy and tenacity that might not be required in other professions. You deal with the public, very often when they are at their worst. You may be dealing with the same person over and over and those encounters may be very negative. As you would be responsible for the health and safety of the individual, you have to possess a certain skill set in order to offer that level of care. It is often a dirty job and you do things to people that are not pleasant for you. On the positive side, it is a mobile profession and you can get a job anywhere you live. There are multiple types of nursing which affords you the opportunity to focus your skills in a particular area. I have been a nurse for 30 years and it has been a great career for me. It is important to remember that you will have conflicts with coworkers and you will deal with the same things in the workplace that is the same in every working environment.

I recommend it if you enjoy being abused both physically and emotionally. You also have to enjoy being humilated while having a smile on your face.

I don't recommend it if you have self respect,high self esteem and dignity because you will not last past orientation.

Specializes in telemetry, med-surg, home health, psych.
Nursing is a job that is different from other types of jobs (standard blue or white collar jobs) in that you are dealing with people at a gut level, invading their privacy. As such, it demands a certain amount of empathy and tenacity that might not be required in other professions. You deal with the public, very often when they are at their worst. You may be dealing with the same person over and over and those encounters may be very negative. As you would be responsible for the health and safety of the individual, you have to possess a certain skill set in order to offer that level of care. It is often a dirty job and you do things to people that are not pleasant for you. On the positive side, it is a mobile profession and you can get a job anywhere you live. There are multiple types of nursing which affords you the opportunity to focus your skills in a particular area. I have been a nurse for 30 years and it has been a great career for me. It is important to remember that you will have conflicts with coworkers and you will deal with the same things in the workplace that is the same in every working environment.

Well said................

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