Published Sep 20, 2005
498 members have participated
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Do you feel valued in your current nursing position?
Yes or No?
Please feel free to reply and share your experiences. Thanks
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
I feel valued about 99% of the time.
Patients, management, and the majority of co-workers make me feel valued, however there are a couple of people at work that feel that LPNs do not have a place in the O.R., and take any and every oppportunity to express this.
Ironically those are also the ones that whine about the lack of teamwork they're involved in. Oh, i'm sure that has nothing to do with the bitter attitudes they have towards some of their co-workers. Who wants to work with that kind of negativity?
It's things like that, that can bring people down, possibly make them feel as though they're not valuable. IF you let them.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Yes, I do, Brian.
I have toiled many years to be accepted by (1) my fellow nurses, (2) the physicians with whom I am associated , (3) the lay community.
It took MANY years to get to the point where I feel valued by all three groups.
I now serve the legal community as well. I sense that I am valued by this group. This took little or no effort at all. I am still trying to determine if this is a good thing or not.
4 Posts
Do you feel valued in your current nursing position? Yes or No?Please feel free to reply and share your experiences. Thanks
No I don't. Maybe it's because I attempt to 'follow the rules/policy's and proceedures, and yet when I go out on a medical disability my director finds me expendable and I'm terminated...even before my physician releases me to return to work. I find it 'interesting' that I was one of the few who placed in the "top raise" catagory but now I'm told that I can't come back.
3 Posts
No, I don't. I feel like myself and most of the other nurses I work with are not valued. They give lip service to how valuable we are but then keep us short staffed and continue to ask us to do more and more with less. I just don't understand the thinking.
366 Posts
Do you feel valued in your current nursing position? Yes or No?Please feel free to reply and share your experiences. Thanks[/QUOTNo. When the Medical Director refers to the staff nurses, as "cheeks in seats", it pretty much shows thier lack of respect for us.
Please feel free to reply and share your experiences. Thanks[/QUOT
No. When the Medical Director refers to the staff nurses, as "cheeks in seats", it pretty much shows thier lack of respect for us.
11 Posts
I'm a nurse on a busy med-surg floor. Last night we started out with 15 patients and 3 nurses. Not to bad, so far... 1-RN 2-LPN's, 1 lots of experience, the other almost nill. RN used to be the asst. DON, not real used to working back on the floor yet, as she mostly works in ER. I'm the one with all the experience, so of course I get 6 pt.'s right off the bat. Now that would be fine, except I have to coach the other LPN with little experience and help her out and if that's not bad enough, I have to help the RN out also because she ends up with an admit and "Can't handle it"!! I do all the paperwork, chart together, MAR's, it's all done for her, and she still is crying, help? Well, to make a long story short, the RN ends up calling in the asst. DON for help because we end up with 18 pt's and she feels we need more help. I, on the other hand have done this for 6 years straight, and say "no big deal, we do it all the time". Well the asst. DON ends up doing all the RN's Mar's and charting on 2 of her pt's, so you would think she would be in good shape, right? Wrong, I bet she is still there charting now. Somehow, I had 6 pts. of my own + their's and got out only 30 min. over... Geez... not even a Thankyou!!!!!!!! So, no I do not feel valued, just used up! And very tired. Oh, no supper and no breaks for 13 hours. It's gotta change! :angryfire
94 Posts
No, the way the management treats us says it all !
202 Posts
Yes. I am the only nurse in my department, so I do feel appreciated, by the patients as well as the administration.
262 Posts
NO! Not with the amount of OT we work, lack of sleep between shifts and no consideration for the need for family life.
I am starting to think that the whole goal of nursing once you have experience is to find a FT rotation, gain seniority and take lots of holidays, sick days, stat days and LOA time. I see so many who take teaching positions just to get off the floor and back to the land of the living.
I just landed a temporary .47 rotation (9shifts/mth) and have 2 casual jobs. Last weekend I could have worked Friday Night shift, Saturday Day (12hr) or Saturday Day (8hr) it was my first weekend off since May.
My colleagues look after themselves, complain about everything that I miss, yet don't acknowledge that they miss the same things or other things, and management goes home at 4:30 and forgets about us. The LPNs and aides are jealous of our wage, as is the general public. If they had to live this life they'd expect a better wage too.
I'm tired, have a $17,000 Student loan to pay back and no permanent position in sight.
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
When I was a dept of one, I too felt very valued, appreciated and respected. Had to leave that job to be relocated for dh's job.
I still miss that position and have never found another like it.
22 Posts
AMEN!!! and then administration says we are not "upbeat enough". They spend 2 million dollars on 4 day seminars (mandatory) on how to make us feel better about our choices and make better choices, then they cut not only our overtime but call pay. We used to have to sign up for ot 2x month (totally against MANDATORY OT) but now we get called and told to stay home and no call. just be available. And they wonder why there is a nursing shortage:angryfire