Do you answer your phone on your day off?

Nurses General Nursing


It seems like whenever i have a scheduled day phone is ringing. "Can you come in and help out..."

"We are kind of in a bind today, need someone for PM shift.." I really just wish for a day, where i can relax and not be bothered by work!! So I am curious what others do, Do you answer your phone on your day off? I tend to feel guilty when i see who's calling, and don't answer!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
no. i don't know any nurses that answer their phones on their off days. at first i tried the thing where i would answer and say "no, sorry i can't," unfortunately, the fact that i actually answered made them think that if they went through all their numbers and no one else answered they could call me back and say "no one answered, please, please come in."

too many times i have picked up that extra shift, only to have them cancel me when the census drops because i'm headed into overtime.

so no. i don't answer anymore.

many of my newer colleagues are hungry for ot and will answer their phones. i let them do it!

Specializes in PeriOperative.

1. Management remembers a "no" much more vividly than someone not picking up the phone, at least in my experience.

2. I don't abandon my work and patients whenever my family calls.

3. If they wanted me to answer my phone, they would pay me to be on call. If I am not on call, there is no expectation that my phone is even in service.

In short, nope.

Specializes in Emergency.

Generally, no.

If I see an incoming call that has a number that my hospital uses (we have two sets of 3 digit prefixes dedicated to us), I do not answer. I also generally don't like to pick up beyond my three a week, if we know there are holes on nocs, even several weeks out. My floor seems to be reluctant to use our internal agency, which I really don't understand.

Specializes in Med Surg.

I don't answer any call if I don't want to talk to the person on the other end or the caller is not identified. In the case of work, I let them leave a message, I make make a decision, then call them back with a yea or nay. I did this long before I started nursing.

Besides, I've been trying for 3 months to get a few PTO days approved and they keep telling me they can't arrange the schedule for it. Why would I give up my days off? Let them pay for an agency nurse.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

No, I never answer my phone anyway...but my job is already sucking the life out of me and I can barely force myself to go in on my scheduled days. After about three No's I think management got the gist because they haven't called me since.

Specializes in Geriatric Nursing.
Specializes in A myriad of specialties.

Got rid of the land line phone years ago. Since we can be(and often are) required to stay EVERY day for an extra 8 hours(due to sick calls or furlough days), and I get more OT than I really want, I have not voluntarily given out my cell #.

It really IS possible to work doubles EVERY SINGLE DAY if one was/is crazy enough or inclined to do that...simply due to all the sick calls at our hospital. Frankly, I imagine most of those sick calls are because of intense weariness that staff feels due to all the constant extra required shifts.

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.
It seems like whenever i have a scheduled day phone is ringing. "Can you come in and help out..."

"We are kind of in a bind today, need someone for PM shift.." I really just wish for a day, where i can relax and not be bothered by work!! So I am curious what others do, Do you answer your phone on your day off? I tend to feel guilty when i see who's calling, and don't answer!

I answer my phone when they call IF I can come in that evening.

Sometimes our facility is willing to pay extra on top of overtime and that is too much money to miss.

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

I absolutely do answer my phone.

If I can help out I say, "yes,"...

If it's not feasible, I say "no,"...

No guilt. Whatsoever.

Thank you all for your responses. Ok, so I am just done with feeling any guilt whatsoever! If i want the hours, then I'll go in, If Not, then I am going to enjoy my days off...guilt free!

I'm a home health nurse so yes I must be available 24 hours a day..

I do not answer my cell on my days off. I live far away and am not willing to make the commute.

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