Discouraged...need encouragement


I finally made the decision to go to nursing school. I am starting my prereqs for a bsn program in a few weeks. I almost wish I had never found this site. I have read way too many negative things. For my BSN program I need a 3.5 GPA and high Teas scores. What if I cant get a GPA that high. Not that I am not smart enough but I have 3 kids and am concerned about getting enough study time. What if I do all these classes, spend all this $ and still dont get in! Not to mention the fear these boards have given me for the nursing program itself. What if I cant cut it? But I have too...once I invest this time and $ there is no going back.

Good thoughts ?????

Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

Don't worry. Hundreds have gone your route and have succeeded. Just do you best. Yes read the posts and prepare yourself but never devalue your own worth and skills because of what you have read.

Just begin the journey.

Specializes in Ortho/Trauma.

You got to have a backup plan if all else fails. I mean there are hell of kids at my school doing nursing pre-reqs and I doubt that all of them will get in, so you have to have a back up plan if it comes to it. Most kids go into some other allied health program that has the same pre-reqs: radiology/other medical imaging programs, dental hygiene/dental assisting, physical therapy, etc...but don't you let other people discourage you...yes, getting into nursing school is going to be difficult--in fact, it's a gamble--but if you willing to sacrifice your time and effort, then I don't see it as "wasting time"...in the end it can be very rewarding or a learning experience at the very least. You also should look into ADN programs because you can bridge to BSN once you get your RN; I've heard it is not as competitive as the traditional BSN route. In addition, an accelerate masters/masters program in general is what a lot of kids at my school are doing (those with previous bachelors + those who don't have good enough grades).

How old are your kids if you don't mind me asking?

This is my 2nd go round in college. I have a son who is now a freshman away in college himself. But, the first time around that I went to school, he was much younger so I know its tough being a mommy with young ones and balancing school.

But you can do it. I was a single parent juggling school, work and motherhood.

Ask for help. Depending on the ages of your children, if you have friends or family that can get them out of your hair when you need to study, ask them to help. Ask the kids to help out a bit more around the house. They don't have to do big tasks but simple things like fixing themselves a PBJ sandwich and making mommy one as well one night a week instead of you having to fix dinner can be helpful. Try to sneak time in to study as much as you can. As an older student, I'm amazed at the options available to me now vs when I went to college the first time around. I can download lectures onto an MP3 player and listen to them while I'm doing housework or driving. I watch lecture videos online while I'm exercising. Have the kids test you, my son loved doing that when he was little.

Consider taking some easy A classes. Not just your pre-reqs. Don't get me wrong, no class is an automatic easy A. However, for myself, I need a break from the science stuff so I take a liberal arts or philosophy/ethics/religion/culture class every semester, its interesting and usually fun to me and it helps boost my overall GPA.

Lastly, block out negative info. I think this board is great. However, try not to get too caught up in the woe is me stories. I'm not telling you not to be realistic, but you've already lost the battle if you go into it with all these negative thoughts.

You can do it! When I started out 2 years ago, I had to upgrade most of my high school courses because my marks were mediocre to say the least, and my previous GPA was something like 1.6! I was scared in the beginning that I wouldn't be able to get a decent mark and figured I'd be lucky to get the minimum mark needed to get in - but my GPA is 3.88 now (my crappy marks are too old to affect my current GPA) and I raised my high school average by 20 - 25%. My kids were 4 and 7 when I started.

I was scared too by the posts here, but I think that was helpful in a way because I wasn't surprised at all by how much work classes like A&P are. I KNEW that I had to spend a lot of time studying in order to get a good grade, and I make sure that I make the time to do that. You just need to figure out ways to fit studying in. I make flashcards for my iPod Touch so that I can review anytime - while waiting at the doctor's office, or while my youngest eats lunch before school, etc.

I finally made the decision to go to nursing school. I am starting my prereqs for a bsn program in a few weeks. I almost wish I had never found this site. I have read way too many negative things. For my BSN program I need a 3.5 GPA and high Teas scores. What if I cant get a GPA that high. Not that I am not smart enough but I have 3 kids and am concerned about getting enough study time. What if I do all these classes, spend all this $ and still dont get in! Not to mention the fear these boards have given me for the nursing program itself. What if I cant cut it? But I have too...once I invest this time and $ there is no going back.

Good thoughts ?????

Think positive.

You should consider yourself lucky you stumbled upon this website. Honestly, if I could turn back my time and redo all my courses, I would definitely keep in mind all the advises and past experiences posted by nursing students here. My mistake was that I was not totally aware that nursing was supposed to be a killer. If only I had known this website before I messed up my grades.

Now you know the reality of nursing school (negative and positive) make sure to give it your 100%. I'm sure you'll do great. Just be positive. There are a lot of people that are in the same boat as you. Wish you the best and let us know how it goes!

Well, if it is any consolation, I am in the same situation. I applied for a second degree BSN program for Fall 2010, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Last semester I took a class, and this semester I am taking micro, and that should finish my pre-reqs. I also am working part-time, and have a 6 year old and a 1 year old to take care of at home. I am getting nervous that I haven't heard anything yet, but at the same time, I think I will be more nervous if I find out I got in, lol!

I am not sure of what to say for words of encouragement for you, but just that you are not alone in your worries and concerns- we are all there with you!! Good luck!

Trust me you can definitely do this. Sometimes I question the Nursing preq is even enough.

If you want to get the right grades, teacher shop. Use Ratemyprofessor.com

and take your nursing preqs and different colleges. The nursing school ur applying should not discriminate against different grades from different schools.

Read the post from ratemyprofessor and see if students posted great reviews on the professor. I high suggest you never take any professor who received a negative review. I did that one for Biochemistry (not a nursing preq) and ended up dropping the class (even with alot of studying).


Don't get too discouraged from this site. It's here to help you not hurt you. Take everything with a grain of salt. Everything here does not apply to all areas or colleges.

Make note cards. Take them with you everywhere. I have 4 tests next week and a weekend full of softball tournaments for my step daughter out of town. I will be studying at her games!

Someone mentioned taking classes at different colleges. My university, when determining who gets into clinicals looks at the classes taken at my university. Say there are 50 people trying to get in 30 spots open for clinicals. After looking at the GPA and TEAS test they will look at who took the most classes at their university. It's just an incentive to take more classes there. Sucks for transfer students but works for those of us who take all of our classes there.

Don't stress too much. Take it one day at a time.

Good luck you can do it.

You can do it. Last month I applied to the nursing program I want and I'm currently stressed waiting. But, I know I've done everything that I can to prepare myself and did my best in my pre- and co-reqs. I have 3 small children (8, 6, and 4 years old) and studying can be hard, but if you are motivated you will find a way.

Try to keep in mind as well that this board is likely not the most accurate view of the process. I believe that people here are more likely to share the bad experiences because often they do not have a good outlet in their lives (you can only complain to friends so much and it can be bad form to complain to your classmates). But, they can share their triumphs more in their lives. Now, there isn't anything wrong with venting here. It's a great outlet with lots of people in similar circumstances. But, I think that it can be scary for those of us who are just starting out.


Consider taking some easy A classes. Not just your pre-reqs. Don't get me wrong, no class is an automatic easy A. However, for myself, I need a break from the science stuff so I take a liberal arts or philosophy/ethics/religion/culture class every semester, its interesting and usually fun to me and it helps boost my overall GPA.

At my school, only nursing prereqs are counted when applying for the nursing program, so spending the time/money for lighter classes isn't worth it.

At my school, only nursing prereqs are counted when applying for the nursing program, so spending the time/money for lighter classes isn't worth it.

Oh that sucks. At my school they look at your overall GPA as well as your sciences. Of course the sciences bear more weight but overall GPA is taken into consideration as well.

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