Hello all,
Well, today went like this. There are 8 students in my clinical group. Half of us give meds on any given clinical day due to how long it takes.
Anywho, I was scheduled to give meds last. So, with the 3 other people in front of me, one of them being a peg tube so all had to be crushed, and the computer system being slow as was 10:50 until i was able to give 9am meds. (At my facility, 1 1/2 hrs earlier or later than scheduled time is permissable. I know that it was outside allotted time.)
So, that morning the Pt's assigned nurse, at around 0930 asks me when Im giving meds. I tell her honestly that I dont know. She tells me that she thinks he may need his meds now, b/c some of them are cardiac meds and he was getting "tachy". So I tell her, If you feel that you need to give him his meds now, please dont wait for me. I on the other hand have to wait for my instructor regardless.
She was very nice about it, and waited. She was a bit concerned b.c she was leaving at 11 and had wanted the meds in by then.
Ok, so fast forward. I give ONLY the PO meds, since I am first semester I cant do IV meds yet. She looks at the MAR, and asks why we didnt give the IV. My instructor tells her we cant since. Needless to say, she was quite upset b/c now she had to give my pt the IV meds and another pt down the hall since she had just figured out that he didnt recieve his 0800 IV med, and it was past 1100.
My CI and the nurse got in a bit of a argument, ended with the staff nurse crying.
I felt bad but there was nothing I could do.
So, to come to my actual questions:
Would you give the meds if you felt it was taking too long?? If so, how is the clinical instructor who is sure to be upset, dealt with??
Any opinions are welcome!!!