Didn't Receive paycheck


I need some perspective please!

I work as nurse for a privately owned clinic and paydays are every two weeks on Friday as set forth in the handbook I was required to sign when I started.

Well, this past Friday I had a class run long (my class was an hour away) and I wasn't able to make it in time to pick up my paycheck before the clinic closed. I work Saturdays and figured I'd run to the bank at lunch. The check wasn't there and my boss said she'd call her husband to see where it was (he's "office manager".) Three times I asked again during the day and was put off. By the end of the work day, she's walking out like nothing's out of the norm and I said "Excuse me, but I need to be paid."

She says: "Oh, well the check is at the accountants office where it would have been brought from yesterday if you'd been here and there's nothing you can do with a check until monday anyway, the banks are closed so you can wait until Monday. Just give us a call when you need it. Have a good weekend"

To say the least, I was flabbergast because I have never had anything like that happen to me before. My first instinct was to get very irate and refuse to leave until someone got me my compensation. When I went after her out the door and told her that that wasn't work for me, she said that if I participated in auto deposit I wouldn't be caught in this situation and wanted to know where I would get a check cashed anyway before monday. When I explained that my bank was open until 12 on Sundays, she said I'd still have to wait because the check was locked in the accountant's office and that maybe I should sign up for auto deposit on monday.

I don't like that she was making me feel irresponsible and unreasonable for expecting to be paid for my hard work when everyone else (including a nurse who also doesn't participate in auto deposit) got their pay. Auto deposit isn't required and I was told I could do either I preferred. I prefer paper check because sometimes pay stubs aren't given to the participants or there money might not show up on time or correctly and it just seems less of a hassle to me to just go by the bank.

Am I blowing the situation out of proportion? I manage my money well enough that it doesn't just totally mess up my personal cash flow, however I did have to delay some bills for a couple of days. My feeling is that I performed the work expected of me (and very well I might add) when it was expected to be done and in exchange I am to be compensated at the time that was agreed upon when I began my employment. I am not required to explain why I need my money or why I utilize check form still and the fact that I was being placed into such a position is disrespectful and offensive. Further, it shows me that the people I work for just don't care if their employees are paid. I have been considering resigning on Monday citing this incident as the reason. But my wife tells me that is silly if I'm getting paid on monday anyway. Even if it is silly to leave my job, I feel like at the very least I need to make it clear that this is unacceptable to me and won't be tolerated again.

There are several positives to the job that could benefit my career in the long run and I enjoy the work and clinic setting, but interfering with someone's livelihood and cash flows for however small amount of time is a grievous action to me. Plus, I grew up with a father who quit a job every time he felt "disrespected" or grew disgusted. I mean, requesting that he work late (depending on his mood) could be considered a reason to leave a job, so I don't really have a good role model to base my actions off of.

How do I handle this situation in a manner that is appropriate? Is something that needs to be tolerated at all? I worry that if I just let it go that it will open up a can of worms. I'm already disturbed by the fact that there's something about me or something I've done or do that makes my boss feel as if it is okay to be this way towards me and that I would understand.

Anyone who does not pick up their paycheck by the end of the day on Friday, payday, gets their check mailed to them. I get my check in Saturday's mail, or on Monday. Recently, I was not paid. No one knew why. They put me off and put me off and then put two paychecks in the same envelope two weeks later on the next payday. Did they pay the $70 late fee for my rent? No, no, no. Did they apologize? No, again. I can not have direct deposit. If I were you, I would sign up for direct deposit on Monday. End of problem.

i gotta say, one of the first signs to indicate financial difficulties for an employer is that the employee's paychecks start becoming irregular or inaccurate (e.g., short). there's a lot of that going around lately.

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
How do I handle this situation in a manner that is appropriate? .

Have your checks auto deposited.

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
all that said, it does sound as if something is a little disorganized in your payroll office, at least.

nah, it sounds like they'd like everyone to move to direct deposit so they can avoid the situation the op is describing.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I like the way my work does it- you either do direct deposit or it's mailed to you the day before and you get it on Friday. No check to pickup, since there isn't really a secure area on the unit to leave it. I opted for direct deposit. The Wednesday before payday, I can log into the computer and look up how much I'll be getting. That way I know that either I can cover all my bills that check and set up the payments to go through on actual payday, or for one that isn't due for another three weeks I wait for the next check. I think it's a great setup.

I need some perspective please!


Am I blowing the situation out of proportion? ............

How do I handle this situation in a manner that is appropriate? .......

Perspective? Be happy to. Are you blowing this out of proportion? Hugely so. Amazingly so. You say you were "flabbergasted" that while you were not available to pick up your check at the designated time, and arrived after the clinic was closed on a Friday. Presumably you had to know the accountant wouldn't be called to come back, unlock his office, retrieve your check and hand it to you, yet you're shocked all that didn't happen.

How to handle in an appropriate manner would be to enroll yourself in direct deposit or be standing on the appointed spot with your hand out at the exact second of designated time to get your check. And then be prepared to not freak out when a variance occurs, as it inevitably will.

Your reaction, in my opinion, was extreme.

Specializes in Telemetry, OB, NICU.

You are creating a big drama out of a simple situation. You work hard, you deserve to be paid, bla bla bla. Nobody is trying to cheat you.

Next time, be in the clinic on time to get your paycheck. Problem solved.

Not too many of us like surprises, but, as someone else mentioned, you'd be a whole lot more upset if they hadn't secured your check, it was misplaced, and they refused to pay you until they found the missing one or issued you a new one. That could take much longer than the next business day.

Your options are to sign up for direct deposit or call the office when you know you won't be there before the clinic closes.

I wasn't given a choice about direct deposit and fumed a little about being forced to use it. I like the feel of the check in my hands. Doing too much in a virtual way makes it all start to seem like Monopoly money. But I have come to appreciate the convenience dd offers and the gas money it saves when I don't have to run to the bank.

Whatever you decide, please, chill a little. Of course, you're entitled to the amount you've earned, and you shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it. But coming at someone with a head full of steam is likely to make them defensive and wary--just the opposite of what you want.

If you can work through your emotions and then approach the manager or whomever with a calm demeanor and "just the facts," you're probably going to get a quicker and better response, and then everyone can be happy. :D

Hope you get your check on Monday. :up:

They're not trying to avoid paying you. If you don't want direct deposit, call if you can't pick it up on Friday and ask them to leave it at work for you.

There's a hospital around here that's been iffy about whether the staff will get paid, not just when. My dad had a job that by the time he (and his coworkers) realized they were going under, they owed him more than a month's pay. Never got it.

My first thought also was that it was pressure to do direct deposit. But the previous checks with shortages , wrong pay, no signature etc scream financial trouble or someone is dipping into the pot

but geeze louise people ......

I think it is huge when someone is big enough and has enough insight to recognize that they didn't have a good role model and need some guidance on how to do something.......that is hard to do and for the most part people came out guns ablazing.

I can't imagine OP will be too likely to do that again any time soon. Just added another bad role model to her list.

" . . . most people came out with guns ablazing." Really? I must be reading a different thread.

He asked for opinions. He asked if we thought he was over-reacting. He asked for ideas about how to handle the situation. That's what he got. Nobody blasted him, although many of us did think he was blowing things out of proportion and offered other alternatives.

I do think it's admirable to have enough insight to even ask the questions. But asking does imply a willingness to receive input from other people. Otherwise, why bother.

I guess I don't see that as coming out with guns ablazing.

No checky no workie! Seriously, as a previous poster suggested this could indicate trouble for the business, I had a former position where checks where they "forgot" to sign them, then the amount would be short or the name would be spelled wrong "by accident". Then one bounced. Then I showed up to work one day and the door was locked and no one was home. Phones disconnected. They had a million reasons to convince us it was just another mistake, but they were really stalling the checks.

But it is 2012, and it seems a bit odd to NOT have direct deposit. Sign up and save yourself this kind of hassle.

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