Published Mar 11, 2012
37 Posts
I need some perspective please!
I work as nurse for a privately owned clinic and paydays are every two weeks on Friday as set forth in the handbook I was required to sign when I started.
Well, this past Friday I had a class run long (my class was an hour away) and I wasn't able to make it in time to pick up my paycheck before the clinic closed. I work Saturdays and figured I'd run to the bank at lunch. The check wasn't there and my boss said she'd call her husband to see where it was (he's "office manager".) Three times I asked again during the day and was put off. By the end of the work day, she's walking out like nothing's out of the norm and I said "Excuse me, but I need to be paid."
She says: "Oh, well the check is at the accountants office where it would have been brought from yesterday if you'd been here and there's nothing you can do with a check until monday anyway, the banks are closed so you can wait until Monday. Just give us a call when you need it. Have a good weekend"
To say the least, I was flabbergast because I have never had anything like that happen to me before. My first instinct was to get very irate and refuse to leave until someone got me my compensation. When I went after her out the door and told her that that wasn't work for me, she said that if I participated in auto deposit I wouldn't be caught in this situation and wanted to know where I would get a check cashed anyway before monday. When I explained that my bank was open until 12 on Sundays, she said I'd still have to wait because the check was locked in the accountant's office and that maybe I should sign up for auto deposit on monday.
I don't like that she was making me feel irresponsible and unreasonable for expecting to be paid for my hard work when everyone else (including a nurse who also doesn't participate in auto deposit) got their pay. Auto deposit isn't required and I was told I could do either I preferred. I prefer paper check because sometimes pay stubs aren't given to the participants or there money might not show up on time or correctly and it just seems less of a hassle to me to just go by the bank.
Am I blowing the situation out of proportion? I manage my money well enough that it doesn't just totally mess up my personal cash flow, however I did have to delay some bills for a couple of days. My feeling is that I performed the work expected of me (and very well I might add) when it was expected to be done and in exchange I am to be compensated at the time that was agreed upon when I began my employment. I am not required to explain why I need my money or why I utilize check form still and the fact that I was being placed into such a position is disrespectful and offensive. Further, it shows me that the people I work for just don't care if their employees are paid. I have been considering resigning on Monday citing this incident as the reason. But my wife tells me that is silly if I'm getting paid on monday anyway. Even if it is silly to leave my job, I feel like at the very least I need to make it clear that this is unacceptable to me and won't be tolerated again.
There are several positives to the job that could benefit my career in the long run and I enjoy the work and clinic setting, but interfering with someone's livelihood and cash flows for however small amount of time is a grievous action to me. Plus, I grew up with a father who quit a job every time he felt "disrespected" or grew disgusted. I mean, requesting that he work late (depending on his mood) could be considered a reason to leave a job, so I don't really have a good role model to base my actions off of.
How do I handle this situation in a manner that is appropriate? Is something that needs to be tolerated at all? I worry that if I just let it go that it will open up a can of worms. I'm already disturbed by the fact that there's something about me or something I've done or do that makes my boss feel as if it is okay to be this way towards me and that I would understand.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
Deep breath buddy. They were wrong but it shouldn't be the end of a job you seem to like otherwise. Monday this needs straightened out and you need to talk with whoever is in charge of payroll to make whatever accomidations you need to meet your school schedule. Would direct deposit be easier - in my opinion it would but to each his own.
When I started my current job they messed up my first THREE paychecks (checks processed at corporate office not in the building). Admittedly I was getting really ticked off but I liked my job and got the situation worked out.
1 Article; 2,334 Posts
I do think you're blowing things a bit out of proportion.
In 20+ years of working through multiple facilities I have never experienced paychecks being handed out on the weekend unless prior arrangements were made.
In my (employment) experience if you're not able to get there on payday you have to wait until the appropriayte person is there. Signed payroll checks have to be kept secure.
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
So you weren't there to pickup your paycheck. It's not like they are not paying you. I have worked for places that would mail them out if you weren't there on payday to pick it up so sometimes you didn't get your check until monday or tuesday. Your employer does bring up a valid point that this can be avoided with direct deposit. Perhaps the check is locked in the accountants office, what would you like them to do about it? Break in just for you? It is not unreasonable for company's to have other people or companies handle their payroll.
What the most mind boggling part about this is you know when the paychecks are given out, you know you have class on that day, and you know class is an hour away. So why wouldn't you have direct deposit if you demand to paid on that particular day? Then situations like this can be avoided all together.
You may try to make it clear to them that it is unacceptable and won't be tolerated and they may make it clear that the problem will be resolved by showing you the door.
902 Posts
I do think you're blowing things a bit out of proportion.In 20+ years of working through multiple facilities I have never experienced paychecks being handed out on the weekend unless prior arrangements were made. In my (employment) experience if you're not able to get there on payday you have to wait until the appropriayte person is there. Signed payroll checks have to be kept secure.
Yep. Although it's unfortunate that you didn't get your paycheck, paychecks are usually kept locked up for safekeeping. I don't think that there is any "issue" here. Just get the check on Monday and sign up for automatic deposit.
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
Sign up for auto-deposit, if you notice a mistake on your pay, have it corrected in the next pay period.
I see your point and I agree; however, I'd be less apt to be irritated if in the past when I haven't been available on payday my check was just left with one of the other nurses or on my desk - most frequently on my desk. Also, I work every Saturday and have done so for two years and my check has always been brought in and either given to me or left for me to pick up. In such instances, the thought that security would be an issue to consider or prior arrangements being made never occurred to me. It's entirely possible that if this was done by a faceless corporate entity, it'd be something I'd be more willing to overlook - once. But I work one on one with these people everyday and I work hard. It's very difficult to not be stung by the sheer amazement on my boss's face that I asked for my paycheck.
I feel like I'm pretty understanding: last pay period I was shorted $50, another pay period my check wasn't signed and I couldn't get it signed until after the weekend, another pay period, my hourly rate was almost 5 dollars less than it should have been. Each time I was made to feel like I was being outrageously unreasonable for requesting a correction and each time I'd have to wait until the next pay period to collect my difference.
I'm having a hard time gauging at where does the line get drawn? When is it that I'm no longer the unreasonable one for expecting that my employer have the responsibility and competence that is expected from me? I've never encountered this before
60 Posts
Wow. If I owned that clinic, I would be spending the weekend figuring out a way to replace you with another nurse.
We live in the era of direct deposit. Get it and you will get paid on time (or maybe even early).
If you refuse to get it, don't expect everyone else to change their entire operation to get you a check when you (through no fault of theirs) don't make it in to pick up your check when you know it will be ready.
As I said in my original post, I lack perspective when it comes to this and I can understand where you're all coming from. I appreciate the feedback. I'll take all measures on my end (including auto deposit) to ensure something like this doesn't happen. I can acknowledge and accept my part in this and grow from it.
It has been my experience from working in HR and Payroll in the past that the employer has a responsibility to pay their employees correctly and when they say they will. Sure, mistakes happen, but it was never something that was accepted or tolerated from the employees I dealt with. I can't tell you the number of people who came in threatening to sue or cussing me out because they called in sick on payday, but still wanted to come by and pick up their check, but company policy was that they couldn't get it until Monday or because the auto deposit didn't post at midnight. Anytime I've encountered things like this in the past, it's been a big deal and always unacceptable. So you gotta understand where I'm coming from in my surprise that payroll stuff shouldn't be an issue. I mean, that's what being said right? Am I misunderstanding?
852 Posts
Take it easy. You'll be paid. No one is trying to cheat you. give them some more time.
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
first, direct deposit doesn't mean you don't find out what's in there until you ask the bank. you get pay stub on payday (or whenever) just like everyone else, and you can check it for accuracy in the same time frame as you would a paycheck.
all that said, it does sound as if something is a little disorganized in your payroll office, at least. best case, somebody is new and not handling things properly. worst case, somebody is embezzling. likely case, tends more to the first. but i would keep a close eye on things.
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
Get direct deposit. It will make your life so much easier.
If you choose not to do that, then be sure to make arrangements to get your check on payday Friday or to financially weather the weekend until you can get the check on Monday. The facility does have to keep the paychecks secure...if you were frustrated from this incident, imagine how much more aggravated you'd feel if you were told your check went missing but they won't cut a new one until they conduct a thorough investigation.