DFW GN/RN June 2011 Internships

U.S.A. Texas


I've seen threads discussing this topic so I'm hoping to combine all of the discussions and include everyone.

Who else is applying to June GN/RN internships is the Dallas and Fort Worth area? Where have you applied and what feedback have you received? Does anyone who applied to previously posted internships and got accepted or rejected have any advice for us?

Personally I'm a BSN Dec 2010 grad with a new TX RN license and I've applied to any openings I could find in the ED and women & infant services as well as a few random telemetry and critical care spots. I have had 1 phone interview and I have a phone interview and in-person interview scheduled for next week. Im keeping my fingers crossed that something will go well!!!

Good luck to all of us new grads in this tough job market!! :redpinkhe

Specializes in Critical Care.

This evening I received an update from Baylor bout a new GN post for New born nursery.. Ladies, you can check it out if you haven't

Specializes in NICU.

Nursesrock84 the job I'm refering to is mother/baby not l&d. I didn't apply for l&d so I have no clue what's going on with that.

I just got an email for the Baylor Dallas ED Internship interview!!! I'm soooo excited!!!! Did anyone else get the email????

Congrats, you are getting alot of interviews I know you will get an offer soon:D

Specializes in ER.

Meggo have you had a phone interview yet? If so what kind of questions did they ask or was it just general information? Good luck and congrats on your interview!!

Thanks! I had the phone interview for this position first - its all very general information.

I just spoke to the THR recruiter for women & infant services. She told me all of the positions I have applied to (L&D, NICU, Couplet Care, High Risk OB) are filled or are currently interviewing. They only offered 10 positions total for June. :(

I'm getting so nervous- I haven't gotten a call to interview from anywhere other than Parkland....I applied at all of the same places you guys did :( Meggo- congrats on the interview! When did they call you for the phone interview?

Thanks! I really appreciate the support. It was a little over 2 weeks ago that I did the Baylor phone interview. Keep in mind that HCA still has a ton of positions to post, I haven't seen any for Dallas or many of their medical centers.

Specializes in ER.

I have a phone inteView with Baylor tomorrow and I'm freaking out! I hope I pass the screening and get offered a face to face interview when I'm in town! I didn't know HCA was still posting positions. That's good to know.

I have a phone inteView with Baylor tomorrow and I'm freaking out! I hope I pass the screening and get offered a face to face interview when I'm in town! I didn't know HCA was still posting positions. That's good to know.

Congrats, and good luck!!! I had a phone interview with Baylor ED and it was fine, so don't worry! Which unit is it with?

Specializes in ER.

Thanks Ali523 it's with ER too! Have they offered you an in person interview? I'm guessing the phone interview is just questions about your background?! Do you know how many positions they have to fill! Good Luck to you!

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