Four years ago I started a thread in the Neuro ICU nurses' forum about nurses speaking to the brain dead (you can view it here). I researched the topic for a Masters, and found the process really rewarding; my thinking on the topic was certainly informed by the responses of nurses to the thread, and I'm delighted that members still post on it from time to time.
I'm now building on that research by investigating why funeral industry workers and health care providers, particularly nurses, who talk to their patients while performing death work do so.
I'm conducting the research through a combination of interviews and written narratives, and if anyone's interested in participating or learning more I'd love to hear from you, just IM me.
I've started this thread, though, to see what you all think about the practice. Do you do it? Do your colleagues? Have you seen doctors or orderlies or anyone else do it? Do you deliberately not talk? Anything anyone think is interesting or routine about death work - I want to hear it!