Dating during school


How many of you guys are dating/hitting on female classmates? Do you find it risky that a bad relationship would lead the women to gang up and freeze you out? There's lot of attractive girls in my program and I'm thinking if I have to think carefully about the one I want to go after as if you only get so many limited attempts before the whole cohort realizes what's going on, haha. Any funny stories?

I am going to a wedding for two of my classmates at the end of the month. It worked out for them, but the problem is if it doesn't work out for you. You will still be spending a lot of time with them in classes and clinicals even though you broke up.

To the OP: sorry I'm not a guy, BUT...I met & dated my hubby in nursing school. It's difficult to say the least! Every quarter/semester, we had a huge fight mostly because he got stressed out! We broke up a few times & got back together when the stress was less. I almost flunked a class because we had a big fight right before finals! Luckily, I did great in clinicals so the professor amped up my final exam test score with some extra credit stuff; so I squeaked by. That was our last nursing school fight because I put my foot down too. We did ok afterwards, graduated, got

jobs, got married, etc...

You are going into a job were the majority of people you work with are & work place. If you're looking to hook up, you should not "poop" where you eat so to speak...only makes things awkward. If you are looking for a serious

girlfriend, then browse around in a casual friendly way and I wish you much luck!

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Bro you need to focus on school. Nursing is no joke and I have seen people FIRED for fraternization at hospitals. You are entering a field that a mistake can mean a lawsuit like you have NO IDEA how major.

You can date whoever you want, but I hope you realize what you are entering. It isn't a dating pool. It is WORK and it is HARD WORK with major fricking consequences. Good luck.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

Why would you want to date another nurse? IMHO, dating someone outside of your industry is a much more interesting relationship ;)

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Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Why would you want to date another nurse? IMHO, dating someone outside of your industry is a much more interesting relationship ;)

Sent from my iPad using allnurses

My husband is a nurse, but we are in two completely different areas of nursing (OB vs. hospice) so it's like we both know the general lingo, but it's different enough to be interesting.

I had some "success" with girls in my nursing school class. It's not the same as work so go for it.

You are going to get some flak because this is a majority female site, oh well. Go to your buddies for affirmation because you won't find it here lol.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

He got flack from both males & females. Lol.

Either way, it doesn't matter. It's college you are supposed to have fun.

When you look back at college you don't want to think about how much you studied the NCLEX or for nursing tests. Nursing school in general is way over-hyped anyway.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Either way, it doesn't matter. It's college you are supposed to have fun.

When you look back at college you don't want to think about how much you studied the NCLEX or for nursing tests. Nursing school in general is way over-hyped anyway.

I already had a boyfriend when I was in nursing school & that was enough drama. If I could go back & do it again, I would've rather have been single during nursing school.

Specializes in hospice.
Either way, it doesn't matter. It's college you are supposed to have fun.

Yes, you're supposed to have fun.

The definition of fun should not include treating female colleagues like mayonnaise jars.

I merely dated someone I was in class with. He was respectful, I was respectful. But it was still extremely awkward when it ended because we still had to go to school together. Just warning you, it's awkward.

Yes, you're supposed to have fun.

The definition of fun should not include treating female colleagues like mayonnaise jars.

Hooking up goes both way and is a part of college whether you like it or not. College is a bastion of personal freedom and experience that is new to most young adults. Attacking a kid just asking about school and dating is pretty presumptuous.

Specializes in hospice.

He didn't ask about dating. He asked about strategies for running through as many of his female classmates as he could before they figured it out and froze him out.

I've been to college and am well aware that much of the experience is about wing-stretching and freedom from parents for the first time.

Even so, I valued myself too highly to be anyone's plaything. Would that more young people did.

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