CRT Banned in Colorado School District after Fathers powerful speech


Specializes in MSN, FNP-C, PMHNP, CEN, CCRN, TCRN, EMT-P.

With CRT creeping into schools at an alarming rate its important to fight this racist rhetoric.  This father eloquently puts this hateful "theory" to rest while pointing out the damage that it is doing.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Sure, tell me all about hate.

CRT, which is a legal  theory taught in grad schools  is not taught in  K-12 schools in my community. And yet, my daughter, who sits on a local school board, has received death threats from people who are convinced that she is promulgating it. 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

CRT is bad for America and we the people and I would call it child abuse to teach this to children. It teaches division and that certain racism is OK. It is creeping in everywhere and will cause way more harm than good, esp in the Military that is supposed to protect us all.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
9 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

CRT is bad for America and we the people and I would call it child abuse to teach this to children. It teaches division and that certain racism is OK. It is creeping in everywhere and will cause way more harm than good, esp in the Military that is supposed to protect us all.

Where do you believe that CRT is taught to children? Or maybe you think that teaching members of the military about a subject is the same as teaching a child? 

Can you explain what you find abusive about teaching this subject to adults? 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Where do you believe that CRT is taught to children? Or maybe you think that teaching members of the military about a subject is the same as teaching a child? 

Can you explain what you find abusive about teaching this subject to adults? 

Again, you seem to have trouble understanding my posts.

CRT is being taught all over the Country starting in K-12 schools. IMO it is child abuse to pit these kids against each other.

Teaching CRT to the military is bad for an additional reason. Should be self explanatory.

Feel free to Google, or actually use a different search engine, to find out more info. 

Or read the articles I provided re: the military.

7 hours ago, nursej22 said:

Sure, tell me all about hate.

CRT, which is a legal  theory taught in grad schools  is not taught in  K-12 schools in my community. And yet, my daughter, who sits on a local school board, has received death threats from people who are convinced that she is promulgating it. 

I am sorry to hear that, nobody should be getting death threats for their opinions at all and esp when not even the case!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
18 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Again, you seem to have trouble understanding my posts.

CRT is being taught all over the Country starting in K-12 schools. IMO it is child abuse to pit these kids against each other.

Teaching CRT to the military is bad for an additional reason. Should be self explanatory.

Feel free to Google, or actually use a different search engine, to find out more info. 

Or read the articles I provided re: the military.

I am sorry to hear that, nobody should be getting death threats for their opinions at all and esp when not even the case!

You believe that CRT is taught all over the country in K-12 schools.  I disagree.  You could substantiate your claim. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't make it child abuse.  Hyperbole is a terrible argument. 

It's your opinion that CRT is child abuse.  There's been nothing offered which supports that belief, making it more akin to hyperbole (again). Tucker Carlson likes to make claims about how this or that thing is tantamount to child abuse.  Were you influenced by his opinions?

Your opinion that teaching CRT is bad for the military is noted.  The top officials in the military disagree with you on that point, General Milley for instance.  That makes me wonder if you could define CRT and identify what is inappropriate to be taught to adults in the military.  

In my view, the CRT concern is simply more of the emotional culture wars employed by conservative media to manipulate the emotions of their consumers.  


Specializes in Hospice.
2 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Where do you believe that CRT is taught to children? Or maybe you think that teaching members of the military about a subject is the same as teaching a child? 

Can you explain what you find abusive about teaching this subject to adults? 

This particular fever dream is right up there with Jewish space lasers and baby-eating lizard people. It will be used as an excuse to ban any honest attempt to talk about race in public schools. The current dogma is that the European invasion of the Americas is justified by the manifest destiny of European Christian capitalists to dominate the world and take whatever they want, regardless of who had it first. Anything that challenges that fairy tale is “critical race theory”.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Your opinion that teaching CRT is bad for the military is noted.  The top officials in the military disagree with you on that point, General Milley for instance

Would this be the same General Milley that just totally botched the exit of Aftganistan? Well then, I guess we most definitely listen to the all knowing general.


1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

You believe that CRT is taught all over the country in K-12 schools.  I disagree.

A very simple Google search will show you the facts. This is from a Dad of a 5yo..

"CRT is a philosophy of hyper-racialization that looks to radically transform our “inherently racist” society, including children. Under CRT, Martin Luther King’s dream is abolished, as racial identification is mandatory, and white children are taught self-loathing and black children to embrace victimhood. Like a religion, it is unfalsifiable, elevates subjective experience above objective reality, and crumbles under intellectual scrutiny."



1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

It's your opinion that CRT is child abuse.  There's been nothing offered

How can you not think that telling all white kids they are the problem/aggressors and all black kids they are victims is not abuse. What about families with mixed races, how do they reconcile this nonsense even if they do believe it. And btw I have no idea what Tucker thinks, stop with the obsession.

I have no problem teaching kids History but CRT is way over the top!

And other parents/people agree..

I have many more but I already know some responses,....but wait there not from MSM... 

1 hour ago, heron said:

This particular fever dream is right up there with Jewish space lasers and baby-eating lizard people. It will be used as an excuse to ban any honest attempt to talk about race in public schools. The current dogma is that the European invasion of the Americas is justified by the manifest destiny of European Christian capitalists to dominate the world and take whatever they want, regardless of who had it first. Anything that challenges that fairy tale is “critical race theory”.

This response is not worth replying to except to say it is just out there!!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
24 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Would this be the same General Milley that just totally botched the exit of Aftganistan? Well then, I guess we most definitely listen to the all knowing general.

You mean it's not 100% on Biden? That must have just been hyperbole, eh?


25 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

A very simple Google search will show you the facts. This is from a Dad of a 5yo..

Did you think that the Lew Rockwell link was proof that CRT is taught in k-12 across the country? Really? Do you often inform yourself from websites with a tendency to publish propaganda or pseudoscience?


32 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:
2 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:


How can you not think that telling all white kids they are the problem/aggressors and all black kids they are victims is not abuse. What about families with mixed races, how do they reconcile this nonsense even if they do believe it. And btw I have no idea what Tucker thinks, stop with the obsession.

I have no problem teaching kids History but CRT is way over the top!

Again, your emotional opinion of CRT is noted, but you are describing opinion of CRT rather than what CRT actually represents.  I am aware that you are not alone, there are very many conservatives who have been led down emotional rabbit holes by media consumption preferences. From concerns of election fraud to censorship to CRT, the anxieties are repeated over and over.


45 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

I have many more but I already know some responses,....but wait there not from MSM... 

What is included in MSM, in your view? I think that the sources that you cited are pretty mainstream among social conservatives. 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Again, your emotional opinion of CRT 

If you mean emotional because I care about the emotional and psychological well being of kids (and also adults) than I guess it is and I won't apologize for that! That said, I can actually feel emotions while simultaneously having the intelligence to see the fallacies of CRT. And CRT is being taught at many K-12 schools. Many people beside me can also see the fallacies and harmful repercussions of CRT. But thats OK I already know your style, call them "emotional" and pretend their sites are not valid. Nice try but no dice here!!

I know that there are some racist people out there and probably always will be. We can and should do what we can in any given situation. But IMO CRT will only do more harm than good by further dividing us. Maybe the bigger problem is the elitist class who could care less about all of us working/middleclass people.  

This article mainly blames Dems but of course some Reps are also guilty of not standing up for we the people.

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.

I find that there are a lot of people with their panties in a twist over what they think is CRT, but they couldn’t define it for love or toffee and never learned that it’s an academic survey that’s been studied in law schools for more than a decade— not in undergrad much, and not in K-12. 

SMH.Let me know when you understand what it really means, and then you’ll be ready for participating in an intelligent discussion without the hysteria. 

7 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

CRT is bad for America and we the people and I would call it child abuse to teach this to children. It teaches division and that certain racism is OK. It is creeping in everywhere and will cause way more harm than good, esp in the Military that is supposed to protect us all. 

Oh, horsepucky. It is to laugh. You give me no evidence that you know what CRT is, other than a vague inchoate sense of threat. There is no boogeyman under that bed. 

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.
3 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

CRT is a philosophy of hyper-racialization that looks to radically transform our “inherently racist” society, including children. Under CRT, Martin Luther King’s dream is abolished, as racial identification is mandatory, and white children are taught self-loathing and black children to embrace victimhood. Like a religion, it is unfalsifiable, elevates subjective experience above objective reality, and crumbles under intellectual scrutiny."

Nonsense. This is hyperbole to get people whipped up who will never actually read the law school-level texts but by golly they think they know all about it because Faux News Entertainment talking heads spout off on it. Please. Our teachers have their hands full teaching eight-year-olds subtraction of big numbers and (with luck) beginning cursive or D’Nealian italic writing. I don’t think they’re quite up to LSAT speed yet. 

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