Crazy Organization Lately Anyone?


I don't know if this is just me - but I've been in hyper overdrive cleaning/throwing away/needing a place for everything and for everything to be functional mode lately. This week has been the worst. Orientation is Thursday and school starts the following Monday I believe - so I feel like if my house isn't spotless and a good schedule is in place, it'll be in total shambles.

It's just me and my husband and our dogs - but I'm the type that can't relax when there is clutter everywhere and everything is a mess. I'm terrified that once I'm busy with school and homework that will occupy a lot of my time, if my house and myself aren't organized like crazy - everything will fall apart.

I know I won't want to spend my weekends cleaning all day, so I'm trying to get it all totally cleaned up and organized now so cleanup is easy.

Has anyone else been doing this? Or am I the only oddball out there, lol?

You know, I never thought of it as stress relief - but maybe it is my way of getting out all this nervous energy before orientation on Thursday. I've been worrying myself sick, so I think I'm distracting too with the excuse of cleaning is practical lol.

I think this is part of it, at least for me! I've been cleaning the entire house the last few weeks, and reorganizing everything so where my craft area was in the living room, is now my study area. I moved a lot of books into a bin and stashed my nursing books in there... There's still work to be done though. :lol2:

You're not alone in this! I just finished re-organizing and cleaning everything! I also started learning how to cook in bulk so that I can pull some meals out of the freezer when I have those nights where I don't feel like preparing something. I usually just cook enough for the fiance and I.

My storage unit downstairs is now full to the brim. I'm hoping that next summer I will have time for a yard sale. I've been selling some things on Craigslist and anything that doesn't go by this weekend is going in storage! Anything I sell presently is going right to my Keurig Coffee Maker fund. :yeah:

My fiance is loving it, the apartment hasn't looked this clean and organized in the 4 years we've lived here.

Anything I sell presently is going right to my Keurig Coffee Maker fund. :yeah:

Love it! I'm saving up for a new coffee maker, too, just haven't decided on which one I want!

Love it! I'm saving up for a new coffee maker, too, just haven't decided on which one I want!

I'm going for the B70 or B77 for the iced coffee feature. You can find them cheap and hardly used on ebay. I found a slightly used Keurig B77 for $70 with free shipping. Seller got excellent reviews as well.

I have a good coffee maker however sometimes I only want one cup and I HAVE to make four cups with mine. And since I like fresh coffee, the rest goes to waste. :eek:

I have a good coffee maker however sometimes I only want one cup and I HAVE to make four cups with mine. And since I like fresh coffee, the rest goes to waste. :eek:

Haha, I'm the opposite. At first I wanted the Keurig one, but I never just drink one cup. I usually brew a pot and drink from it all morning! (Yes, I drink too much coffee and I'm not about to cut back with school around the corner!) I was looking at a Cuisinate maker. I'm not sure what model it is, but it scored high on Consumer Reports.

Haha, I'm the opposite. At first I wanted the Keurig one, but I never just drink one cup. I usually brew a pot and drink from it all morning! (Yes, I drink too much coffee and I'm not about to cut back with school around the corner!) I was looking at a Cuisinate maker. I'm not sure what model it is, but it scored high on Consumer Reports.

I've cut way back from what I used to drink. I went with undiagnosed sleep apnea for years and I was chugging down about 1 to 1 1/2 pots a day. I got my CPAP machine a year ago and we've since become BFFs! :lol2: I was able to cut my caffeine intake way down now that I'm getting some sleep. I also realized that I'm fine with decaf in the evening since I was getting a craving for the coffee itself and not really the caffeine. The Keurig is great for that one cup in the evening that I seem to crave and no more wasted coffee!

Back on topic...I was able to clear off a small bookshelf for school books and supplies. I'm kinda excited to see it full again! Though I might not be saying that a few months from now. :p

Specializes in student; help!.

I made: 8 batches of pancakes; 20 lb of meatloaf (individual and family sizes); 30+ quarts of spaghetti sauce.

I'm getting four lugs of peaches on Friday for chutney, jam, and butter.

A few batches of breakfast burritos are on the slate for this weekend, if I get the peaches done.

I ran to the Twin Cities a couple of weeks ago to stock up on weird ingredients we can't get up here.

I've sorted the kids' clothes.

We butchered 40+ chickens and have another dozen or so plus about 10 turkeys to do sometime soon.

I got my car repaired.

This weekend is cleaning out the car and having it vacuumed and washed.

My room is as clean as I can get it without hiring a carpet company.

I've got the start of grading done around our foundation in the super leaky spots so the next 6" of rain we get won't end up on the floor.

I got a pedicure (gotta do SOMETHING fun).

I cleaned and reorganized the kids' art/toy closet.

I sewed the patches onto my scrubs and have them all washed and hanging.

My equipment (scissors, penlights, etc.) are packed in the pocket organizer.

General orientation on Friday. PTA meeting Thursday. PTA meeting MONDAY NIGHT. Class MONDAY MORNING.

My books are packed in my rolling cart ($27 at Office Max, collapsable with a lid you can sit on!).

I'm on my second round of reading the assigned chapters.

I got my parking pass.

I've given up on the idea of studying at home because I know I'll find too many things that need to be done RIGHT NOW!!11!!!, so I'm going to be parked at the local Perkins.

I lined up daycare like last year.

I bought school supplies for the kids.

Made granola this morning to snack on at school.

Bought caffeinated mints (!!!) to bring to clinicals and early classes.

Good Lord. That's a long list.

Wanna know how bad it's gotten? My almost-2-year-old daughter saw me with a drink on the coffee table and went into the kitchen, grabbed a rag, and came and wiped up the condensation rings. I must be cleaning A LOT but you'd never know it to look at the place. :uhoh3:

Specializes in student; help!.
I think this is part of it, at least for me! I've been cleaning the entire house the last few weeks, and reorganizing everything so where my craft area was in the living room, is now my study area. I moved a lot of books into a bin and stashed my nursing books in there... There's still work to be done though. :lol2:

I thought about reorganizing my yarn but it just got too scary and overwhelming. I might just organize the needles and start small.

You know, I've had my Keurig about a year or two and have rarely used it. Somehow, I think that's about to change very very quickly!

CMonkey - you have been busy!!!

I plan to get on some bulk cooking this weekend. I have orientation tomorrow. I've had kind of a bad day because my car has been into the shop three times and they cant figure out what is causing the shaking at around 50 mph :(. It's been stressing me out so bad today. I should be so happy and excited for orientation tomorrow but I've been all teary today and now I'm almost -- not looking forward to it. I think I'm anticipating some type of disaster. :uhoh3:

I had to double check the username, to be sure I hadnt typed this. ;)

I thought about reorganizing my yarn but it just got too scary and overwhelming. I might just organize the needles and start small.

:o We got rid of our old VHS tapes which were stored in a bookshelf type setting, with two shelves... So I decided to show case my yarn in there (so I don't have to go digging through bins..) But I still have three more bins to sort... heh. Glad to see a fellow knitter on here!

Hmm... Now I want to make pancakes! I wonder if blueberry/fruit pancakes would still taste good after a good defrost in the microwave.. I am planning on making granola/yogurt and fruit for breakfast on most days. I know theres a thread for freezing 30 days of meals, but what about breakfast foods?? :lol2:

Specializes in student; help!.
You know, I've had my Keurig about a year or two and have rarely used it. Somehow, I think that's about to change very very quickly!

CMonkey - you have been busy!!!

I plan to get on some bulk cooking this weekend. I have orientation tomorrow. I've had kind of a bad day because my car has been into the shop three times and they cant figure out what is causing the shaking at around 50 mph :(. It's been stressing me out so bad today. I should be so happy and excited for orientation tomorrow but I've been all teary today and now I'm almost -- not looking forward to it. I think I'm anticipating some type of disaster. :uhoh3:

I assume they've checked the rims, and looked for debris inside the tires?

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