Crazy Organization Lately Anyone?


I don't know if this is just me - but I've been in hyper overdrive cleaning/throwing away/needing a place for everything and for everything to be functional mode lately. This week has been the worst. Orientation is Thursday and school starts the following Monday I believe - so I feel like if my house isn't spotless and a good schedule is in place, it'll be in total shambles.

It's just me and my husband and our dogs - but I'm the type that can't relax when there is clutter everywhere and everything is a mess. I'm terrified that once I'm busy with school and homework that will occupy a lot of my time, if my house and myself aren't organized like crazy - everything will fall apart.

I know I won't want to spend my weekends cleaning all day, so I'm trying to get it all totally cleaned up and organized now so cleanup is easy.

Has anyone else been doing this? Or am I the only oddball out there, lol?

I'm right with all of you on that cleaning spree. My family is afaid to put anything down out of fear that I will throw it away. Declutter, organize, clean, declutter, organize, clean is my mantra until the day before classes start. I find that I can't even study when the house feels hectic and disorganized which is why I forsee spending a lot of time at the library; my husband can sit right in the middle of a dirty chaotic house and not even care!

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