i'm pregnant.
i'm moving from north carolina to florida in three weeks.
i am a nurse and i currently have health insurance.
because i'm leaving the state and my job, my insurance plan will terminate with my employment here in NC. because the rich fat cats in charge of the health care in this country consider pregnancy a "pre-existing condition" EVEN THOUGH I HAVE PROOF OF COVERAGE AT THE TIME OF CONCEPTION, i cannot get health insurance for another NINETY DAYS until my new employer's group coverage kicks in.. and even then, i can be denied.
i am pure sick to my stomach. i am completely and utterly disgusted with the health care system in this country.
so, now, because i make too much money for any assistance, and there is not one insurance company who can help me, i am going to go bankrupt to have this baby.
now i have to pay for COBRA, for an insurance company that NO provider in florida takes. what do i do? quit my job and not work so i can get on medicaid?? maybe then i can afford my prenatal vitamins???? i have to see a high risk OB bc of my asthma. can i afford that out of pocket? NO. and no one seems to want to help me.
i guess me and my baby don't DESERVE health insurance or prenatal care. shame on me for moving out of state and getting pregnant.
the HIPAA law says that pregnancy cannot be deemed a pre-existing condition for someone who has health care coverage at the time of conception. however, BCBS wants $500 a month plus a $2500 deductible and a $1500 maternity deductible. the guy at cigna said "there's nothing i can do for you", and hangs up.
for those of you who are opposed to universal health care because you think "its my money and i shouldnt have to help pay for anyone else and if you want insurance go get a good job like i did", i ask you to have a freaking heart. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL.
what am i supposed to do now????
the land of opportunity in deed.
here i am, a nurse, i spend every day of my life taking care of sick people. NO ONE WILL TAKE CARE OF ME@!!!!!!!!