Published Oct 1, 2009
6 Posts
i am currently a full-time nursing student and working part-time in a totally unrelated field. i am considering becoming cna certified to change jobs and gain more experience but i am unsure if the salary will be comparable to what i make now. can anyone please tell me the starting salary for cna? i understand that the pay will vary from state to state but at least i will have a general idea.
thanks in advance.
77 Posts
In Oregon its about $10-12 per hour for LTC. In a hospital it starts at about $12.50. Differentials for evening, NOC, and weekends is something like .75- $2 per hour.
2 Posts
I agree with the above salary. I made about &16.50/hr being resource/flex staff (no benefits, open hours, but always plenty of work) I worked as a CNA all through nursing school. The experience is priceless! Do it. It will be the hardest job you ever had for some of the lowest wages in relation to the work load. The exposure and experience will pay off in the long run in more ways than one.
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
Generally in any given area it's more than what you'd make working as a cashier and less than what you'd make at a warehouse.
49 Posts
it sucks.
NP Sam
476 Posts
I make 13.25 prn (no benefits, flex schedule). Not bad.
23 Posts
regardless of the wage.. if you can still pay your bills with your check do it.. i tell anyone who wants to get be a nurse to get their CNA license first.. as a CNAS i have come across tooooooooo many lazy nurses who have no consideration for the work load of the aides but they continue to be pain in the butts by looking for an aide to do something that they them selves can do oir dishing out orders that they themselves will never do, . if you work as an aide you will be able to see health care through their eyes and your eyes a nurse and establish a better working relationship with your aides. as a nurse now.. i know what its like and know that patient care is a team effort not an CNA effort. and plus a lot of aides will respect you more knowing that you were in their shoes at one time to, and that you will work with them. remember.. they dont work for you, YOU ALL work for the patients.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I'm in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. The CNAs in this area earn between $9 and $13.50 hourly. The nursing homes tend to pay less than the hospitals, home health agencies, and hospice companies.
12 Posts
I'm in NY and started at $15, I'm at almost $16 now. Evening's are 10% diff and overnights are 15% diff.
21 Posts
I'm a CNA in Alabama, which is, quite frankly, one of the lowest paid states in the country (in ANY field). I make just over $9 an hour. I have 2 years experience, but I was just certified 8 months ago. Since certification, I have obtained a much better job with regular raises and benefits. I love my job and the experience I have gotten these few years is priceless. Until a month or so ago, I worked under and excellent nurse who "took me in". She showed me so many things that I will need in my career. Thanks to her I might not feel like such a moron when I start clinicals. The nurse I work under now is a bit of a hassle, but I classify her as one of those who shouldn't be in nursing any longer (burnt out). Either way I wouldn't trade my job for anything while I'm in school. Its some of the hardest, yet most rewarding work you will ever do in your life, a good preview of what you will come face to face with once you graduate. I make enough to take some stress off my husband, I come home feeling like I actually accomplished something, and the hours are flexible (I work nights, have class every morning, and sleep in the evening before work, so not much free time). Plus my tuition reimbursement contract guarantees me a job after graduation at my facility. A few years under my belt there and maybe I will be ready for my true goal, Oncology. :w00t:
nkara, CNA
288 Posts
I'm in RI and it ranges anywhere from $9 hr for ltc to $15 hr for hospital work.
27 Posts
i work weekend only 12 hrs(7am-7pm). Attend classes throught the week.$15.00 an hr and night shift differencial. oh and with benefits too.