C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Yep! Sent home 3, working on a 4th. School started an hour ago...

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

Annnnnd a broken hand. Come. On. Now.

Specializes in School Nursing.
Annnnnd a broken hand. Come. On. Now.

:eek: So sorry!

I had a lot of early morning fevers last week, not so bad this morning, but I went out with the wheelchair twice in 20 minutes on Friday, in the middle of 12 in one hour, on a day I was alone, and had two angry parents last week (I don't get many of those, luckily). So I am heading into this week sort of nervous that it's just the beginning and I have more hurdles before break. Does anyone else get nervous before a big break like "of course it can't be easy heading into it"? Of course it's warm out this week so I can't hope for indoor recess, either.

No big c'mon nows this morning from me, though. Good luck to everyone still waiting on the holidays! And for the lucky ones on break already, I hope you are living it up extra for the rest of us :happy:

Annnnnd a broken hand. Come. On. Now.


Specializes in School nursing.
This thread has been very theraputic for me. I sub, through a hospital at a number of school districts. I see all of these things and more. As a sub I also get people who forget I do not know all your little darlings and their backstories, help a sub out when I have a status dramaticus!!

I leave my sub a lovely typed up one pager in my sub folder called "Info to help :)." And there I jot down some basic FF information to help them out.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
I leave my sub a lovely typed up one pager in my sub folder called "Info to help :)." And there I jot down some basic FF information to help them out.

Binder with where everything is and a list of interesting students along with the keys to the locking cabinets....

Had a kid come in with the usual suspects: stomach ache, nausea. He says it's been going on for about a week. I pacify him with crackers and some water. I turn my back and he is eating a fruit roll-up! Back to class for you! C'mon now!

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

I just had this cute little Kinder boy. He came in with a c/o an earache. I checked his ear, it looked a bit red, but mostly saw wax. No fever either. I tried calling his mother and father, no one answered. So I had him sitting there for a while. He started to run around, kick in the air, jump on my bed. I asked him what he was doing, he said he was the power ranger. I would ask him about his ear occasionally and he would put this act of feeling sick, sitting on my chair, saying it hurts! Then after a minute of that, he would continue his ninja skills around my room. I then told him, "I think you are fine, because you are super good at being a power ranger." he then replied, "No I'm not. My ear hurts! Owie!" while trying to look as sick as he could. I called his TA and she came to get him.

He went back to class, and a while later dad called and I asked him if he's been sick lately, and he said no. I told him he was jumping around, and he said, "He's fine then. If he's okay to jump around to be a power ranger, then he's okay to go back to class." We laughed a bit about kids doing the darnest thing and hung up.

I just had two 7th grade boys come in after they bumped heads while swing dancing in gym class. They were not assigned to be partners, but decided to spin around and get so dizzy that they bumped heads. Both were laughing, as was the gym teacher. I'm so paranoid about every head bump, so I made them sit here for a bit while I checked for signs of head injury. Both of them are FF status, so we had a little laugh.

If I had a $1 for every kid that thought they were going to throw up, but never did, I could retire today!

3 years of asking PE coaches not to hand out 17 pound ice packs with no barrier and they still continue to do it. The kids will leave it on there until melted - up to 2 hours. Then, they come to me and I have to treat the ice burn before I can assess the original injury.


Specializes in School.

Ugh!!!! Really!!!!

I was just talking to one of our maintenance guys and he casually mentions that our cafeteria manager told him she had the flu. WHAT!!!! He said he started to go into her office for something and she told him he did not want to come into the office because she has the flu.

This really irks me. We have been battling the flu all week. My admin have acted proactive and adjusted some things so we could get kiddos off campus. Earlier in the week I sent her daughter home from the Middle School with a fever and s/s of the flu. (There is so much more to this, but I will stop here)

C'mon Now!!!

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