Christmas Gifts for Staff.


Specializes in Nicu, Currently School Nursing.

Hello everyone! I hope that you all are enjoying this marvelous week, or will be enjoyong your days off soon! So, because I think it isn't ever too early to begin Christmas shopping, I was wondering if any of you get anything for any of the staff members at your school?

If so, who?

And what small gift ideas could you throw out there?

Looking forward to hearing from you guys!


P.s. are we still wearing pink tmrw?

We do a secret santa here, but I don't participate.

I get a gift for my secretary and the SW with whom I share the office, and I bring in cookies on the last 2 days or so.

Specializes in School nursing.

I don't usually. But was thinking of sticking a travel size hand sanitizer in mailboxes because, well, germs ;).

I don't make enough money for that.

Specializes in School nursing.
I don't make enough money for that.

I have somehow gained a collection of them, so I have sometimes have extra to spare. The kids love 'em. But couldn't buy that many on my own :).

I love baking desserts so I just brought a variety of treats in. I put it in the staff room with a note thanking everyone for being a great staff to work with!

Specializes in School Nursing.

Every year I get 10 "extra" items, usually hand soaps and stick some curling ribbon on them. These only go out to people who give me something extra special, that way it looks like I was also thinking of them ;)

I make sure to get scents that I like, because any extra end up in my sinks at home.

Specializes in kids.
I don't make enough money for that.

Sometimes there are very little ones that come 3 to a pack at the dollar store.

Specializes in kids.

I mix up home made Baileys! I use very small plactic gladware for most, a canning jar for others. I give it to them at the end of the day!

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

I exchange with the office staff. 6 people. I usually do the 6 for $20 deal on hand soap at BBW.

I mix up home made Baileys! I use very small plactic gladware for most, a canning jar for others. I give it to them at the end of the day!

recipe, pweeeeze.

I have a few that I am actually good friends with outside of school - our families get together for dinner, drinks, hanging out etc - so we will exchange gifts with each other. I do not do anything for the general staff nor do I participate in any Secret Santa stuff - bah humbug..LOL.

This year I may need to get a small gift for our principal and AP - they are always giving little things to us that are part of the office staff. I came back today from break and the AP gave us all little handmade soaps that her friend in Chicago made - so sweet but I am just not one of those people to give gifts to everyone unless I have a close relationship with you - my husband says it is because I wasn't hugged enough as a kid :)

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