Cell phones have changed the way we function on a day-to-day basis, affecting everything we do. We have constant access to any information or person we need (or think we need). So, what about using personal cell phones by nurses at work? They can be helpful, or they can cause problems. Depending on how you use your phone can determine its appropriateness. Most hospitals, care facilities, and clinics have policies in place that state what is allowed in certain locations such as at the nurse's station or at the patient's bedside. I'm sure we can agree, personal phone use is inappropriate at the bedside. Proper channels should be used through the facility when shared information contains patient details (like notifying a doctor about a blood sugar result). Using the cell at the nurse's station has more of a grey area. I took a poll on a social media platform for nurses asking if the nurse's station is a part of the patient care area (either opinion or work policy). Eighty-nine out of 100 nurses said "No,” it is not. Another poll I hosted reported that the vast majority of nursing jobs allow personal phones at the nurse's station (94/117 votes). So, if the nurse's station is acceptable for personal cell use, what could this mean for patients? Why is it OK? Many of us are busy with kids, sports, daily errands, appointments, house chores, etc. Having our phone near is quite handy to organize our schedule at any moment. Everyone can reach you, thank goodness. Google and other apps are useful resources. How often do we as nurses look up unfamiliar medications or medical conditions? The cell phone makes learning about a patient's condition a snap. Keep in mind, using the internet for how-tos on care procedures (such as a dressing change) is a no-no as this should be learned in school, in-house training or from an experienced colleague. Please refer to your facility's policies and educational resources. Communication is crucial in our profession. A cell phone is super handy to message our coworkers quickly to save time and increase work efficiency. For example, a circulating RN could message Preop to have the next patient ready to go with a few quick taps. Make sure these tactics are cleared by your supervisor before implementing them. Why is it not OK? When you are on your phone for personal reasons, you are not providing any patient care. In fact, you are mentally not even at work. This lack of attention will lead to harmful occurrences such as errors, injuries and neglect. Poor time management and poor response time can also occur as you are unaware of your surroundings. If you're shopping for new work shoes online, you might forget that the nurse aid told you she put your patient on the commode and went to lunch 20 minutes ago. "Oh, is that my patient's call light?” Risk of infection. Simply put, our phones are covered in bacteria like a petri dish. At least we are rockstars at handwashing but how many of us wipe down our personal phones? Risk of security breaching. While texting with other nurses, doctors, aids, etc., we must be sure to avoid using any patient identification information and remain respectful. It is vital we actively protect our patient's privacy. Social media platforms showcase medical professionals taking pics and videos at the workplace all the time, but mistakes can easily be made (like a computer screen photo bomb with patient information all over it). The more we do it, the more chances a breach will occur. Old fashion unprofessionalism. A family member walks up to the station looking for her father's nurse and finds the nurse on her cell phone laughing at a funny cat meme. Her father is unresponsive on a ventilator, and she has been crying at his side for the last hour. Even though the nurse was looking at something not related to work for just a couple of minutes, that daughter is now upset and feels her father is not being cared for adequately. This may be untrue, but the cell phone gives the appearance of poor nursing care and a lack of professionalism. So is it OK or not? Whether to use your phone at any given time at work boils down to asking yourself, "Is it safe? Is it smart? Is it professional?” Cell phones are a part of our daily lives, and our institutions understand this fact. We as professionals should know when to put the phone down or just put it away. Here are some tips on ways to use the phone appropriately: Take a break! Officially step away for a moment. This is a perfect time to check on emails, messages, or have a quick brain break by scrolling through social media. Don't be in sight of family/patients. Sitting at the front desk, you are the first face people will see. Don't be on your phone playing a game (break or not). Vow to only use the phone for emergencies or for job-related reasons, such as looking up a new med on the market. Keep it in your work locker or bag. Don't leave it sitting out to use at free will. That's just asking for misuse. Above all, the patients come first. If the use of the phone is not improving the patient's care in any way, then the use is inappropriate. We nurses deserve breaks and time to ourselves. But when we're working, we're working. When in doubt, put the phone away. References The Pros and Cons of Smartphone Use by Nurses on Duty Are Cell Phones Helping or Harming Your Patients? 2 Down Vote Up Vote × About SarahKixRN, BSN, RN Sarah is a full-time recovery nurse at an outpatient surgery center and worked in a neuro ICU before that. Sarah is also a nurse writer in content marketing for healthcare during her free time. 2 Articles 4 Posts Share this post Share on other sites