Published Jul 31, 2010
18 Posts
Hi everyone!
So, if I'm lucky enough and after a lot of studying, I'm sitting for both my CCRN and CEN exams shortly. Then I was thinking about it... which order would my certifications go? RN, CCRN, CEN or RN, CEN, CCRN? Is there any kind of etiquette to follow about this? If so, I want to get it right! Do they go in alpha order? The order in which I pass them?
Thanks for any input!
4,333 Posts
25 Posts
There is no priority between CCRN and CEN. If you work primarily in the ED you should put CEN first then CCRN (because CEN is more applicable to the area you work in). If you work in the ICU put CCRN first. If you work in both areas equally then it really does not matter. In general, CCRN vs. CEN, one is not higher than the other.
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
RN is all that matters.
6,011 Posts
My alphabet stops at RN. The rest is in a folder somewhere.
306 Posts
RN is not all that matters! Take pride in your achievements! Of course if you are BSN, RN, CEN, CCRN it's a bit much!
I would say go in order of your achievements...BSN, RN, CEN, CCRN but I would only sign RN when on the job!
14 Posts
I agree mine are in the folder and posted on the CV; but not on my work ID, there is not enough space on the badge. Just name, RN, BSN
dthfytr, ADN, LPN, RN, EMT-B, EMT-I
1,163 Posts
When I had to put "continued on back" on my name badge I decided it was getting too silly, so I've gone back to "RN" legally, and "RN, Etc." otherwise.
ObtundedRN, BSN, RN
428 Posts
Hi everyone!So, if I'm lucky enough and after a lot of studying, I'm sitting for both my CCRN and CEN exams shortly. Then I was thinking about it... which order would my certifications go? RN, CCRN, CEN or RN, CEN, CCRN? Is there any kind of etiquette to follow about this? If so, I want to get it right! Do they go in alpha order? The order in which I pass them? Thanks for any input!
There is a type of etiquette for this. It goes in order of whats more permanent first. So generally first would be your degree (MSN, BSN, etc.), then RN since its your license and is premanent as long as you keep it renewed and out of trouble. Last would be your certifications of CCRN and CEN. But there is no order for which certification comes first, at least none that I know of. I would put which one applies more for you first.
Btw, good luck on your exams!
ImThatGuy, BSN, RN
2,139 Posts
RN, etc. Love it.
Thanks for the input...
82 Posts
I do not see the point in list everything on a badge. I think RN and one other designation is good. If it is RN, BSN or RN, MSN; RN, PhD or even RN, CCRN. Pick the one you value the most and tack it on there. Personally, I think it more important to go for the degree than the certification but that is just me.