CCBC, Fall 2011 Applicants =)

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello Everyone,

Here we go again! This is my second time applying to CCBC's nursing program. I look forward to chatting with everyone as we wait for the GOOD news! I believe things happen for a reason! I have good faith that Fall 2011 is going to be my turn for acceptance. I guess we will see if I am right.

For anyone who was not accepted this Spring, we can be a great support system for each other :).


Thank you! It is driving me crazy!

MyCCBC is having problems today. There are rumors of some type of hacker attack. Who knows, what I do know is it's not worth a &$@# today. Glad I don't have an on-line exam today? The wait continues......

I'm guessing Tues. the 10th of May. Anyone else???

Ok, I am going to guess...Wednesday May 11th.

Specializes in Operating Room.

I say May 10 as well (for letters) - it'll be exactly eight weeks that day. I'll even go out on a limb and say that seat fees will be applied the first week of May.

I sure hope you guys are right! These last couple of weeks are going to be a killer!

I just called the Selective admissions person at Essex to ask when letters would go out for the RN/Essex/Day program. I was told not until the first week in June because they are overwhelmed. WHAT?????????? I'm gonna freak out!!!!

I hope that is wrong because I cannot wait that long!!

NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO that is terrible.

Online App.- DONE

Enter TEAS test- DONE

Check Transcript - DONE

Diversifying the Program - Oh %^#$, this is going to take a while!!! :confused:

Specializes in Operating Room.

That's ridiculous! :-( That won't leave a lot of time for anyone to get their stuff done before starting classes in the fall.

I just called the Selective admissions person at Essex to ask when letters would go out for the RN/Essex/Day program. I was told not until the first week in June because they are overwhelmed. WHAT?????????? I'm gonna freak out!!!!

I doubt you will wait that long. When I applied for nursing school in Sept 2009 they told us they would not make a decision until December because they had so many applications, but we got our letters by the end of October. I think they say this to defer people from calling to check on the applications. Good luck to everyone and I'm rooting for you all!

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