CCBC, Fall 2011 Applicants =)

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello Everyone,

Here we go again! This is my second time applying to CCBC's nursing program. I look forward to chatting with everyone as we wait for the GOOD news! I believe things happen for a reason! I have good faith that Fall 2011 is going to be my turn for acceptance. I guess we will see if I am right.

For anyone who was not accepted this Spring, we can be a great support system for each other :).


I doubt you will wait that long. When I applied for nursing school in Sept 2009 they told us they would not make a decision until December because they had so many applications, but we got our letters by the end of October. I think they say this to defer people from calling to check on the applications. Good luck to everyone and I'm rooting for you all!

I bet you're right

Specializes in Operating Room.
I doubt you will wait that long. When I applied for nursing school in Sept 2009 they told us they would not make a decision until December because they had so many applications, but we got our letters by the end of October. I think they say this to defer people from calling to check on the applications. Good luck to everyone and I'm rooting for you all!

That makes a lot of sense. I can't imagine it taking longer than they expect not to mention the dates of the dosage course - decisions will need to be made at a decent time to allow for people to go through orientation, take dosage, etc.

This wait is killing me! I am going to be sooooo upset if I get rejected twice! I guess I would have to retake my 1 C (speech). I have all B's in my sciences too! What is the deal! I don't understand their system! Ugh!

Specializes in Operating Room.

The more you try to understand their system, the more it drives you crazy. You really can't go off what people say because no one really knows what they're looking for - especially considering they've accepted people with 2.5 GPA, C's in all of their Biology courses, and not completely finished their pre-requisites.

But I'm right there with you, hopefully we'll hear something soon.

I called the office today and spoke to someone very nice and helpful (even though I didn't like her answer)! She told me that Catonsville online letters will be mailed out within 2 weeks, and Essex day/night/weekend letters won't be mailed until the end of May :banghead: I don't understand why it would take that long. It seems like they only have to compare numbers! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and stalking simon, though!!

I think maybe because Catonsville online starts the end of June. It still shouldnt take that long for you guys though

Wow. The end of may is pretty far away. So that would be 2 & 1/2 months since the deadline. I seriously don't think it should take them that long. Since they arenonly going off of gpa, and teas scores it really is just a numbers game- I didn't expect them to take so long.

So another month to go then; that sucks!

well, last time seat fees were posted 8 weeks after the deadline. it was about 5 pm when i checked and saw people were getting fees. i do not want to have that feeling again. corrine, you are right, there is no point in trying to figure them out!

Talked to another student applicant in Microbiology today who had called earlier today and was told the same thing that was posted recently. "You're not going to hear anything until the 1st week in June." I think its BS but what do I know. :uhoh3:

Omg this is awful! That is so late to find out, I don't wanna wait that long!

bs! what the heck to they do all day! i don't see why it takes so long. you would think they would want to get things done quickly so they can avoid the phone calls.

i called the other day and got a smart response. i asked, “when do you think letters will really come out?” she said, “did you get a pick card in the mail?” i said, “yes.” she said, “and what did that say?” my feeling is, at this time of the year they are going to get an abundance of phone calls. if they don’t want people calling 6 weeks after the deadline, then they need to change the website to state something different. it clearly says decisions will be made approximately 6 weeks after applications are due.

I just called the admissions office because i received notice that i am being offered a $2,000 education Grant from the state of MD but i have to be a full time student to accept the money and i need to accept the award within the next 3 weeks so i need to know either way in the next 3 weeks....and Patti (the admin asst.) could not tell me anything other then she could not be sure that the decisions would be mailed out in the next 3 weeks. This is so frustrating!!!

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