Cardinal Stritch ADN program & tuition?

U.S.A. Wisconsin


Again another post looking for those who have gone to Cardinal Stritch. I'm trying to figure out the best option for to become an RN. I already have a Master's & Bachelor's in Business so pretty much any program I go into I'll have most of my General Ed's done. (Just finishing up A&P2 and microbiology.)

Stritch's program sounds pretty good because I'd only have to go part time for the first 3 semesters which would leave me time to work. I'm just a little worried about their tuition costs. Do loans cover all of their tuition fees? I'm just concerned about my financial situation if there is going to be alot of immediate out of pocket costs. Any information you could offer would be great!



I am applying to Cardinal for the January admittance. If you don't mind my asking what was your NLN score and GPA? I have BS in Health Promotion, a 3.5 GPA and take the NLN in August. I am just trying to figure out if I can/will get in.

Thanks for any help you can give me!

Specializes in OB/GYN, Psych.


I cannot remember what I got on the NET test, but I did well. My GPA going in was just under a 3.00, I believe. YOU WILL GET IN. Believe me, you will. I was terrified of not getting accepted, but now that I am done with 3 semesters and have gotten to know the other students, I can see that I shouldn't have worried. There are LOTS of people who did not do well on the NET and who came in with low GPAs and they still got accepted somehow.

Good luck, although you will not need it. :)

Thank you SydneyJo!

You are so sweet! I have a 3.5 GPA and I typically can do decent on a general test like the NLN but I am still nervous. I cant wait to start at Cardinal!!

Specializes in OB/GYN, Psych.

I totally understand that nervous feeling, especially when you REALLY want to get in. But I guarantee that you'll get in, assuming you have all your stuff turned in by the deadline. So try not to be too nervous and get ready to study you hinder off in January! :)

Specializes in LTC, Assisted Living, Clinic.

Could someone please tell me more about the nursing programs in the Milwaukee area? Have considered MATC. What can get me in and out, easy curriculum...I've feel like I've wasted a great deal of time and energy at the technical college. Thank you!!! I look forward to hearing back from you all!!!! =)

Cardinal's program is pretty straight forward. Its a 2.5 year ADN degree and you can sit for your NCLEX after. There is a bachelors program as well but you must first complete your ADN. I went to an informational meeting at I found it to be very helpful. You must take the NLN and get at least a 70% percentile on it to be qualified for the program.

I am currently applying for this fall and take the NLN on Jan 29th. Just got done with Micro and A&P 2 last semester and will be clepping out of Intro to Sociology in Feb. I too am trying to weigh whether or not to fork over the cash, and one of the motivating factors for me is that they can do clinicals at children's hospital. I have also heard Stritch grads dont seem to have a problem getting hired at Children's with their ADN from there and I want to go into pediatrics. Im not sure that's the case with Lakeshore or MATC.

I started at Stritch and finished MATC because of $$$. Stritch was FAR better. MATC was horrible. If you can swing the $$$ Strich has a better program, clinical placement, instructors.

Hey, was just reading all the posts and was glad to find all this information on this site. awesome! I noticed that LolitaHansen, you have also took the NLN for admission into the Fall 2011 program.. I JUST took my NLN on Feb 26 (the last possible day to take it) and got everything in before March 1st. Was just wondering what you got?? And if they notified you if you were accepted or not? I have to wait one more week before I find out anything, But I feel like I did good.. Let me know!! Your info would help out a lot in easing the stress of waiting ... THANKS Oh, and thanks SydneyJo1 for all your info on this blog.. How is the program going so far?

Specializes in OB/GYN, Psych.


The program has gone really well. I am almost done, actually, which I can hardly believe. I graduate in May! I don't regret going to Stritch at all. I would recommend it to anyone. As long as you are prepared for a lot of hard work and take the whole thing seriously, you will do fine. :) GOOD LUCK!!

Cool, Thanx, so I have heard.. Aside from being an EMT the last 5 years, I have taken most of my general eds, and also anatomy 1 &2, micro, biochem, and patho.. Should it go by 'easier' since I will have a "light load"... ? Oh, and willing to buy your books from you too if you are looking to get rid of any?

Specializes in OB/GYN, Psych.

Having those classes done will help you SO MUCH. Otherwise you end up taking those hard sciences along side the nursing classes, which makes it much harder. As for the books, I am keeping all of mine because i am going on to grad school, but I can probably find seveal people willing to unload some of their books. I'll ask around and if I find any takers I can give you their email addresses via PM. Stritch also has a new thing where you can rent your text books, I believe. You might want to look into that as well.

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