BSN program @ UFV September 2014 Intake

World Canada CA Programs



I have just completed my application for the BSN program at UFV for the September 2014 Intake. I thought I would start this thread for anyone wanting to share their thoughts, ask some questions etc. The deadline is fast approaching! As far as I know interviews take place in March and decisions usually are done in May. I have a sister who is in fourth semester at UFV and is loving it! She found this site very helpful while going through the application process as it tends to be a long one!

Specializes in Medicine.


Your grades sound amazing! Keep your chin up girl!

bkim88 - This is your year!! I don't understand at all how they pick who gets in and who doesn't. I said earlier I remember my sister saying there was a girl applying with a bachelors degree in Science with 500 hours of volunteer hours and straight A's and she never got a spot. It's all a mystery! (although you are an LPN entry and this person was applying for 1st year BSN) You sound amazing to me! Just blow them away in your interview! I know a few girls who opted to go the LPN route but are applying right out of school for the BSN program so your experience will be noted!

My sister and her friends always have said they take applicants their second time around to see if they will go upgrade marks, get more volunteer hours and come back again. Who knows!? This is only my first time applying and I've heard of very few getting in their first try - but it happens! Crossing my fingers for you bkim88!!

Oh and yes the RN's that I know say there are a lot of "book smart" nurses but aren't so great at dealing with patients. In clinical they will pick up on this + you can fail clinical.

Does anyone know if the interview is a panel interview? Or with only one interviewer?

It's been just one in the past few years I know for sure - maybe it's done different now though.

Last year it was just one...I hope its just one! A panel seems really intimidating!! I cannot wait to find out if I am even getting as far as the information session!! Waiting sucks lol, I check my ufv email and mailbox CONSTANTLY although I know not to expect updates for at least another 2 weeks! By the time I'm accepted (if!) I may be in the loony bin and unable to attend :wacky:

Thanks Meghan and Brianna for the info! I still haven't retrieved anything in the mail for the info night, has anyone else? I read the previous threads on here about the people that applied for sept 2013, and by this time last year people had received them...

I checked with my sister on dates - she had her interview on March 19th and found out she received a spot on May 9th. The Info session must have been in late February. Just a rough guideline to follow!

kbevans56 - I still haven't received anything either!

Me neither, in getting so flipping ancy!!

Didn't somebody who spoke with Health Sciences say we would hear mid March?

One person did, and I was told by the faculty of health sciences that it would be mid-feb to early march. And that we would know either way. If we are now waiting til mid march then maybe they have a lot more applicants to review?? Yikes!!

well, I know for a fact that I only reached "complete" status late last week, because Health Science sent me in an email on Thursday that basically said "we don't have your reference? did you send it?" Picture me (guess ya can't cuz you don't know what I look like :p) flying out of bed in utter panic at 6am after reading that on my phone. I most certainly did have my reference sent in, and spent the better part of the day talking with the school, my manager, having my reference re faxed over along with finding the original fax receipt to prove that it had been faxed over to UFV prior to the Jan 31st deadline. End of the day, health science agreed they must have lost it the first time around :banghead: and said due to their error I would still be considered for Sept 2014. Seems like there have been a lot of administrative issues, perhaps that is contributing to the delay?

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