Breastfeeding after c-section


How soon after mom gets to the RR, are they able to breasfeed at your respective facilities? Do babies have to go to observation nursery for a length of time? Are babies whisked away right after the section, or is dad able to keep baby with him providing infant is stable?

How is it done at your birthing center?

At most hospitals I've worked at OB did the recovery so that mom and baby didn't have to be separated and the baby could nurse as soon as mom felt up to it.

How soon after mom gets to the RR, are they able to breasfeed at your respective facilities? Barring complications, as soon as mom feels up to it: usually within 1-1-/2 hours of delivery. We recover our moms in our birthing rooms on the floor unless they got general or have certain complications.

Do babies have to go to observation nursery for a length of time? not routinely, no- babies only go to the nursery if their condition warrants it

Are babies whisked away right after the section, or is dad able to keep baby with him providing infant is stable? dad usually holds on to the baby until mom is ready to come back, unless the baby is unstable

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
How soon after mom gets to the RR, are they able to breasfeed at your respective facilities? Barring complications, as soon as mom feels up to it: usually within 1-1-/2 hours of delivery. We recover our moms in our birthing rooms on the floor unless they got general or have certain complications.

Do babies have to go to observation nursery for a length of time? not routinely, no- babies only go to the nursery if their condition warrants it

Are babies whisked away right after the section, or is dad able to keep baby with him providing infant is stable? dad usually holds on to the baby until mom is ready to come back, unless the baby is unstable

same situation in the LDRP where I work.

How soon after mom gets to the RR, are they able to breasfeed at your respective facilities? Barring complications, as soon as mom feels up to it: usually within 1-1-/2 hours of delivery. We recover our moms in our birthing rooms on the floor unless they got general or have certain complications.

Do babies have to go to observation nursery for a length of time? not routinely, no- babies only go to the nursery if their condition warrants it

Are babies whisked away right after the section, or is dad able to keep baby with him providing infant is stable? dad usually holds on to the baby until mom is ready to come back, unless the baby is unstable

Same here . .. . .and we really don't have a staffed nursery so the babies HAVE to stay with Daddy or family :nurse:

If the mom wants, we help them breastfeed right away.

I had an emergency cesarean 4 years ago and got to breastfeed my son after getting out of recovery.


Specializes in L&D.

Last place I worked, mom & babe stayed together and were recovered together. Baby was usually ready to nurse about 1/2 hr after mom got to recovery.

Where I work now, we do our C/S in the OR. Baby leaves the OR after dad has had a chance to hold her/him and show him/her to mom. Dad leaves with the baby and is encouraged to stay with the baby in the nursery until mom returns to the unit after leaving PACU. So often, the baby has moved into the sleep phase before mom has a chance to nurse the first time.

How soon after mom gets to the RR, are they able to breasfeed at your respective facilities? Do babies have to go to observation nursery for a length of time? Are babies whisked away right after the section, or is dad able to keep baby with him providing infant is stable?

How is it done at your birthing center?

We are an LDRP. We get Mom and baby together as son as Mom gets back to her room (from our OR) and as soon as Mom and/or baby are ready. No transition nursery here. That's a really archaic concept.

Specializes in NICU.

We recover c/s babies in a little room in PACU. Family members can see the baby, giving mom some privacy. If the babe is stable, it can go to breast as soon as mom is ready, and go out to mother/baby care, on the gurney with mom. Any baby that's not ready for mom/baby care will come into the nursery for further evaluation when mom goes to her room. Most of them will be out with mom within another 2-3 hours.

I had my daughter by C/S and my husband took her to the "recovery room" while they stitched my up. They then wheeled me into recovery and the nurse said, "let's see if this little girl is hungry". Yes she was! :) That couldn't have been but maybe half hour or so.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.


and welcome to the OB/Newborn/Midwifery Boards.

Ours ALWAYS go to the nursery post c-section even if they are stable. They are transitioned for four hours in the nursery. If the baby is stable then I think after 2 hours they are brought to the room to be put to the breast (I have only seen this my self just a couple of times) Usually its after 4 hours. After that time the baby can room in or whatever the parents want to do. We strongly encourage that breast fed infants room in so they can breastfeed on demand and be comforted immediately when they need it.

When the babies room in they only come to the nursery for lab draws and when the pediatricians make rounds or when the parents call. Each baby has a nursery nurse that is responsible for its care whether it rooms in or goes to the nursery.

For vag deliveries, the infant can transition with the mother in the room for the first four hours, then they are admitted to the nursery. Same thing as c section babies except the transitioning. All babies are admitted to the nursery though regardless.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Is yours a high-volume L and D JV?

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