my boyfriend CNA/my issues with him dealing with human bodies


Dear Friends

I am not a nurse, but I worked in a Nursing Home as a therapist, where I met my boyfriend. At that point he worked as PT assistant for 8 years, in Union, 2.

He got transwered twice in last 5 months, without his consent, and without any transitional paperwork. The last possition he accepted out of fear for being jobless is a position of male CNA.

I do not want to offend any of the present CNA's over here, but that transition is really getting me now, and interfering our relationship. His job is mostly personal care of the patients, as well as feeding. I still feel ofended that he is seeing all days long naked human bodies, touching them, and as I said It influence our intimate relationship.

I feel as being cheated on in some way.

How do you menage your relationships, does your friends bring that issue ever as obstacle?

Maybe I am a bit traditional, but It is very hard to adjust to his new position in relation with human bodies.

Please, help...I feel it is deeply affecting our relationship.

Thank You

Specializes in Pediatrics Only.

Just a thought, and I dont mean this to sound rude- but this is his job.

He's not having intimate contact with these residents, he's just doing his job bathing them and such..theres a huge difference between sexually/intimately touching people; as is your relationship with him, and providing their personal care; which he is doing.

honestly, in my opinion, you cant get stuck on this. Its just his job, and you cant change that. I dont think that in any way should it interfere with your relationship, nor should it be an issue..he's not there to be the residents boyfriend, he's there to be their caretaker. The difference between the two is clear..just as the way you look at the human body in a relationship and at work is clear..they are both total opposites..

I hope this made sense.. :nurse:

:flamesonb i am sorry and forgive me if i sound rude, but he is just doung his job, these people need help taking care of themselves and he is helping them. that is very respectable, and not to be taken as perverted. that insults me that you would think that caring for another human being(whether it be bathing them or feeding them) is perverted, or sexual in anyway. i have been an aide for 3 years, and i take that to offense. i don not look at it in any way as sexual, you are helping people in need, they are ashamed as it is that they have to be cleaned up, or fed by someone else, snd it is so appalling that some crazy jealous girlfriend is making insane accusations about their care. grow up:angryfire

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

In all likelihood, he doesn't have TIME to have a lot of "intimate" moments w/his pts. He needs to get in, get the job done, go on to the next pt. In addition, consider this: more often than not, he's cleaning up a large, brown mess! How sexual can that possibly be??? Very few of his pts are his age or physical status.

Get over it. You're thinking waaay tooo much!

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

Ladies and Gents,

I believe we have a troll

Ladies and Gents,

I believe we have a troll

Quite possible.

We don't see naked bodies all day long, most of what we do see is not necessarily by choice but by necessity. Cleaning waste is hardly ever attractive.

i'm also picturing long term care and would ventrue to say that he isn't interested in any of the naked bodies that he is seeing there, not to mention that he most likely is doing the most personal care with the male residents, not the females. You gotta let this go, this is very possesive and unhealthy behavior.

Ladies and Gents,

I believe we have a troll

Gee, ya think?? :chuckle

Yep, I agree. Troll material, and one that can't even spell.

Yep, I agree. Troll material, and one that can't even spell.

Okay so what is the big deal? don't pick on someone who cannot spell that is just plain mean.

but also I work as a CNA and believe me! the last thing I am thinking about when I am cleaning poop off a wrinkly 90yr old butt is SEX

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
Ladies and Gents,

I believe we have a troll

Thats what I was thinking, I just could not remember what it was called!:chuckle

Specializes in ER, NICU, NSY and some other stuff.

"Ladies and Gents,

I believe we have a troll"

Question, PT assistants are associate level program. Why would a person take a demotion to CNA? There would be quite a difference in pay along with duties.

None of this makes a bit of sense. I am afraid that I would have to agree.

Guys and ladies

I totally think the troll thing is totally unappropriate (name calling). We are all professionals and we can handle this professionaly. I am a male and I was a CNA. I don't think the male CNA thing floats with me because here are some professions that are there doctor (no female doctor), a cop (not a female cop), a construction worker (not female construction worker) so the list goes on. I don't know how anyone else feels on that subject but that is how I feel. Lena I think that you are kind of being out of line though. I think that being a CNA seing people naked is part of the job. I personally didn't see washing and seeing people naked anything intimate at all. It is part of the job that you have to do. If you have a problem talk to him about it. If he doesn't know there is a problem. He more then likely will tell you what all of us told you without the name calling but it is part of the job I am sure he doesn't see it as initmate at all.

Just be rational about this please and when you talk to him about this and tell him your true feelings (RATIONALLY)!!! no freaking out or anything


PS. I hope I don't get bashed to much about this. or that it makes sense!

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