Biden Impeachment Theater


An inquiry, because Republicans haven't been able adequately damage Biden's reputation with just committee hearings to discuss the flimsy claims and allegations. 

toomuchbaloney said:

Do you think that will stop them? I have my doubts. 


As do I.  However, they've painted themselves into a corner and I don't think they're interested in finding any other way out.

toomuchbaloney said:

The good senator said that they needed to send a strong case because the bar was set high.  Do you think that there's more evidence to convict Biden than there was to convict Trump?

As it should be.  I didn't think the evidence was there to convict Mr. Trump.  And, unless they manage to pull a rabbit out of their hat, I doubt they have the evidence to convict Mr. Biden.

chare said:

 His polling numbers are so bad, why would they want him removed from office and not be the Democrat nominee?

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Beerman said:

 His polling numbers are so bad, why would they want him removed from office and not be the Democrat nominee?

I think the House only cares about getting the articles impeachment passed through to the Senate and on the record so that Trump isn't the only impeached candidate.  They understand that conviction isn't possible when they can't point to any specific misconduct.  

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toomuchbaloney said:

I think the House only cares about getting the articles impeachment passed through to the Senate and on the record so that Trump isn't the only impeached candidate.  They understand that conviction isn't possible when they can't point to any specific misconduct.  

I agree. I don't think the goal is to remove him from office.  I think they understand that they can't do that.  They want to pay Democrats back for what they did to Trump by making Biden look just as bad, so that his poll numbers continue to decline, conspiracy theories continue to fly, and his character is discredited, as well as making themselves look good to Trump supporters so they don't lose their votes.  It's not about removing him or even holding him accountable.  If they were that moral they would have held Trump accountable.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

I think this is what Republicans were always hoping the investigations into Trump would reveal; nothing sinister and no presidential corruption.  

The full transcript is in this second link.

 when you read the transcript it becomes clear why Comer needed Hunter's sworn testimony to be behind closed doors rather than in front of cameras.  This way they can continue the ruse. 

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However Comer invites Hunter Biden to return to Capitol Hill for public hearing 2 days ago.


As part of the committee's planned March 20 hearing, which Comer has dubbed "Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden's Abuse of Public Office," Republicans invited former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer, Jason Galanis, and Tony Bobulinski -- each of whom has since turned into a critic of Hunter Biden and the Biden family.

Don't expect them to learn anything new --just more noise.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
NRSKarenRN said:

However Comer invites Hunter Biden to return to Capitol Hill for public hearing 2 days ago.

Don't expect them to learn anything new --just more noise.

It's all part of the theater, they are keeping their audience entertained with their made up storyline.

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