Auvi-Q Recall


Specializes in School Nursing.

ALL Auvi-Q injectors are being recalled! Not sure about other schools, but I would say we have almost as many AuviQs this year as Epipens!

Wow, didn't hear that yet. I had one out of 8 Epi pens! That's the pen that talks and is very expensive.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Wow! Gotta check mine in the morning!

Specializes in ER/Tele, Med-Surg, Faculty, Urgent Care.
ALL Auvi-Q injectors are being recalled! Not sure about other schools, but I would say we have almost as many AuviQs this year as Epipens!

Thanks for this info as I work for an allergy/asthma clinic.

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No Auvi-Q's at all. Not very many epi-pens. Small rural school district.

Specializes in School nursing.

I only have one student with an Auvi-Q, and Mom already called me this morning :). Luckily, I also have a back-up Epi-pen for the student. The price of the Auvi-Q is why we don't have many - most of my kiddos can't afford it. I hope the recall gets sorted out quickly - I actually love the Auvi-Q!

I was just coming to post this as well! I have one Auvi-Q in my office for a VERY severe allergy student. Luckily, I also have stock epi.

I'm glad to find out now, but it makes me nervous with Halloween on the horizon... seems like that's when there would be a high risk for accidental exposure!

Specializes in kids.

Already emailed the parent of the two kids than need them!

I saw this last night and emailed the parents of my students who have these. Here it's about 1/2 and 1/2 Auvi-Q/Epipen

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