Thousands of articles written by trusted professionals that represent more than 60 nursing specialties. Articles
Are you interested in becoming an orthopedic nurse practitioner? Read more about the job description, salary, and steps to becoming one.
A nurse practitioner in eastern Idaho has been fined $75,000 and must forfeit their license after unlawful prescriptions.
So, you are considering a career as a nurse practitioner (NP), but with numerous specialties, how do you decide which is best for you? We have you covered with...
The best stethoscope is the one that fits your personal needs and comfort.
Nurse Navigators guide patients, offering support, education, and coordination throughout their healthcare experience.
As specialists in mental health, psychiatric nurses provide a unique blend of emotional support, medical care, and therapeutic intervention to individuals...
Retirement planning can be a daunting task, especially considering its high costs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), households aged 65 or...
These are Texas' best nurse practitioner (NP) jobs and salaries in 2023.
Here are the responsibilities and salaries of 14 different registered nursing specialties, from emergency room to geriatric.
According to the statement by Oregon Nurses Association, if approved, these wage increases are "historic" and "key to the recruitment of new nurses."
Mothers and families look to labor and delivery nurses for education and advocacy during the transformative process and shortly after birth.
The College's Practical Nursing (PN) program graduates achieved a 100 percent NCLEX pass rate in 2023.
Forensic nursing is critical in providing holistic care and support to violence, crime, and abuse victims. This specialized field extends beyond traditional...
Study reveals 80% of US nurses face racial discrimination from patients & colleagues. Urgent calls for diversity training & stricter policies.
"Retirement is not in my vocabulary,” said Ellie Ucci.
Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of telemetry nursing and explore the pivotal role these healthcare professionals play in providing care to patients with...
Pennsylvania Introduces House Bill for Hospital Patient Protection Provisions. The proposed legislation aims to improve staffing ratios and enhance patient care...
Tara Rynders' unique program is designed to help nurses cope with secondary trauma stress, compassion fatigue, and chronic burnout.
Whether you're looking to celebrate a special event or show appreciation, try some nursing gift ideas today.
The burn center at Maine Medical Center is to be renamed in honor of Isla Estabrook.
As the case continues to unfold, it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of trust and integrity in the healthcare profession.
In order to improve our data on the accuracy of NCLEX Shut Off rates and the likelihood of passing the NCLEX, we kindly ask that you share your results in our...
The nurses recently gathered for a reunion, akin to a first birthday celebration for each new mom.
A lawsuit has been filed against Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pocono, blaming "alarm fatigue" for the death of a patient, Lina Dispensa.
This section of allnurses' Next-Gen NCLEX-RN Study Guide focuses on The Nursing Process.