90-Year-Old Arizona Woman Continues Lifelong Journey as a Nurse, Mentors Next Generation

"Retirement is not in my vocabulary,” said Ellie Ucci. Nurses Headlines News


90-Year-Old Arizona Woman Continues Lifelong Journey as a Nurse, Mentors Next Generation

In Gilbert, Arizona, a 90-year-old woman's undying love for her profession is an inspiring story that serves as a testament to a life well-lived. For Ellie Ucci, becoming a nurse was her destiny, a realization she had at the young age of four.

As a child, Ucci crafted a makeshift splint for her dog's fractured foot using two pieces of wood she found in her yard. Reflecting on this memory, she recalled, "My mother said you did a good job, Ellie. I said, 'Mom, I think I want to be a nurse.'" This early inclination led her on a path that has spanned 65 years, beginning at a naval hospital, then transitioning to many years as a school nurse.

Ucci's zest for her profession shines as brightly as ever. "They say that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life, and that's exactly how I feel,” she said. Today, Ucci continues her dedicated service at the labor and delivery unit at Banner Gateway, Gilbert, where she guides new parents through the life-changing experience of parenthood.

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Her unique blend of kindness, compassion, and uplifting humor has profoundly impacted the new parents she assists. One such couple, Priscilla and Jake Devere, experienced Ucci's comforting presence while welcoming their baby Owen. "She's been bringing personal stories and things like that, just making it fun and lighthearted while we've been here, so it's just taken that stress away from all the new stuff we're learning right now,” said Priscilla. Jake echoed her sentiments, finding Ucci's vast experience reassuring.

A Fountain of Her Youthful Spirit

Ucci finds her job of "bringing new life into the world" to be the fountain of her youthful spirit. Her vivacity extends to mentoring the upcoming generation of nurses, leaving a mark on the profession beyond her individual contributions.

A look into Ucci's lifestyle provides insights into her age-defying vitality. She maintains a life of moderation, love, and continuous learning, a credo that kept her active as a volunteer aerobics instructor in her '60s.

Ucci's remarkable journey has been coupled with a fulfilling personal life featuring a strong marriage and a loving family. Asked about retirement, Ucci dismissed the idea outright, stating, "Retirement is not in my vocabulary.” She urges everyone to "stay healthy because you have a lot to give the world."

Ucci's enduring commitment to her profession underscores the profound impact an individual can have when their passion aligns with their career. At 90, she inspires nurses and healthcare workers everywhere, embodying the values of compassion, resilience, and dedication at the heart of nursing.

This news was originally reported by ABC Arizona.

(Editorial Team / Admin)

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She is one of my inspirations. My old job would discriminate for being an older woman. I'd be pushed into teaching because of being a geriatrician. I'm still not old. My early 40s. I pictured my life in my 50s to be a professor I don't want to be.  

Being a nurse really has been a wonderful journey even if it gets muddy here and there occasionally.