Army Nurse Corps FY2014

Specialties Government



I haven't seen any activity regarding the Army Nurse Corps. There is an impressive amount of AF/Navy posts which is incredible. I heard from a few recruiters that there are a very small amount of positions in Critical Care. I was told there were many Med-Surg and other specialties available however.

I am applying for Active Duty Critical Care ER for 2014. My application was sent to the board 10/31 and I am supposed to hear back the first week of December. So far I haven't been able to find much of any information on the internet about the program.

Is there anyone else out there? :)

I just received an email from my recruiter saying that I am in. This email made my day :).

1. Can somebody tell me what is the next step?

2. What is the minimum and the maximum years that I can sign (contract for reserve duty)?

3. When will I be able to get my uniforms?

4. Since I am in the reserve, Will it takes 30 or 60 days to get commissioned?

5. As a nurse reserve 66h, should I expect to work in hospital or clinic settings?

I am sooooooo excited right now !

Find a unit and do the reserve BOLC course online

8 year was my contract

Reserves will put you in a reserve hospital where most of your drills will be admin stuff no clinicals really (Unit depending). 66H function in a hospital when mobilized

You are an officer you pay for your uniform but you get a ONE time uniform allowance (which doesn't cover your dress blues ~$500). Enlisted get an allowance yearly I believe at least for AD

Research research research about the Army, don't be THAT guy at BOLC who knows nothing

Congrats to all who were pick up from the recent AMEDD OML list of nurses.

I also made the list, but no further information is fortcoming... currently on pins and needles.

Anyone currently a reservist, awaiting the accession board for active duty?

Specializes in ICU.

Yayyyyy! It's official... I am selected for a 66H8A reserves spot! So happy to be able to be a part of this great organization. :)

Congrats to all who were pick up from the recent AMEDD OML list of nurses.

I also made the list, but no further information is fortcoming... currently on pins and needles.

Anyone currently a reservist, awaiting the accession board for active duty?

I was told 5 national slots for reserves to AD....Didn't even bother with a packet

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Wooo! I also made the list as Med/Surg Nurse, Active Duty. My recruiter said we are in a "hurry up and wait" stage. I'm 38 y.o. :) so, here are the following things that's going to happen in the next few months, according to my recruiter:

-- waiting for my age-in-grade waiver

-- contract will be emailed, so I can review

-- meeting to sign contract (appox Jan 2014)

-- call from nursing official to discuss "best fit" for my placement (approx Feb-Apr?), you'll know where to go before BOLC

-- BOLC, I'm hoping to go in July (so our Junior student at least finish the school year before moving), though don't know what schedule is out there yet.

Congratulations to everyone! I hope to see you there. Keep posting your thoughts.

Wooo! I also made the list as Med/Surg Nurse, Active Duty. My recruiter said we are in a "hurry up and wait" stage. I'm 38 y.o. :) so, here are the following things that's going to happen in the next few months, according to my recruiter:

-- waiting for my age-in-grade waiver

-- contract will be emailed, so I can review

-- meeting to sign contract (appox Jan 2014)

-- call from nursing official to discuss "best fit" for my placement (approx Feb-Apr?), you'll know where to go before BOLC

-- BOLC, I'm hoping to go in July (so our Junior student at least finish the school year before moving), though don't know what schedule is out there yet.

Congratulations to everyone! I hope to see you there. Keep posting your thoughts.

You don't want to go to BOLC in me. Oh and "best fit" means needs of the Army which is probably in the South....

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hi Dranger, thank you for your comment. Can you please elaborate why not July?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Hi Dranger, thank you for your comment. Can you please elaborate why not July?

Because San Antonio is VERY hot, BOLC has a big outdoor/physical component, and there are many, many heat casualties during that cycle. I went to BOLC the cycle before, and we had heat casualties even in May. July is worse.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hi Lunah, thank you for the heads up. With the rate it's going right now, I'm not sure if I can make it for March BOLC. But I hope I can make it earlier than July. Due to holidays and all, my age waiver might take longer to get approved. Do you have any other advise on how to survive the BOLC d/t heat in addition to hydration? Your postings have been very very helpful.

Specializes in ICU-my whole life!!.
Hey all,

This will be my second year going to board. I was OML for 8a in FY2013. Spoke to the recruiter and was told the army did not need more 66hs, bit they did need CRNAs. Applied to NEU-USAGPAN, went to Ft.Bragg for the 3day interview and was accepted to USAGPAN for FY2014. Talked to the recruiter, boards for ANC met last week and I pray to God my name was on the selection list. I am ready and I am motivated and I will never give up.

Good luck to you Jdub and the others applying this year. I hope to meet all of you in BOLC.

You should be "fine" as long as you have been accepted to USAGPAN. Enjoy the time there.

Armyicurn, I hear you. I applied for 66P (FNP) and am also waiting to hear results. I am just confused as to why other people know they are in or not and others don't? I thought we were all under the ANC board on nov 19. Does anyone know? Anyway this is teaching me to improve on my

Wishing you all the best

Hi Lunah, thank you for the heads up. With the rate it's going right now, I'm not sure if I can make it for March BOLC. But I hope I can make it earlier than July. Due to holidays and all, my age waiver might take longer to get approved. Do you have any other advise on how to survive the BOLC d/t heat in addition to hydration? Your postings have been very very helpful.

I am pretty sure LunahRN has a BOLC guide on here somewhere or there are a few threads you can search for. I'm probably a bad source for advice and I am not trying to be pretentious or arrogant in saying this but I thought BOLC was a joke both physically and mentally for me at least (active mid 20s male). Compared to the other BOLCs, specifically the combat arms, its more or less summer camp.

Drink water, keep an open mind and embrace flexibility. Try to be in the best shape possible before you go because failing a PT test is probably the only way to not pass BOLC.

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