Are NMs privy to their staff's hourly wage?


Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Are nurse managers privy to what you make as a nurse where you work, or is that information not available to them?

Specializes in Case Mgmt; Mat/Child, Critical Care.
Originally posted by cheerfuldoer

Are nurse managers privy to what you make as a nurse where you work, or is that information not available to them?

Anywhere I've ever worked, the NM not only knew my hourly rate, but she was the one who determined it as well. Sometimes, HR has a "grid" that they go by, but certainly the NM knows this info. This is vital information when doing budgets, budgeting for staff, FTE's, OT, etc.

Originally posted by cheerfuldoer

Are nurse managers privy to what you make as a nurse where you work, or is that information not available to them?

Their privy. I just applied to a new job and she looked down at a sheet and gave me a price. It wasn't exact but it is the least amount you can make with your experience. Mine was the opposite the NM had the grid and HR made the final.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Thanks 'Speculating'. :) When a nurse gets a raise, do the NMs know that too, and how much each nurse gets?

Thanks 'Moondancer'. :) Didn't mean to miss your post. :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

Yes, the NM is aware and I believe in most cases instrumental in deciding what measely percentange of a raise you get.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Badbird.........measly is right! :rolleyes: :chuckle Why is it that nurses payscales are so low today? To make any money at all, nurses have to work for an agency, or work resource nursing.

Originally posted by cheerfuldoer

Thanks 'Speculating'. :) When a nurse gets a raise, do the NMs know that too, and how much each nurse gets?

Thanks 'Moondancer'. :) Didn't mean to miss your post. :)

It's usually the charge nurse that sits down and does your eval then gives you the raise. What the charge nurse knows the NM knows.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Our nurse manager at the hospital is responsible for critiquing our work performance and whether or not we qualify for the merit raise (as tho our NM has any clue what I do :rolleyes:.)

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Reeeaaaaallllllllllllllyyyyyyy???? :eek: I had NO idea that was how that was suppose to happen. I got a raise when working last year, but never had anyone sit down with me and evaluate me the entire year I was there! The NM just walked up to me and handed me a slip of paper and said to me as she handed the paper to me "You just got a raise." I said, "Okay, thanks."

Why did I not receive a sit-down evaluation before that raise? Shouldn't I have had an evaluation since I worked there one month shy of a year? :confused:

I was always given an eval about 30 days into any job, promised another one in 6 months, then yearly from hire date.

The NM ALWAYS let her staff know how hard she had worked on the eval's and how fairly she had computed our pitiful raises. I remember one NM who kept calling me by another nurses name all during the eval.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

welp seeing as we are unionized and therefore wages determined in "steps" EVERYONE knows what everyone else makes purty much.

it's ok by me. the wage is pretty competitive and fair.

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

"Why did I not receive a sit-down evaluation before that raise? Shouldn't I have had an evaluation since I worked there one month shy of a year? "

The ONLY place I have worked as a nurse that actually did annual written and sit down reviews was the VA. Frankly, I could have cared less what any of the other places thought anyway. I knew what kind of job I was doing--and knew it better than any of them did.

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