Published Mar 28, 2005
19 Posts
So I just watched this program on ABC - Gray's Anatomy and want to know if most dr.'s are as disrespectful and unappreciative of nurses? How do YOU deal with the jerk-think-they-are-better-than-God dr.'s?
85 Posts
I volunteer at a hosp and I know some GREAt dr's and then I have seen some NASTY dr's. I was picking up at pt for discharge and I heard one Yell "What the hell are you all good for" he was referring to the nurses on the floor. My mouth just dropped and he looked at me like what the hell you looking at. And me being the person I am I just rolled my eyes of disgust. I see him all the time when I go on that floor! Just a jerk!
360 Posts
go to and be prepared to bite your tongue.:angryfire
i actually wanted to be a doctor for the longest time. however, when i finally put that the nurses are the ones pretty much caring for the patients, i changed my mind.
i just think they're just threatened that nurses know as much as they do, if not more.
NOTE: I am not a nurse yet. I know I really shouldn't be contributing; however, I have seen some things on sdn that have made me want to reach through my computer and shake someone--and that was when I was still pre-med! Shocking!!
Take care,
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
I've actually met very few of them..........the vast majority of the docs I work with every day are quite appreciative of us nurses and our contributions to their patients' care. They listen to us, respect our opinions and oftentimes will even change entire plans of care to reflect our assessment of patient problems.
Perhaps it's the luxury of being in a small community hospital where everyone knows they will be living and working in the same town long after a patient with a particularly thorny problem has been discharged. We see each other in the grocery store, go to church together, participate in many of the same community service committees. Even when we disagree, it's almost always done quietly and professionally........we don't yell at each other in front of patients or other staff members. We did have one surgeon who had the Napoleon complex---short in stature, long on conceit---but he didn't last long, only a couple of years.........folks like that just don't fit in here. :)
z's playa
2,056 Posts
hmph.go to and be prepared to bite your tongue.:angryfire i actually wanted to be a doctor for the longest time. however, when i finally put that the nurses are the ones pretty much caring for the patients, i changed my mind.i just think they're just threatened that nurses know as much as they do, if not more.NOTE: I am not a nurse yet. I know I really shouldn't be contributing; however, I have seen some things on sdn that have made me want to reach through my computer and shake someone--and that was when I was still pre-med! Shocking!!Take care,Tanya
I know....that webite is a real eyeopener to how pompous...arrogant......inflated some of these med students...NOT EVEN doctors yet......... can be. :angryfire
but it doesn't end there...there are full-fledged doctors who post there as well..I wish I could remember some of the things they have said..things that come to mind: "They are ants for me to squash." "They are not fit to wash my car." "That's okay, they're out there, busting their a$$es for minimum pay, doing my job, while I'm getting paid to watch the game or wash my Mercedes." Oh, and the classic, "A trained monkey could do their job."
I could go on, but I feel the blood pressure rising.
I know that there are some good doctors. That's the only thing that keeps me going.
30 Posts
:chuckle I work in > 300 bed facility, and so far... all the doctors that i have encountered are respectful and appreciative of nurses. They usually treat us as part of the " team" and value our opinion. Most of our attending physicians in our unit happen to prefer primary nurse at the bedside during rounds and even ask " are there any nursing issues?". I think that's very rare.
But then again we do have to realize... just like us, they are human too! If we get stressed over 2 pts ( in the ICU), imagine the cross covering MD's that have like 50 pts! Not saying that this is a excse...
TinyNurse, RN
692 Posts
The majority of docs I've worked with are not like that. I think you need to develop a good working relationship with them in order for them to earn your respect. Just like anyone/anything there are good and bad out there.
I am working at a teaching hospital at the moment, and I can honestly say that I've only met 2 docs that were not the nicest........ most are VERY appreciative of your "heads up" and suggestions.
hmmm.... i wanna check out the student doc site.
xo Jen
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,575 Posts
Often their opinion of nurses is jaded by the nurses themselves. I've worked at two teaching hospitals and some treat the newly graduated interns and residents very disrespectful, rude and seem to take pleasure that they might know more than the doctors.
But to answer your question. No doctors aren't like that. Usually if a doc is ranting and raving, I try to get past that and deal with the issue. Usually, while they are acting appropriate, they have an issue, and I just deal with the issue and ignore the rest. "Yes, I know we haven't done I&O's for three days on your CHF patient, I'm sorry about that."
Fortunately, like Marla, the ranting and raving lunatic doctors don't seem to make it to our hospital, and we're urban medium sized.
303 Posts
I love your "location"....Where the seasons are bass-ackwards. I also live in Oregon and I feel like we have seen the last of Spring and now have entered "Winter" or something like that... All my blossuming trees have bloomed, and the petals fallen away, now what's next? Autumn colors? Odd weather we are having here!
1,378 Posts
Some are, some are not. Don't forget, however, that a lot has to do with how the nurse handles this. Just rmember, NO ONE shuld be talking to someone with disrespect. If you do NOT allow that type of behavior you will be far better off than someone who let's it go. When you write up those kind of docs, you are better off.
463 Posts
The "mantra" at our local medical school is: "Be nice to nurses. Nurses have knowledge, nurses can help you, nurses can make your life easier, nurses can help you save lives. Be nice to nurses."They start w/ this at orientation and keep is up all through the students' education.:)