April 2009 Nclex takers...come on in...share ur thoughts

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello everyone,

I decided to start a thread for those taking nclex in april 2009 so we can support and encourage each other. Please share your thoughts, fears, anything.....What you are using to prepare etc.

This will be my second time taking nclex. First time (nov 12, 2008), i had 75 questions....felt horrible when i found out i did not pass. I made a study plan and promised myself to stick to it and not procastinate, gave myself 6 wks of studying. I am studying saunders 4th ed for content review, doing questions from saunders cd and nclex 3500. I plan to re-take nclex on april 1st, 2009. I am hoping for the best for all of us yet to pass nclex.

Hi student00,

SATA means:





Have a good one.:)

hi to all of you!=) im really new in this site... i just wana share that i'll be taking my NCLEX for the first time this June 2, 2009 and im s0o0oo0o0o0 very anxious, depressed and hopeless.. I'm so tense about the whole exam thing. I've been using Lippincot incredibly easy and Kaplan as my study guide... ive been practicing Q and A from kaplan but my scores are really low, mostly 50- 60 % and it drives me nuts and the more i feel scared about the whole thing.. my cousins all passed the Nclex already so the pressure is driving me crazy! huhuuh...:banghead: I'm also using Kaplan's course book, very thick and i still have to do a lot of reading.... i only got 1 month left before the exam... i would greatly appreciate any tips about the whole test preparation and how the exam goes in the real setting.... thank you!!!!:)

Hi all, I am also new to this site as a poster but I have read many of your posts. I like many of you took my first NCLEX and failed, I got 80 questions the first time and thought I did ok. when I got the news that I failed I was devastated! I had taken the HURST review so I called them and followed their study course for re-take and I also used the Kaplan review cards. I took my second test on the 24th and I got 230 questions, I left thinking I had totally failed again, well I passed!!! I just want you all to keep up the studying and know that even if you get alot of questions it does not mean you failed and the whole blue versus grey screen and pearson re-register site stuff is all FALSE because I got the grey screen both times!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!


Congratulations:yeah::yeah::yeah: Job well done.:clphnds::dancgrp:

I love this message. Please read it. It's very encouraging.

Feb 01, 2007 06:42 PM arrow.png Why "failed" is the wrong word.

by Cherybaby

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For those of you who didn't pass:

I want to encourage you to stop using the word "failed". Failure is reserved for those who are never courageous enough to try. That is what failure is. The inability to put yourself out there, to stick a toe in icy water or to walk a path you have never ventured down before. Everytime you take out your books to study...you have tried. By trying, you will never be a failure. When you don't pass, you have an opportunity to review your mistakes, try something new and start over again. When you fail, you throw yourself down a rabbit hole and convince yourself that you can never do something you set out to do.

None of you have "failed" this exam. Not one of you. You simply didn't pass. One question can send the teeter totter in one direction or the other. Whether you missed passing by one or one hundred and one, you haven't failed. The people who fail are those who never venture forward. The ones who fail are the people who stay in one spot for the rest of their lives because they are too afraid to reach out to unfamiliar territory.

Not passing and failing are not the same thing.

If you didn't pass the NCLEX, life is not over. There are hundreds of thousands more days in your future to change your strategy, to learn, to grow and to, most importantly, try again.

There are some horrible nurses out there who just happen to be great test takers. You've seen them. You've run across them in hospitals and doctors offices. You have even wondered "how can this person be a NURSE?" Simple. They passed an exam. Nothing more. You all know being a nurse is so much more than being able to pass a test. It is a test everyday you put on your uniform. It is managing to keep a smile on your face even in the most painful and unfortunate times. It is knowing when someone needs their hand held or someone to talk to.

Passing a test does not give you that instinct. Many of you who haven't passed your exam fit the bill for nursing. You are kind, considerate, thoughtful of others. You are smart, capable and competent.

You just don't take tests well. That's all. Nothing more.

Not passing a test doesn't mean you shouldn't be a nurse. You SHOULD! It doesn't mean that your dreams are over. They AREN'T. It certainly doesn't mean you should give up.

You shouldn't.

Find new strategies, learn new ways of thinking, consult people who are already in your field, go back to your nursing instructors for help. Do whatever it takes. This is your dream. This is your goal. This is your life and what you are meant to do. The fact that you feel so passionately about not passing only shows how much it means to you. Dust yourself off and try again. It's only an exam. You are bigger than it. You are stronger than it.

Anyone who has ever sat for the NCLEX can by no means ever be considered a failure. No one. It is one of the biggest challenges you will ever face. Rise to it. Stand in front of it and stare it down. Then, attack it.

Most importantly, never give up. Giving up your dream is what makes you a failure.

Around here, there are no failures. Only future nurses who didn't pass yet.

Please remember that.


I just took the NCLEX-RN today. It shut off at 75. Hmmm, don't know if I passed or not. But I'm glad I was able to get this far. I am glad to be eligible to take the test. If I didn't pass I guess I will just start over again. Depressing thought, but what else am I gonna do?? Good luck to everyone. Hurry up friday, hurry, hurry. here in florida we can find out our results in 48 hours. Hurry, hurry.:D

I passed! I passed! I can't believe it

Thanks to everyone for encouragement! :redbeathe

i feel so hopeless coz i keep getting low scores in my kaplan Qbank...huhuhh:crying2:

Specializes in Med/Surg.
i feel so hopeless coz i keep getting low scores in my kaplan Qbank...huhuhh:crying2:

Don't feel that way......... I used to get low scores on all the different programs i have, and my friends would tell me their scores and were higher than mine..... i used to feel stupid but you know what you know what you know and DO NOT let those scores stop your from getting what you want....... keep focus on your goal and you will be ok......;)

Good luck :icon_roll


Well i will be taking my boards for the third time in June. The first time I used Kaplan. Let me tell you I think the scores dont mean anything. I did well on the Qbank, Question Trainer, and passed there test. I do know people who got low scores and didn't pass the Kaplan test, but they passed their boards. So, I have really bad test anxiety and took my boards the first time and got 265 questions and failed. The second time I studied the Saunders book and answered all the questions and felt more confident, so I got all 265 questions again and failed. I was devasted, but I have picked myself back up and now Im trying another program ATI. I will make sure I know more content and try again in June/July. Anyone have advice for anxiety please let me know i really need help with that!!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg.


The only thing i could tell is that imagine yourself as a nurse, taking care of ur patients, staying positive and please do not forget to breath, ok. Think that you have already been there, that this is not new to you and that this time you will come out a winner.........:lol2: keep on studying and relax from time to time and remember is never over, there is always another chance...

Good Luck and take care:D

Thanks for the advice. It just seems life is really hard. I have two kids and my husband is in Iraq. I really love workin at the hospital and know I can do this. Thank you

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