Applying to BCC Jan 2009

U.S.A. Florida


Hi Everyone,

Anyone else out there applying to Broward Community College for the Jan 2009 start date?!!! :clown:I'm so nervous and the application period hasn't even opened yet!

For those of you who were admitted on the point system, what kind of gpa did you have? Were any of you able to use your HOSA waiver? I know that they have eliminated the waiting list. I am going to meet with an advisor next Friday to look at my transfer credits. I hope I get in!

Congrats to you two ladies. Would you mind posting your gpas please?



Program: 3.78

Overall (not used for admissions) 3.51

Just got my letter and I'm in!!!

What was your program gpa?

My program GPA 3.92

i receive a decline email, my gpa was a whopping 3.0 seeing yours 3.92 and 3.78 i feel ashamed :(

i receive a decline email, my gpa was a whopping 3.0 seeing yours 3.92 and 3.78 i feel ashamed :(

Don't feel bad that was what mine was too. :wink2:

Did everyone turn in their application to the Central Campus location or did you send it to the North Campus location? I still haven't received mine so I was just wondering if that made a difference with the response timeliness.

My sister just got her admission letter. She was right around a 3.6 with all CEUS and 90hr Core class completed.

Did everyone turn in their application to the Central Campus location or did you send it to the North Campus location? I still haven't received mine so I was just wondering if that made a difference with the response timeliness.

north campus here

My sister just got her admission letter. She was right around a 3.6 with all CEUS and 90hr Core class completed.

Do you know if she has the extra points for HOSA? Also, did she send her application to the central or north campus?

Thanks...I'm driving myself crazy right now!

She didn't have HOSA. She put in her at at Central. Her email came early in the moring. What is your GPA?

She also had lots of Organic Chem classes- all As , lots of calc classes etc

Ifyou tell me your gpa, I may be able to help you out here.

I am new to this website, and I love it, its very helpful...I just got my acceptance email from BCC for the January 2009 program and am so excited :yeah: I have to attend the pre-admission session (orientation) in like 2 weeks, how many hours is the orientation?

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