Anyone waiting on Acceptance/Rejection Letter '2012

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am now playing the waiting game. Applied to only 1 school for Spring of 2012, finished my pre-req's with a 3.7 GPA and passed the NLN in the 94 percentile. Now Im waiting to hear whether or not I got in. Advisor said decision would be made middle of this month with letters going out end of this month. These weeks seem to be dragging. I feel confident I got in with my scores but who knows how everyone else did. So there is always that doubt.:rolleyes:

Just looking for some company for those playing the waiting game too. :yeah:

I got into my program :yeah::anpom:


Specializes in NICU( RN), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

Im waiting for my acceptance letter. I spoke with someone in admissions on Friday and she told me that she was pretty sure that I got in, but not to quote her. Im like WTH!! She then told me letters will be sent out next week(this week,now)m and if i dont see anything call her on Friday(?) Im worried because you have to be a CNA to apply and I just passed my boards and they wont even look at you till you show your license. I turned mine in the last week of application acceptance. GRR!! I live in Alaska and truking back and forth to the mailbox sucks!! Gut hey, it must be done!!

Specializes in Case Management.

Dang @kaligirl02....good luck with that mailbox adventure...i feel for you

Specializes in NICU( RN), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.


i got in i got in!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeah:


come on january 4th!!!!!

Congrats to everyone that got in so far! :clap:

How many are left waiting?? Pretty sure I will be the very last here waiting...... Have to wait until the first week in January, 5 more weeks to go.

Hello, I got 74 on TEAS V and 3.8 GPA. Is that competitive enough to get into nursing program ? or do I have to retake it?

We dont know since we dont know what school you are applying to and every school has different admission criteria.

CONGRATS to everyone thats in!:yeah:

We dont know since we dont know what school you are applying to and every school has different admission criteria.

CONGRATS to everyone thats in!:yeah:

I am applying for TWU in Texas.

Specializes in NICU( RN), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

I dont think any of us are going to that school ( I could be wrong though). Have you tried searching allnurses? You might have luck asking your question in the Texas nursing school forum. Either way good luck to you!

AFM- went and paid my 100 admission payment. I got a bill saying that 3350 is due on the 16th of December!! Thank goodness for the military spouse grant!! i could've did finaid, but i want to use that for my master's or DNP. I e-mailed my instructor to see if he had any recommendations to whet my appetite and he suggested A&P....grrrr!! i was really hoping he'd say pharm or Now i have to dig out that seely's a&p book that i was trying to forget about!! lol.

I will have class mon-fri 8-2:30 and when we start clnicals it will be three days a week @various times. I am really excited that one of our rotations will be at this new hosptal call St.Elias, it has a really awesome wound care dept and I would just die if we got to go to that floor. I lOVE WOUNDS!!! lol.

Anything new with any of you students?

Nothing new with me till the 20th (orientation) when I get to meet my fellow classmates, register and talk with my counselor. I cant wait!

Waiting to hear back from my first choice, University of Southern Maine for their ABSN program. I was told sometime in December.. too anxious!

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