Anyone waiting on Acceptance/Rejection Letter '2012

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am now playing the waiting game. Applied to only 1 school for Spring of 2012, finished my pre-req's with a 3.7 GPA and passed the NLN in the 94 percentile. Now Im waiting to hear whether or not I got in. Advisor said decision would be made middle of this month with letters going out end of this month. These weeks seem to be dragging. I feel confident I got in with my scores but who knows how everyone else did. So there is always that doubt.:rolleyes:

Just looking for some company for those playing the waiting game too. :yeah:

Specializes in NICU( RN), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

St3veC- how many schools did you apply to? I hate being anxious!! I need to occupy my time until school starts. I work nights at an urgent care in alaska and we are ALWAYS busy... except this week. i was hoping i'd get some sick patients that needs x-rays,injections, remove a couple of stitches, anything. But nope just patients coming in needing a script for a med since their pcp is on vacation :-( It was funny I was stressing about knowing if I got in and now I am stressing about starting !! Its a viscious cycle I tell you :banghead:!! lol. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!!

I have only applied to the University of Texas (Houston). Has anyone heard from them? My status on the portal is "initiated".

Kaligirl02, I applied to University of Southern Maine, Mass General in Boston and Stony Brook University.

I applied to Florida Atlantic University. Does anyone know if they go by a point system?

Specializes in CNA/LPN.

I am waiting for the call to attend orientation! I am crossing my fingers...but I'm getting so banged up in my mind because I won't be receiving a call until 1 week to 2 weeks before the program begins, meaning I can expect a call between, say, the 26th of this month and the 3rd of January if I've gotten in. I have a 3.6 and they're taking 18 students...just not sure if I'll make the cut for this term, but I'm hoping and praying that I will!

I'm waiting too!, lol

My GPA is 4.0 for Oakland Community College. I was told that I would recv a letter before March 15, 2012.

Specializes in CNA/LPN.

Well, here I am again...a nervous wreck, even more than before. I won't be expecting a call until Friday...what's so insane about that is school starts Monday! I envy all of you that have already found out! LOL, but am so happy for all of you! Still crossing my fingers...and at this point, my eyes. :bugeyes:

I'm playing the very "impatient" waiting game. I applied to 5 schools-all Accelerated BSN programs. I have a Bachelors in Criminal Justice and a Masters in Public Administration. I was never this nervous for a school to answer me. I don't even care where I get into as long as I get in! I took the HESI and the TEAS for different schools.....I can't believe how hard the TEAS was....made me nervous.

ANyone have any advice on writing a personal statement? I have to write two to finish up my applications. I don't want them to be the generic "I have always wanted to help people...." I would assume most people go into nursing to help in some way. I'm looking for a way to stand out but not look foolish. HELP PLEASE! Congrats to everyone who was accepted and good luck to all who are still waiting!

No point system......if you applied to the Traditional Program, it goes my GPA and HESI scores.....I applied there too for the Accelerated program

I'll know by late March for starting this fall. I am so tired of waiting and the suspense is killing me! Worst case scenario for me will be next Spring, but I'm really hoping to not wait that long....

@samiam856 I applied to the traditional program, thanks for the response and best of luck to you!

Specializes in CVICU.

I'm waiting too!!! I applied for fall 2012 and I find out the end of this month or beginning of February. Its been giving me the most anxiety. I applied to only one school too!!!

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