Published Jul 2, 2007
158 Posts
I just finished reading the thread about rn's who hopelessly HATE being nurses. I am currently busting my butt trying to get into nursing school. It's really discouraging to people in my position. It makes me second guess my choice. I Have wanted to be a nurse since I was a little girl. I've worked in a few different fields. They ALL have crappy politics, back stabbers, too much work, not enough people, and jerk bosses. I totally understand that nursing is not for everyone. I'm also sure alot of people reading this will think I have no stand in this since I haven't worked as a nurse yet. It would be nice to hear that someone out there enjoys their work. :uhoh21:
crissrn27, RN
904 Posts
I think we enjoy our work, just not all the politics and unfairness that goes along with it. Or else we would find other work. No one enjoys their jobs all the time. We come here a lot of times to vent about stuff, so that account for a lot of the "bad" stuff you read.
All in all, for the moment, I wouldn't do anything other than nursing. For me it really is a "calling". Good luck in school, hope you do well!
54 Posts
I love being a nurse:nurse::1luvu::redpinkhe:loveya:
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
What Criss said. I love being a nurse, I love being at the bedside, but I burned out. I still love nursing, I just got tired. The beauty of nursing is that there are so many fields within the field itself.
85 Posts
Please dont be discouraged by other peoples negative comments. It is our job and as with all jobs, there is negative things that go along with it. We are often overworked, overlooked, underappreciated, and misunderstood. It is not glamorous and you will never become a millionaire, but the rewards are endless. I go home everyday feeling like I made a difference, however small to someone. The first time one of your patients looks at you and tells you that you are "an angel" will understand what I am saying.
Even on my worst day, I wouldnt trade it for the world!
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,449 Posts
Nursing, like any job is what you make of it. I had jobs I hated, but I moved on and now I work for a great manager on a great unit. Yeah, it hard physical work and can be stressful. But one patient's gratitude can make up for several run-ins iwth psycho families, sadistic docs and explosive diarrhea.
fronkey bean
491 Posts
I love nursing. I like learning new things and then applying them to help people. I like doing something that helps another human being feel better. I like being able to help pt. and family understand their medical condition. I like having a lot of job choices when I want to try something new. I like the gratitude I often receive from my pt. I like my coworkers who are a great group of nurses.
I don't love nursing administration. Putting a few $$ above pt. safety and the well being of nsg staff. Wages that aren't what they should be for my level of ed. and experience (A few years ago I hired a tutor for a stats course that was killing me. He was a college kid and he made more money than me). I don't like the occasional pt who is ungrateful and often mean (luckily they are the exception).
If we gripe sometimes it is b/c nursing is not perfect, but it is not all bad either. And if you get tired of the bad side there is always CRNA or CRNP or CNS school.
645 Posts
:nurse:I love my job. When you read these threads, many of us are here to vent, complain, ect. We all get frustrated. We all complain. But yes, I love my job!!!
muffie, RN
1,411 Posts
yup , love it
897 Posts
I love my job- I love the kids, the parents and my co-workers. I just do not enjoy the scheduling and staffing problems that go along with inpatient nursing on many units.
110 Posts
I love the nursing profession. I do not always love the whiners, complainers, being short staffed, or having an idiot for a house supervisor. Have to say I LOVE the people that I am working with right now. They are a great group and know what the concept of team work is.
I usually come on here to vent about things because they really don't like for you to do that at work (something about telling people they're idiots that will get you in trouble every time ). So please try to remember that as you read these posts.
P.S. Good luck with school!!
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
i love being a nurse.. i love the patients for the most part... i hate the politics and paper work