Anyone from Hillsborough Community College

U.S.A. Florida



this is my first post. I am planning on applying for nursing program at HCC. Is there anyone here from HCC and would like to share some of insiders of that program? thanks!

Noellelyn, who are you taking for microbiology? I am comtemplating taking micro with ******** at Brandon campus this Spring. I'm also taking AP2 with ******* at Brandon. Because of the delay in time between applying and having pre-Reqs done, I have to take Micro now in order to apply for Jan 2009.

I already had Micro over the summer. I had *** she was great! It's a hard class definitely, but just study and you'll do fine. Definitely study, study study though. I started AP 1 with *** in the Fall and after a week of class dropped it. There was a language barrier problem for me personally-he was hard to understand (for me) and I figured AP is hard enough as it is-I thought I'd do better with someone else as a teacher so decided to drop it. Good luck!

Thanks NOellyn. I got an override from her this week to take her micro lect and lab in Jan. I'm a little freaked about taking AP2 along with Micro at the same time but I have to in order to apply to the Jan 2010 class.

Is an A obtainable in her class? Does she lecture from the book, powerpoint or her own notes? Also, does she coordinate her tests with her powerpoints or notes?

How about the lab?

I will be taking **** for AP2 in Jan, I hope that he has found clarity of language by then. Who did you end up taking for AP1 and how did you do? Also, what grade did you get in Micro if you don't mind me asking.

I called the nursing program and they said that the lowest GPA for the Jan 2009 class accepted was 3.19.

An A is defiitely obtainable-that's what I ended up with in the class. She lectures mainly from her powerpoint-she doesnt send you the powerpoint until after you have that lecture (at least thats how she did it with us) so I just followed along with her notes on the pp as she was going over them and if she added anything when she was talking about it in class I'd just jot it down and where at she said it. Then once she sent us the powerpoint i'd go back and highlight things from my notes in class that she said was important or things she might have added. There are some questions from the book so it helps to read it, but her tests are really from her powerpoint. The lab is really easy-just do all your lab assignments and you'll be fine. The final for our lab was open book, just make sure you organize your notes and lab assignments and know where certain things are in the lab book for the final because you wont have time to flip through trying to find what you need during the test.

I didnt end up taking AP 1 in the fall. There was no one else i could take and i didnt want to take Usman, so I decided to wait. Since then I've actually decided to apply to an LPN program only because I can start that this Jan whereas I wouldnt be able to start the program at HCC until Jan 2010. I currently have a 4 year degree and am working in that field fulltime, so I want to get out of this field and into nuring asap. With the LPN program I can do that sooner than the RN at HCC. I want to finish the LPN program and at least get working in nursing and then do a bridge program to RN or maybe even an accelerated BSN program since I already have a lot of coursework from my other degree. Good luck to you!

Where are you going to take the LPN program? I am just waiting my time out at HCC. I will be done with all pre-regs and electives after the Spring 09 semester so I will apply that June.

Thanks for all of the info NOellelyn. One of my classmates in my AP1 class was in **** Micro class this summer at Brandon and she gave me all of her notes, powerpoints and texts/guide.

I'm happy to hear that an A is attainable as I am a hard worker and I really would like to get an A in Micro and AP2. I have also applied to Erwin Tech for their LPN program just incase I am not accepted in HCC's program and I have a BS degree as well.

I totally understand not wanting to wait 1.5 or 2yrs before one can apply for a RN slot. Hopefully, your number will be one of the earliest ones pulled in the lottery so that you can attend the Aug 2009 class.

Compassionate1: I will also be done with all of my pre-reqs at the end of the Spring 09 semester. However, I still plan on taking Growth and Nutrition and Lifespan: Dev. Psychology in the Summer. I am also going to take Chemistry and lab in the fall. This way, when I am ready to go for my BSN or ABSN, I will have all of the pre-reqs required.

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

Good luck all...My AP II is done in 2 weeks and I'll be applying for the Fall 09 program. I'll take my Eng II and Nutrition this spring so i can devote all my time to nursing (and work) I'm applying to the Plant city campus night program.

Good luck. Where did you take AP2 and with what prof? I'm taking it at Brandon Campus with Prof. Usman. How was AP2? Did you find AP1 harder or easier than AP2? Also, who did you have for Micro and how did you do?

I'm asking as these are the last 2 classes that I have to take this SPring before I can apply.

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

I have AP II with ***..she is a bear! Last test, 14 passed..14 failed...An A requires a ton of studying! Her tests are 80 + questions and in-depth questions. most are 2 parts (need 2 answers to get the ? correct) so you really have to know the material. I would not recommend her unless it is your only class and you have free time to study. My Micro class was also hard..had *** at the plant city campus. She did give alot of extra credit so at least a B is easy to get. Still have to work for a A though. I don't feel AP II is any harder than AP I, just different stuff. One thing about ****...Her lab is a piece of cake (Thank God) so at least you can focus on the lecture. Hope to cya around!

ok, now you all are scaring me, lol! :uhoh3:

i have a bachelor's degree and i am looking to retake my pre-requisites to refresh my knowledge. i want to start out with a&p 1 at southshore campus in january, and take a&p 2 and micro summer 2009. then i guess i'd have to sit around for the fall before i can apply for nursing jan 2010? and in jan 2010 they should be starting the nursing program at southshore campus...

are there any other classes i need to take besides the ones listed on the website as needing to be completed prior to application? you all are talking about nutrition and math?

i suppose i will find out more when i meet with a counselor tomorrow - just wondering if you all can provide some insight, thanks.


Topcat1234: I am taking AP1 at Southshore with ***. He's great. I'm pulling an A in his calss but I study quite a bit. His tests aren't that hard if you review and study days in advance. He always provide at least 5-8pts for extra credit on his exams. Very easygoing. Take him. Do not take **** lots of complaints from people who took his Micro class at Southshore.

I don't believe that you will be able to apply for Jan 2010 based on your timetable above. HCC requires you to apply at least 6-7mths before the app deadline. This is why I had to change my plans from taking Micro in summer 09 to taking it with AP2 in Spring 09 in order for me to apply June 09 for Jan 2010 program.

I was registered for Nutrition and Dev Psyc this Spring but I had to drop and will be taking it in the Summer. They aren't required for the RN AS degree but if you plan on going on for a BSN, they are the prereqs for most instituitions.

Good luck!

I am an alternate for HCC Dale Mabry campus. I am not yet in the program. This is my third time as an alternate, so; I don't want to be too optimistic. I found out that starting last week the school was going to be notifying alternates if they have a spring 2009 seat. I am wondering if anyone has heard that they are in yet. I am very nervous, and I would appreciate any information. Thank you

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