Anyone from Hillsborough Community College

U.S.A. Florida



this is my first post. I am planning on applying for nursing program at HCC. Is there anyone here from HCC and would like to share some of insiders of that program? thanks!

No because I have so much math I would take A&P 1&2 next Spring/Summer. I still have to take Sociology this fall and another math. I will probaly not be able to apply until later.

Okay, that makes sense now. Well good luck! :)

Thanks, you too!

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

I'm also at HCC...I have AP II this fall (Brandon campus) and then i will apply for the fall 09 start. I'm hoping for the evenings at PC campus since I work also.

Who do you have for AP 2? I will have to take that in the spring semester, also at the Brandon campus. Did you have AP 1 at the Brandon campus too? If so, who did you have for that? Are there any classes that you took online that you would recommend? Nutrition, etc? Thanks and good luck with your application!! :)

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

My AP II still says teacher TBA.... I actually took AP I in Texas in the early 90's...Thanks God they accepted that! They didn't take my Math credit, so that's what I am in now (DM campus)... but overall they took everything so my pre-req's r done after this Fall. I will take Eng Comp II online Sp 09 so I'll let u know how that turns out. I heard a Nutrition class online is an EASY A with this one teacher, but I can't remember the name. I have it written down at home so I'll send to u as soon as I find it.

I have ******** for my online Nutrition class. There is no way not to get an A, it's easy... :up:

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

Awesome! Thanks a million!

First time poster so go easy on me. I find it interesting that they limit the scope to a narrow set of pre-reqs when determining admission. Seems like lots of us have BA degrees from other Universities (USF for me) and all that coursework, gpa, etc...have zero effect.

Math-3 classes, Sociology, A&P 1&2 w/labs. I am taking pre-algebra & nutrition this summer. I am hoping that after the pre-algebra I can re-take the math portion of the placement test, or clep out. If not I take the 2 extra math classes. I will most likely be able to apply sometime after next spring/summer.

Just wanted to let you know. That if you CLEP out of any of the pre-reqs for the nursing program at HCC. They will give you the credits for the course but will not use it in computing your pre-req GPA because it does not have a grade. I have a co-worker that ran into this problem. He could not understand why he did not get accepted to the program in either the FALL or SPRING every time he applied. He tried for 2 years. He passed the CLEP for Sociology and College Algebra. He went to see Guidance Counselors at the Dale Mabry Campus and Brandon Campus, he told them that his CLEP scores were at the B- Grade Level of the ACE (American Council on Education) recommendations. He was told by counselors at both campuses that HCC does not use the ACE grade scale recommendations they just give you the credit. HCC was only calculating his GPA with the remainder of the pre-req classes that he had grades for. So his GPA was below other students who took the classes instead. He just finished taking College Algebra and is going to take Sociology in the FALL just so he can get a grade for his GPA.

Anyone taking A&P 1 at the Brandon campus this Fall? Evening class?

Does anyone know when the acceptance letters are going to go out for entry into the Jan 2009 semester? The cut-off date was June 1st to turn in the applications but I have still heard nothing. Just hoping they didn't lose my application.

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