Published Nov 11, 2008
459 Posts
I have a cousin that was talking with her mom today and was insisting her BP was 130's/150's. I told her that was impossible, I have never encountered that, nor heard of that, but she kept insisting that was correct. She even said that's how it was in her MD's office today... Has anyone here ever seen a diastolic larger than a systolic??? Or is my cousin slightly confused over her bp reading...
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Agree not possible!
102 Posts
I think your cousin is mistaken. Diastolic is when your heart is at rest so I dont believe it's possible that the systolic could be lower.
I didn't think it was possible, but I second guessed myself when she insisted it was even like that in her MD's office... I figured it was just something I hadn't seen yet... Thanks! :)
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
noo wayy.... it would be impossible to have a diastolic higher than your systolic.... in 23 years i have never heard such a thing.... who took her b/p needs to go back to training and learn to do it right... good heavens....
Tait, MSN, RN
2,142 Posts
I think she might be dead considering she would have no pressure gradient to provide blood and perfusion to the rest of her body.
She is mistaken.
64 Posts
just think about what a monitor looks like...if you start your first thump at 130 and you're heading do you suddenly get 150? She was certainly mistaken.
Neveranurseagain, RN
866 Posts
If it was taken in an MD office, it probably wasn't taken by a nurse, but a medical assistant who was "trained" to do BP's!
MA Nurse
676 Posts
You can't always trust what a lay-person tells you when it comes to medicine. A relative of mine insisted a baby they knew was born without nipples...he was a premie. I had never seen that in 18 yrs. of NICU work. There is a condition named for being born without nipples...but come to find out the baby had them, they just couldn't see them very well! I said from the very beginning he probably had them, they just couldn't see them.:uhoh21:
54 Posts
must be mistaken. Impossible.
77 Posts
I once saw a monitor read with a systolic less than the diastolic. The (new) nurse and (even newer) intern were both in total panic- this was a septic pt whose pressures WERE very low. We all kept telling them, um, guys... that reading isn't accurate, you'd better take a manual, but it took a while for it to sink in, LOL
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
wouldn't you have to pump the cuff all over again to get a higher diastolic ? sound's like this is impossible.