Anyone else ready to tell their present job to kick rocks?


I'm presently working full-time (9 - 5 office job) while working through pre-reqs, applying for nursing school (all apps are in!) and preparing for the NET (the big day is 2/10). I'm trying to PATIENTLY wait out the next 6 months until nursing school starts (got to get in first! But, I'm staying positive) at my job.

My job is definitely NOT the worst..and I AM grateful and thankful for a job in this present economy. But, I've been here for 2 years..I'm BORED TO TEARS..and I find myself getting easily annoyed with work. I keep telling myself "6 months until nursing school..6 months until nursing school..". I WILL be working but it won't be at this job. I hope to get a unit secretary position (will be hearing back soon!) and working as a substitute teacher during school. Yes, it will be stressful..but something I've got to do.

I had a meeting with my supervisor today about a project I've been delayed on..but because they keep giving me EVERYONE else's work...and not allowing me time to do my own projects. I WILL be speaking on it if they try to give me another ounce of work..but I felt like telling my boss (who I DO like) for this job to kick rocks because I'm OUT!!:lol2:

Just another Friday vent..but anyone else ready to start nursing school and quit your present job?!?!

That is whatI am thinking. I wonder if anyone else provides it with part time work.

be worth asking... let me know if you find something.

I have no clue at the moment how I will get through school not working. My first stop is to my schools financial adi office to go over my options. But of course, loans will play a major factor.

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Just to update you guys, I had my school interview this morning and my interviewer basically told me that unless I murder someone (whereas at this job..that just might be possible! :chuckle), I'm in!!!! So, I'm counting down the days!!

My school (yes..I'm already claiming it even though I won't get official notice until the first week of April) trains you to be a nursing assistant the month before school officially I plan on working as a tech or cna on the weekends. OR..I have my substitute I would do that as well...OR..I babysit for 4 families I may try to be a part-time nanny.

So, I have a few choices. I'll probably also move in with my dad..or my save on costs.

So many decisions!!!!!!

Let me know when you guys officially tell your jobs to "kick rocks!!":yeah:

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

In 8 weeks..I will officially tell my job to kick rocks!!!:yeah:

I am so ready to quit my job and start my nursing career!

I have wanted to go to nursing school for the last 10 years and wasn't able to do it due to finances, family, etc. Now if my time and I'm enjoying it! I have to still do micro and A&P 2, and then I can apply.

I am currently working as a hairdresser, which I used to love, but not so much anymore. I am self employed, and this past year my income has decreased dramatically due to this slow down. Furthermore, I'm getting really tired of the disrespect some people have for my time, such as making appointments and canceling at the last minute or even worse, just not showing up. That is so common in the hair industry. Late cancellations and no shows basically are like stealing money out of my pocket, since I lose money when people don't show up. So, no, I won't be sad to leave that behind at all!

I liked doing hair because you were helping improve people's self esteem. But what a greater opportunity it will be to be a nurse and helping people achieve or maintain wellness. I can't wait.

In the meantime...chemistry and A&P are hard classes, but I'm getting through it!

Hang in there, it will be worth it.

I can't wait to tell my job not only to kick rocks but...never mind, that would be inappropriate to post on here. LOL

I don't officially get my letter until the end of May or beginning of June however I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get in!

Once I find out that I get in, I will be looking for another job where I can relax over the summer, take a little pay cut, and enjoy my son before the craziness of nursing school begins!

My current job is in mortgage and I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT! So many politics and sales people pushing everyday, calling everyone really bad names (many have been turned in to HR - and they do NOTHING)! I look at it this way, I am getting ready to deal with doctors, right? Just kidding!

If I get accepted into fall I only have 11 more weeks before I dance around in my boss' office and yell at the top of my lungs, I QUIT! Seriously, I can't wait!

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.
I can't wait to tell my job not only to kick rocks but...never mind, that would be inappropriate to post on here. LOL

I don't officially get my letter until the end of May or beginning of June however I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get in!

Once I find out that I get in, I will be looking for another job where I can relax over the summer, take a little pay cut, and enjoy my son before the craziness of nursing school begins!

My current job is in mortgage and I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT! So many politics and sales people pushing everyday, calling everyone really bad names (many have been turned in to HR - and they do NOTHING)! I look at it this way, I am getting ready to deal with doctors, right? Just kidding!

If I get accepted into fall I only have 11 more weeks before I dance around in my boss' office and yell at the top of my lungs, I QUIT! Seriously, I can't wait!

LOL! I feel you! My job isn't AS bad..but I'm SOO unmotivated!! Just ready to go! I'll be working through nursing school..but not at this job..thank goodness! I think my job already suspects I'll be leaving because in order to take A&P II this summer..I had to change my hours. I told them it was for a nursing my direct boss is already suspicious. Furthermore, she said she hopes I enjoy my class..but not too much that I end up leaving. HA!! Just wait! lol:lol2:

Oh, how I feel your pain!

I have 3 babies under the age of 6, work almost full time and go to school full time in the evenings/online. I think I'm crazy, but man am I determined! I struggle to keep my goal in sight.

We are slow now, laying people off, down to 32 hour work weeks, but that doesn't make me any less distracted lol!

Good luck!

Specializes in LTC.
While I'm not your age..nor do I have children..I have simpliar payments as you do. I am certainly NOT quiting work to go to nursing school. I still need to eat! I have rent, food, utilities, car payments, school loans, credit card..blah blah. I'm not married nor do I live wtih my parents or have that option so everything I need or soley my responsibility.

Not saying it's easy for you at all..but it's not as simple for me (and others) as you think! :mad:

I agree ! Just because I'm 20 DOES not mean I don't have bills to pay to survive. Not all 20 year olds like my self have " mommy and daddy" to support us financially through school. Nope sorry....

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.
I agree ! Just because I'm 20 DOES not mean I don't have bills to pay to survive. Not all 20 year olds like my self have " mommy and daddy" to support us financially through school. Nope sorry....'ll find this on the boards's like..where is this silver spoon everyone thinks I have?!?! I would SURELY love to see it! Let alone have it in my mouth..yeah right!

Oh I am so glad I found this post - Now that I've decided to get started in my pre-reqs and apply for nursing school... I keep thinking.. what about my job?? How do I take classes and keep working without my boss finding out? What if I have to schedule a class that starts at 5:30.... and my boss wants me to work late? I don't want to lie!!! I had to lie to my prevoius boss once when I knew I was going to be moving to a different state, several months before I gave my notice... and it was awful. I felt like I was bold-faced lying to her face every time she talked about something we'd be doing later on... and I just nodded along as if I was going to be there, even though I knew I'd be gone.

Any advice on this would be great. On one level, I want to tell my boss because she's really sorta my friend... I enjoy my job but I'm just an administrative assistant... she must know I won't stay forever. Plus it will be about a year before I would leave, so I feel like she should know that I'm starting to take classes! I really believe she would support me, but then again it would most certainly cause some weirdness.

I just don't want to be deceitful about it, and then all of a sudden drop that bomb like... Oh by the way I've been taking classes behind your back and now I'm going to Nursing school! PEACE!

Anybody else in this situation?

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