Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

:banghead:late post, but i' ve got to contribute my 2 cents! listen, you are not only a very special individual for desiring to become one of the world's most important members in society and of any healthcare team, but, to defend the art of nursing as you have done, deserves praise! firstly, your bo is very ignorant, he needs a kick in his reality pants. secondly, you neither let anyone rent space in your head, nor let their ignorance change what's in your heart! many folks ask me why i chose to become a nurse, when nursing is for, get this, "chicks"'. this is nothing more/less than the old, "machismo", way of looking at the world, fueled by ignorance about the nursing profession. as a man, i have heard all kinds of put downs.

as a former us marine, i cold have been a state trooper, local police officer, you name it. instead, i chose to be a nurse; we are in high demand always, what we do is noble and, there's no shame to our name. disregard all attempts from others to discourage you. you graduate nursing school and pass the nclex, you'll be on your way to a highly coveted career! a proud achievement nobody can ever forfeit from you. if you have not gotten through the nursing school bootcamp as of yet...hang in there. i know it's tough, but, in the end, you'll be one happy, proud, noble individual whom will be qualified to use the suffix, lpn or rn, after their names, and make a great living while you are at it. this is one thing some folks wish they had, but, for one reason or another, never had the opportunity, heart or intellect, so they bash and belittle those whom are gifted and able. nursing is a tough profession, not to be taken lightly, do it, you'll never regret it! sorry for the rant, but, this really irritated me :):cool::saint::heartbeat

AYVAH, I know what I heard and I spoke with this retired nurse in length just 3 months ago. My brain is fine, I can hear and I can comprehend. Yes, if you don't see the connection between this insensitive man and Hillary, you don't get the full picture. Women too think nurses are just hand maidens who do nothing but stand around and look good for the docs. I don't know where you were in 1993, but the main stream media covered up for the Clintons BIG TIME. Things were buried, they covered the Clintons rear, anything to make them look pristine and perfect. But, things slip, and I heard the slip and some others did too, but you did not. So you don't believe me and I don't care. I just know Hillary is dangerous and I do think she hates Nurses. So just drop the whole thing and keep on with your biased thinking.

AYVAH, I know what I heard and I spoke with this retired nurse in length just 3 months ago. My brain is fine, I can hear and I can comprehend. Yes, if you don't see the connection between this insensitive man and Hillary, you don't get the full picture. Women too think nurses are just hand maidens who do nothing but stand around and look good for the docs. I don't know where you were in 1993, but the main stream media covered up for the Clintons BIG TIME. Things were buried, they covered the Clintons rear, anything to make them look pristine and perfect. But, things slip, and I heard the slip and some others did too, but you did not. So you don't believe me and I don't care. I just know Hillary is dangerous and I do think she hates Nurses. So just drop the whole thing and keep on with your biased thinking.

oakbourne, the only bias i see, is yours.

we have had threads on this forum about these rumors, and i'll say it again, no one could support them.

there were posters who clearly did not like mrs. clinton, and would have loved to find supporting data, but could not.

do you truly believe that everyone in the media, covered for her?

that every single reporter/journalist, was a clinton supporter???

and, it's not a matter of believing you.

it's just that no one can deem it valid w/o any sort of evidence.


no one is attacking you.

but to date, there just is no evidence of these rumors.

and that's all they are, until someone proves otherwise.

with peace,


Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
AYVAH, You are quite naive' to think the media would spread what Hillary, the golden women, the brilliant one said in 1993. The MEDIA covered her with armour, so she could say whatever she wanted to say. Of course the main media would not spread it around because what she said was "STUPID". Yes, this is related to the topic in hand, because women also think nurses are dumb and have cushy jobs. I don't know where this retired nurse heard the news about Hillary, but I was talking to her in a hospital in Austin, TX, while getting blood work done. Believe it or not, if Hillary said it would be blasted everywhere in the main media because the Clinton's are tarnished and the bloom is off the flower. I don't think you understand politics. Why did she shadow a nurse and only for 4 hours without once getting her hands dirty. If she really wanted to know what a nurse does, she would be there at 6:45am and work the whole shift without a pee break and work at backbreaking SPEAD. She hasn't a clue what we do and I will say it again...SHE IS NO FRIEND TO NURSES.

If all of us had everyone leaning in to hear every unguarded word we said,

we'd probably be surprised about things we were quoted as saying. Even in prepared statements I've read to the press, they get it wrong, and copies of what I said, were given to them!

Add to that the stress of possibly having a negative thing happen at the bedside of a sick relative.......... let me tell you as a Home Health Nurse

visiting patients in SNFs and convalescent facilities, - I've seen and heard people who looked like Nurses say the damnest and damming things, as they sit at the Nurses' station gabbing after trays have gone out. My least favorite, is the one who yelled across the hall at a frail patient I'd just seen

who HAD NO ABILITY TO FEED HERSELF, "Eat your lunch, Mrs. _______."

If Hillary had that type of experience, no one could blame her for those things, if she said them. I couldn't do a thing about it, as I was a guest in the above facility, but I rejoiced when the newspaper reported that the place lost their certification. However, they're still in business, as no other facility will take the medicaid patients who are placed there.......:eek:

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.


I couldn't get my "thanks" to record, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your post! You called it what it was, man.

When a former Marine says he believes it's tough to become a Nurse, believe him - he knows tough++++!!!!

He'll come around, OP. Just let him be sick, need surgery, have a serious injury, whatever and he'll begin to see you and us nurses in a new light.

What does he do for a living? Don't razz him about it or say that anyone can be _________ what he does. I'm just curious.

Specializes in Psych-Occupational.


I am sorry to hear you were upset by this conversation with your boyfriend. I am a new member here, and just started nursing school a few weeks ago. In only a few weeks, I am already learning things that are so new to me, such as nursing diagnoses, and dosage calculations. This is challenging, and I get the feeling that unless someone actually sees it first hand, he/she may not realize how difficult it can be.

Be proud of yourself for what you are doing!

Dear India,

GET A NEW BOYFRIEND ASAP!!! He will neither support you nor respect your chosen profession in the future and when you are in a nursing program you will need all the support and respect you can get! Those of us who are intelligent enough to be nurses (like you!), like being around positive people. Good Luck, Sweetie!


Dear India,

GET A NEW BOYFRIEND ASAP!!! He will neither support you nor respect your chosen profession in the future and when you are in a nursing program you will need all the support and respect you can get! Those of us who are intelligent enough to be nurses (like you!), like being around positive people. Good Luck, Sweetie!


Or at the very least, get rid of him! It's not necessary to have a boyfriend (or girlfriend).

With Hillary Clinton's stance on healthcare in the U.S., and the intensity of the democratic nomination process we all just witnessed..........Someone, somewhere would have dug up this quote (from radio c. 1993) to have pitted it against her.

I'm not so sure your b/f could understand what a nurse does or needs to know if you were to give him a guided tour. I don't know where u live but in NY getting into nursing school would not be possible w/o a high school diploma. Maybe she is going to be a CNA. I've been asked many times why I did not go to medical school & my answer has always been that "I'm too smart to be a doctor, that's why I am a nurse." Before you get upset, just think, Who is responsible for continous pt care, order accuracy, info collection, implementing a POC, monitoring results etc..... Most MD's read the chart for info. Who put it there? Good luck with school, welcome to the world of nursing. BTW get a new b/f, one who DESERVES someone as special as a nurse!!:twocents:

AYVAH, I know what I heard and I spoke with this retired nurse in length just 3 months ago. My brain is fine, I can hear and I can comprehend. Yes, if you don't see the connection between this insensitive man and Hillary, you don't get the full picture. Women too think nurses are just hand maidens who do nothing but stand around and look good for the docs. I don't know where you were in 1993, but the main stream media covered up for the Clintons BIG TIME. Things were buried, they covered the Clintons rear, anything to make them look pristine and perfect. But, things slip, and I heard the slip and some others did too, but you did not. So you don't believe me and I don't care. I just know Hillary is dangerous and I do think she hates Nurses.

All I see here is a lot of emotion. I am not staying you can't hear nor am I saying you can't comprehend. What I am saying is that mishearing, misunderstanding, and rumors, are common, and everybody, myself included, need to be objective and open to the idea that we can be mistaken. I stand by what I said - you have not shown proof, where proof should be plentiful. As earl stated, thinking that every single reporter was pro-cover-for-Hillary is not at all likely.

So just drop the whole thing and keep on with your biased thinking.

I was not the one who dredged up a supposed 15 year old off-handed comment which has little relevance to today (actions speak louder than words, and, even if she did say that, it does not mean that is how she currently feels), so if you want it to be dropped, a great place to start would be with you.

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