Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

Specializes in ER.
OK ... OK ... I know how easy it is to be a nurse :p It only takes three years of study...

But being a Brit ... WTdang is a dollar tree?


Specializes in ER.

I never thought about it as abusive before.

I know sometimes when I'm with him I feel down.

Sometimes he thratens to hit me or something.

But, again, it's in a playful way.

Like, we are kidding around with each other & just joking & i say something & then he says something like "shut up before i punch you"

So, last night we were driving & I told him that I actually believe that he will hit me one day. & he seemed upset. He said "I can't believe you actually think I would hit you. That bothers me"

He said that twice.

oh my............... you need to educate yourself on the psychology of an abuser after you move on.... REALLY move on. It will be clear to you in hindsight. Trust us - would there be so many posters who are posting who haven't been 17 and "been there?" Come on, stop being a victim here and move on.:angryfire

Specializes in ER.
This is weird.

He said he can see me attacking him before he would ever attack me.

But, he always says if I cheat on him, he'll hurt me.

& he isnt joking about that.

guilt - read about the psychology of an abuser - he's trying to make you feel as though you are doing something WRONG so you will stay with him. Read about it, girl. Paaaaalllllleeeeaaaasssseee before I woop his ass. :eek:

Specializes in ER.
Well, yeah.

We've talked about college & I'm pretty close to getting a full ride to JMU.


& he's a little scared. Cause he knows how college life is. & he doesn't want me to meet anyone else. he doesn't want our relationship to be over. & thats how i feel too.

We've been together for 18 months & being apart is going to be a challenge.

woooo hoooo - take the full ride and never look back. You need to not tell your b/f (if he is anymore by the time you get to this post) and take a nice snapshot of yourself waving on one hand and big middle finger on the other with a big smile. That would be awesome!!!!! Then get a restraining order and leave that with the picture. Cheers! :yeah:

Specializes in ER.
Hi Indiawhitaker,

As I have repeated this many times before, Hilary Clinton has said, and I quote "Nurses are overpaid and underworked" and another retired nurse heard her say, "Nurses are not worth anything over $6.00/hour"

She is NO friend to Nurses.


What is your resource for this, please? If this is true, I would like to read a reliable resource on this, thanks. Could you link it to here or send it to me? If this is the case, this would be BLOWN ALL OVER THE NEWS. I'm not a Hillary supporter (hate politics, actually) but if you are going to put something out there, you need to back it up.



Specializes in ER.
This is to all the people who want to doubt what I said about Clinton. I heard this garbage that she shouted concerning nurses on the radio in rural Georgia. Don't know the station call letters but it was out there in 1993 when her father was in the hospital dying. Obviously, she was distraught and angry and did not like nurses at the time. The other comment was from an older retired nurse who told me she heard that Clinton stated we didn't deserve anything over $6.00/hour. I believe this retired nurse and what I heard on the radio and I don't care if you believe me or not.

well look it up, certainly there are transcripts because everything can be drudged up on a politician. You need to back it up with a resource if you are going to put it out there, otherwise it's just rumor and gossip with no validity, Oakbourne. If you didn't care if no one believes you, then why did you post?

Specializes in ER.
AYVAH, You are quite naive' to think the media would spread what Hillary, the golden women, the brilliant one said in 1993. The MEDIA covered her with armour, so she could say whatever she wanted to say. Of course the main media would not spread it around because what she said was "STUPID". Yes, this is related to the topic in hand, because women also think nurses are dumb and have cushy jobs. I don't know where this retired nurse heard the news about Hillary, but I was talking to her in a hospital in Austin, TX, while getting blood work done. Believe it or not, if Hillary said it would be blasted everywhere in the main media because the Clinton's are tarnished and the bloom is off the flower. I don't think you understand politics. Why did she shadow a nurse and only for 4 hours without once getting her hands dirty. If she really wanted to know what a nurse does, she would be there at 6:45am and work the whole shift without a pee break and work at backbreaking SPEAD. She hasn't a clue what we do and I will say it again...SHE IS NO FRIEND TO NURSES.


What women do YOU know that think nurses are dumb? Again talking out of your *ss without backing it up. Why would you blindly believe what some nurse you met while taking your blood said? Who is she? Don't be silly, what politician has spent even 4 hours with a nurse? And what would you expect anyone, not just Clinton, to do when shadowing? Start an IV, wipe a butt, put in a Foley.... you need to put this info up with certainty that what you are saying is true or at least reliable. Maybe Clinton doesn't have a clue as to what nurses do, but maybe she does. How do you know? How do you know what any politician thinks of nurses?

Specializes in ER.
AYVAH, I know what I heard and I spoke with this retired nurse in length just 3 months ago. My brain is fine, I can hear and I can comprehend. Yes, if you don't see the connection between this insensitive man and Hillary, you don't get the full picture. Women too think nurses are just hand maidens who do nothing but stand around and look good for the docs. I don't know where you were in 1993, but the main stream media covered up for the Clintons BIG TIME. Things were buried, they covered the Clintons rear, anything to make them look pristine and perfect. But, things slip, and I heard the slip and some others did too, but you did not. So you don't believe me and I don't care. I just know Hillary is dangerous and I do think she hates Nurses. So just drop the whole thing and keep on with your biased thinking.

um, 'scuse me? :argue:Women too think nurses are just hand maidens? Are you speaking for ME, Oakbourne? Cause I don't recall you asking my "womanly" point of view on this topic. Keep your statements to what YOU know. God, I hope you're not a nurse - as you have some huge issues about women and their role in the healthcare environment (looking good for docs). I hope you're not in healthcare, period. You have quite an attitude through your tone to Ayvah. Get off her case. :trout:

Specializes in ER.

I couldn't get my "thanks" to record, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your post! You called it what it was, man.

When a former Marine says he believes it's tough to become a Nurse, believe him - he knows tough++++!!!!

Basic Training was hard - Advanced Individual Training was brutal..... Air Assault school, where I was one of three females ever to accomplish training in Germany.... nursing school was much harder than all of that. I agree with Groovix.

Specializes in ER.
All I see here is a lot of emotion. I am not staying you can't hear nor am I saying you can't comprehend. What I am saying is that mishearing, misunderstanding, and rumors, are common, and everybody, myself included, need to be objective and open to the idea that we can be mistaken. I stand by what I said - you have not shown proof, where proof should be plentiful. As earl stated, thinking that every single reporter was pro-cover-for-Hillary is not at all likely.

I was not the one who dredged up a supposed 15 year old off-handed comment which has little relevance to today (actions speak louder than words, and, even if she did say that, it does not mean that is how she currently feels), so if you want it to be dropped, a great place to start would be with you.

woo hoo, go girl!!!!! :up::D

Specializes in ER.
Avyah, If you don't want to drop it, you must think there is some validity to what I have written. 1993 was a whole different world than it is now. I will stick to my beliefs and you stick to yours. I have said drop it, but obviously I have hit a nerve, and it is yours. The calls letters on the radio where I heard the news I don't know, but it was somewhere near Swainsboro and Statesboro, GA. The hospital where I spoke with this retired nurse is St. David's Hospital in Austin, TX. If you want to keep your near sided view on this, go ahead, no problem with that. What other kind of evidence do you want? Dig up the reporter who reported the news on the radio, interview him personally, what do you want out of me. I am a nurse, proud to be one, not a journalist, and I don't go around investigating everything I hear. Do you? If you smart, you would drop it, but if not I will continue the fight. The gloves are on. Go at it.

Actually, I would like the name of the reporter - Avyah, myself, and many others are repeating the same comment - bring the proof. You are quite angry. Relax, Avyah never came at you with that anger.

You don't have to investigate "everything" you hear, but as a professional who has gone through nursing school, you understand that for research you must have "credible, reliable resources." You have, in fact, not provided this information. As a professional, you should be unbiased in your thinking and remain neutral until facts can be obtained. You are not unbiased, and you are being a bit threatening to Avyah with the remark "if you are smart you would drop it." What, exactly, do you mean by that? :selfbonk:

Avyah, If you don't want to drop it, you must think there is some validity to what I have written. 1993 was a whole different world than it is now. I will stick to my beliefs and you stick to yours. I have said drop it, but obviously I have hit a nerve, and it is yours. The calls letters on the radio where I heard the news I don't know, but it was somewhere near Swainsboro and Statesboro, GA. The hospital where I spoke with this retired nurse is St. David's Hospital in Austin, TX. If you want to keep your near sided view on this, go ahead, no problem with that. What other kind of evidence do you want? Dig up the reporter who reported the news on the radio, interview him personally, what do you want out of me. I am a nurse, proud to be one, not a journalist, and I don't go around investigating everything I hear. Do you? If you smart, you would drop it, but if not I will continue the fight. The gloves are on. Go at it.

Why do you see this as a fight? This is merely a debate, trying to get at what the truth is. I have seen the numerous threads which have procured no evidence; you were asked as well for evidence and stated only an area and "I don't care if you believe me or not", yet you keep saying that I am the one who should drop it. There is another side than yours.

Yes, I do investigate many things I hear, especially if another person points out that I may be in error, or, if it seems to be very contrary to what I initially thought. We are supposed to help each other; nurses are a team. I have appreciated those who have made me rethink my set-in-stone-stances, as I'd rather know the truth, even if it hurts.

I, too, would like an explanation of "If you are smart, you would drop it". I think I have been more than cordial in my discussion with you, and would appreciate the same back.

Its one thing to think "This is what I heard, but I agree no evidence is odd, so I will research this before proclaiming it gospel truth", but it is another thing to post this comment as truth (maybe the report was in error, aka the Enquirer?) and then balk and name-call when people ask for evidence.

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