Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.

Dear MassED:

Go to the thread "Why did you become a Nurse?", and read the post by a recent grad, about her experience as a patient in L&D. It was enough to make me weep!

Tales like hers, and the paucity of good/fgair R.N. role models in life, + TV's ludicrous portrayal these days of doctors performing duties of Nurses (not well) (e.g. "House" and "Grey's Anatomy") do great damage to our images......

If this man is telling you that you're dumb, he needs to go to the curb. Now.

Whether you are in nursing school or not.

Why does he want a dumb girlfriend? Any reason you can think of is not in your best interests.

What I see at the hospital is some VERY FINE LOOKING men of all colors, minding their own business, making an honest paycheck and a difference in people's lives. I've never met a male nurse that I didn't like (platonically, thank you very much).

Is your current BF the man you really want as a partner? Does he see you as a partner, or is he becoming insecure about you flying higher than he is and leaving him behind?

I agree with a previous poster's suggestion; He's so smart, let him decipher 265 NCLEX questions and not break out in hives.

Or spell sphygmomanometer. No? O.k., pronounce it.

Your BF is clueless; it may be kind to do his next GF a favor and explain it to him.

Best of luck to you! f.r.

when i first started working at my current job in a nursing home,my then husband use to say to me,i don't now why. when you come home from work you are so tired..all you do is push a damn med cart and give out pills. that should have been my first clue about this man..when i got into nursing school ( RN ) i got no support from this man what so ever..none to less i failed/dropped out from the i am with someone who is so supportive ..i am trying hard to get back into school...what i am trying to say is that, support from significant others is very, very important.

especially if you have kids....:twocents:

I go back to the first Page, because we all say the same. This is not about about you! We all can tell you but is up to you to say when you move on. My vote? move on

For all those of you who are waiting to hear she broke it off w/ him, hold off ,you know she'll go back to him again; I'ts proverbial. The age thing;thinking addiction is love!

Specializes in Med Surg, Tele, PH, CM.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"


Well, your boyfriend sure opened his mouth and showed us all how smart he is didn't he? As far as I know, you have to have a HS diploma or GED to get into most CNA programs, much less get close to even the pre-reqs for nursing school. It will be a long time before sis will be anyone's boss in a healthcare setting....

To all you naysayers:

I am a nurse I am proud. I stand by what I said. If you don't believe it..fine, get a LIFE and move on. If you continue with this, it becomes your problem.

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
when i first started working at my current job in a nursing home,my then husband use to say to me,i don't now why. when you come home from work you are so tired..all you do is push a damn med cart and give out pills. that should have been my first clue about this man..when i got into nursing school ( RN ) i got no support from this man what so ever..none to less i failed/dropped out from the i am with someone who is so supportive ..i am trying hard to get back into school...what i am trying to say is that, support from significant others is very, very important.

especially if you have kids....:twocents:

When self respect is there, we often meet others who respect and support our course in life.

If you continue with this, it becomes your problem.

What does this mean? Is this another threat?

hi indiawhitaker, I'm trying to become a registered nurse. your boyfriend is so wrong. It is so much more than memorizing. It's critical thinking. It's so hard if you don't have any background. Be proud of what ever degree you can get.

Specializes in Operating Room.
AYVAH, You are quite naive' to think the media would spread what Hillary, the golden women, the brilliant one said in 1993. The MEDIA covered her with armour, so she could say whatever she wanted to say. Of course the main media would not spread it around because what she said was "STUPID". Yes, this is related to the topic in hand, because women also think nurses are dumb and have cushy jobs. I don't know where this retired nurse heard the news about Hillary, but I was talking to her in a hospital in Austin, TX, while getting blood work done. Believe it or not, if Hillary said it would be blasted everywhere in the main media because the Clinton's are tarnished and the bloom is off the flower. I don't think you understand politics. Why did she shadow a nurse and only for 4 hours without once getting her hands dirty. If she really wanted to know what a nurse does, she would be there at 6:45am and work the whole shift without a pee break and work at backbreaking SPEAD. She hasn't a clue what we do and I will say it again...SHE IS NO FRIEND TO NURSES.

Off topic, much? :rolleyes:

I tend to take all these things with a grain of Obama is a secret terrorist with ties to Al Queda, deodorant gives you cancer..etc. I think people need to stop reading all those stupid emails and stop fowarding them as well. When I get them, they are immediately deleted.

Somehow, I don't think any of the candidates really know much about nursing or care all that much either.

Seems we have gotten a little off topic but......

If you really think that none of the candidates know much about nursing nor do they care, it is high time WE educate them. Healthcare has become a major issue in th USA. If WE nurses don't stand together and educate the candidates and the general public about the conditions we face daily, we will have no one to blame but ourselves for the further erosion of healthcare. Congress votes on bills based on what each member knows or has heard from their respective constituants. If We let Congress and the President know our concerns we can fulfill one of our tasks, that of patient education. EVERYONE has been or will be a patient. If education is the key to success, it time to turn the key!!! Not eveyone can be a nurse, but everyone should know & understand what we do.

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