Anyone have anything positive to say about nursing school?


Besides the outcome at the end; becoming an RN, is there anything positive you've experienced throughout nursing school? I've read so many negative things (and for a person starting her first semester Tuesday, it's not always a good thing to read all of the negative things, though some are reality and help prepare and know what to expect).

So what are some things you liked/loved about nursing school? Anything?!? LOL

I loved the people that I met when I started school. We graduated in 1977, and in 2007 we had a 30 year class reunion. I realized what a wonderful group of people were in nursing school with me.

It was fun to go 'behind closed doors' in hospitals and use the staff elevator.

I just started orientation this past Thursday and I know that I am going to love the challenge it's going to present! I know that there are going to be stressful times (which is what you are hearing on this board) but nursing is a stressful job! That's why they make nursing school the way they do, so they can test us and see if we break under pressure. If you look at it as a challenge and not as a PIA or that it sucks, you are already one step ahead of the game!

I also LOVED my clinicals for my CNA class. It's hard work but very appreciated by the patients and by the other staff and I LOVED seeing new things everyday. In fact, the nurses loved the fact that I wanted to learn so much, they would let me watch procedures such as foley caths, PICC lines placed, let me watch the vitals as the doctor and two nurses placed an epidural (I got to call it out to the room when it dropped - I learned it was normal that it would drop), let me do discharges, let me help the unit secretary, etc, etc, etc.

Try to take what you hear on this board with a grain of salt and don't get too nervous! You will be fine! Good luck!

I am in the 3rd week of my second semester and I have only mostly positive things to say about nursing school. For the most part, I love the students I am in class with. There are definitely a few that do nothing but stir up drama, but I just stay away from them.

Clinicals were great last semester and I have a really good feeling the ones this semester will be, too. A lot of it is attitude. I decided when I started htis that it was important to me and I was going to make the most out of the two years in school. Is it stressful - yes! But anything worth doing is.

I graduate in June and nursing school has been great in many ways! Yes, it's hard. Yes, you will sacrifice a lot...But, you will meet great people, patients, and learn so much. It has been a hard road, but I have many good memories of nursing school and I'm sure you will too. When things get really tough remind yourself how fortunate you are to be in a nursing program, so many people are waiting to get in. Keeping a positive attitude will really help and before you know it you'll be done!

I am half way through a 3 year program and I will tell you I LOVE it!! It is hard work, of course, life isn't always fair, of course!!! That's what I expected though!

Clinicals are great, I've learned so much, each patient has inspired me and taught me incredible things. The nurses aren't always wonderful but the good, bad, and indifferent are people you can learn from whether it's things to do and who to be like or things not do and who not to be like!

I've also learned to push myself and and learned how strong of a woman I am struggling to keep my family together and work and get great grades!

I think a good attitude goes a LONG WAY and it's not mentioned enough here because most of come here for our problems with school!!

Good idea to start this thread and best of luck, if you ever need any encouragement or positive thoughts feel free to message me!!

Specializes in Critical Care.

My instructors have been passionate and excellent nurses. I learned so much from them. I was so lucky to get the ones that I did. Also, it's nice to have someone checking what your doing because that security blanket goes away FAST! Nursing school has been great for me.

lot of studying as everyone said...but i LOVE clinicals...its really great working w/ patients and helping them..

Good idea to start this thread and best of luck, if you ever need any encouragement or positive thoughts feel free to message me!!

Thank you so much! I will definitely keep that in mind. :) Best of luck to you as you finish the rest of your schooling. :heartbeat

i love many things about nursing school. the instructors i have are fantastic, helpful, understanding and knowledgable. the courses are, of course, extremely challenging and stimulating at the same time. it is like opening up a treasure chest, learning about the human body. what a miracle.

nothing worth doing is easy......good luck to you, you have many there with you!!:balloons::lvan:

Loved my fellow classmates. Everyone supported each other and helped out whenever possible.

Specializes in Postpartum/Nursery about to enter NICU I.

I loved that the friends I haave made have become family to me. The support system you create in nursing school can get you through anything.

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