Any SAHM's with small kids doing pre-nursing classes?


Hi! I am about to take my first pre-nursing class (just one to start) in the fall. I already have a degree in something else, but it's been 10 years since I got out of college. I just need to take some pre-req's to qualify for nursing school. I would love to hear from other SAHM's of small children and know how you manage your class/study time, the kids and housework. Can you share your schedules with me? Is it possible to take more than one class per semester without the use of babysitters? Thanks!

And lastly, when things get tough, I just remember this saying "You only see the obstacles when you've stopped focusing on your goal". It works!

I love that quote!! One of my children has special needs and that could apply to her as well. She's made a lot of progress but it takes so much energy to get her there. She will get there, though!

I have been taking 2 classes at a time online. I have a 2yr old and a 11mo old and if not for the online option I probably would have a hard time swinging it. My hubby is lazy in the help department so that can be a challenge. I manage to get my reading and posts done during naps etc. I would definitely sugest online classes though, it takes the stress of daycare out of the equation plus you can do your work on your schedule. You have to be self sufficient and organized though.


oh my gosh.. one of my children has special needs as well!

I am a stay at home mom.. who considers being at home a big blessing! I have 3 children.. I started my journey in January of 2005. I decided to take this summer off to enjoy the kids and to lose some weight (I gained 15 lbs since Jan. of 2005.. can you say eat and study?) While in school, I have my book and flashcards with me all the time! In the car, at dr's appts, in bed, making dinner, etc. I go to the library, study at home.. whatever it takes. I learned early on a golden rule for parents: never fall behind.. you never know when a child is going to get sick and need you.. better to get ahead then fall behind. I have one pre-req left. I will be applying to nursing schools in December. (at my school, we can't apply until everything has been completed)

Good luck!

oh my gosh.. one of my children has special needs as well! you never know when a child is going to get sick and need you.. better to get ahead then fall behind. I have one pre-req left. I will be applying to nursing schools in December. (at my school, we can't apply until everything has been completed)

Good luck!

Congrats on being almost done with pre-req's! My daughter is slowly getting better but she requires a lot of time to feed (she's weaning from a feeding tube) and when winter hits she gets slammed with illness and it can set her back. I'm hoping and praying that this winter will be kinder to her and she won't need her tube to get her through it. I want to have it removed next summer if possible. I guess that's one good thing about nursing school and having a special needs child-- they teach you to be patient and strong and keep your eyes on long-term goals. You can read her story here if you want. :)

Specializes in CNA; LPN Student.

Thank you for posting this! I have a 4 month old son and am starting my pre-reqs this fall. From reading these posts, it is encouraging to know that it can be done!

I am the mother of two girls, 4 and 17 months. I have completed two of my pre-reqs and will also complete all of the co-reqs before I actually apply to ns, so I think I have 7 classes left. I have taken my classes online and it is great. I do not even attempt to do anything when my kids are awake because it would be too frustrating. I have been able to manage fine. I am a much better student than I was when I got my BS, and I bet you will be, too. I seem to be able to focus more in the time that I have. I also know that this is what I want to do. Good luck!

Specializes in LTC.

I have 4 kids from 3-13. I am starting my first classes on Tuesday. I have an online class, a DVD class, a normal class and then my nursing assistant class.

Sometimes I think I bit off more than I can chew but since I only have to leave home for one class at a time, I know I can make it work. :jester: My husband rearranged his work schedule so I can take classes. If he didn't do that I probably would only take online or DVD classes because I don't want to do the daycare thing.

Everytime a deadline comes and goes, I feel that much closer to my goal of being a nurse. It has helped me overcome the initial anxiety of going back to college after failing miserably 10 years ago.

Specializes in Cardiology, PCU, Telemetry.

I have a 7 and 5 year old and I just finished my pre-req courses. My 7 year old is in school but my 5 year old went to a day pre-school while I did classes. I also work part-time nights at Home Depot. I have a 3.7 gpa and a clean house. You have to be organized and like to study at night and it will work out. I think it is actually easier going to school now because I don't have all the free time as my younger classmates and so I have to do things when I can(no putting things off). You can do this if you want it bad enough...good luck to you!!!!

While doing prereqs, I took it slow and did two a semester. I tried doing full terms online but couldn't hack it when my kids were younger (not old now-3yo and 19 months -CLOSE) I did all but chemistry and micro pre reqs online. I did most of the work at night and had lots of sleepless nights. My hubby works alot and I remind people constantly that say I'm SAHM that I'm also a college student needing good grades. I can't do playgroups EVERYDAY or just go out.

I'm not a SAHM (wish I were!), but I managed to do it while also working. I work 3 days a week out of the home, and I took A&P at night and Dev Psych online. I do all of my studying when DD is sleeping. It's rough. I never get 'me' time and the house isn't as clean as I'd like it to be. But we get by. Now, starting the actual nursing program in September is going to be another story. ;) It's 5 nights a week, so I'm going to loose my valuable study time and only have the weekends. I don't know how I'm going to manage...

How great to see so many people here! I'm a SAHM with 3 kids (6, 3 and 14 months) and have started my first telecourse prereq this week. I'm really excited to be starting, but also really nervous about doing the tough ones and finding enough time for everything. For now I'm planning to just take one at a time (in the evening) for the science and then do on-line or telecourses for whatever else I can.

My ultimate goal is to start the nursing classes in 2008 when my youngest will be in preschool. That seems so far off, but I don't want to have to worry about daycare. There is a nights/weekend program at the nursing school I'm hoping to attend, l just hope it still works out by then!

Good luck to you all!!

i started prereqs 1/2 time in the evenings when my daughter was almost 3 and went fulltime when se was 4. I am a first semester RN student now. It is tough with little kids, but so far I have managed quite well.

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