Another TV show villifying Nursing


Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

I just got through watching another episode of Third Watch on NBC. Tonight was the conclusion of the manhunt for a serial killer who turned out to be you gessed it a MALE LPN:angryfire . I get so tired of seeing these shows portray men and the nursing profession in this manner. Throughout the police investigation they focused almost soley on nurses as possible perps, (although they did consider failed med students or doc's who lost their license). This particular killer killed by heparainizing a teen girl's blood and draining her dry through an IV in her antecub. They acted like only a nurse had the knowledge to kill people in this manner.

Sorry for the rant, but I wish TV and movies would quit slamming nurses and perhaps show us for the true professionals we are!

Thanks ya'll


It's like the rest of TV. It's too much trouble to find out what we REALLY do, and they figure people would probably find it boring. So only bad stuff/racy stuff/sensational stuff gets shown -- just like everything else that gets shown on TV. Even "reality tv" isn't reality.

I agree with hypnotic nurse...for the most part though nurses are seen as trusted professionals in society...if not TV...not much is portrayed realistically on tv

It's like the rest of TV. It's too much trouble to find out what we REALLY do, and they figure people would probably find it boring. So only bad stuff/racy stuff/sensational stuff gets shown -- just like everything else that gets shown on TV. Even "reality tv" isn't reality.

Yet the deity like MDs get regularly portrayed as a miracle worker time after time (eg the new FOX show. I guess there is a demand for such stuff.

I agree that on TV shows nurses are not really seen for what we truly do. (ALOT) on these shows many stereotypes are embodied and it is annoying. but i'm not that irate by it. It's TV. ENTERTAINMENT

All I want to know is "Wheres Bosco"?? How long are they going to leave him in ICU until the bill gets too high or what???

Does the guy pluck his eybrows or what?

The paramedic guy....the one who got clocked in the head... he got a room and his CTSCAN right away...:chuckle:chuckle

:) I wish they would have a "reality show" about LTC nursing. I watch these hospitals shows and everyone is having some kind of romantic entanglement. I wish they wouldn't show male nurses as "killers." Men have a tough enough time in nursing as it is.

I think you'll find that nursing is seen as one of the most ethical professions though, even with TV putting us down. The same cannot be said for medical doctors (maybe because they earn too much to be seen as ethical?)

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

We have the most awesome male CNA, but in my facility (assisted living) he isn't very welcome..and very sad for all of us!

You see, he is from Africa and is just doing CNA till his residency to re-entry to American Doc kicks in (he is a Doc in his country!). He is very sweet, understanding, very smart, and as I found, very cool about his position and the lack of trust by residents. Oh yes, and one other thing that really shouldn't make a difference...he is black (in a facility where all the patients are over 60 and white).

Poor guy! But he has 3 kids and a wife, and needs the money till he gets back into the swing. And he is just the fact I told him once he got his practice..I WILL be his nurse! LOL!!!!!!! He likes that idea!

Well, after being denied into several peoples rooms, the caregivers were going off saying what they thought, and before I said it..he said it..I loved it! He reminded them that the age of the residents, the time in which they learned about the sexes and races, the modesty factor...and the fact that they still feel that a man should be a doc or he must be a perv is still alive and kicking in todays society. That it is them with the probelm, and he will help or not help...patients rights! He has no probelm with this and will be patient, poliet, and understanding because in essence...he totally understands. Then he reminded us that in his is the opposite at female docs, male cna's...and white folk are considered to pompus! But that doesn't change the fact that a patient is a patient and WE work for them, by them, and aside them! I thought that was sooooooooo cool of I suppose he was tired of all the complaining from the caregivers about him..LOL!

Yeah, I don't know what can be done to get more male nurses into the profession without any effects, but tv shows protraying them as evil or perverted certainly DOESN'T help!

Hey, with all those friv law suits...could a group of male nurse's sue for slander or something???

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

Hey, with all those friv law suits...could a group of male nurse's sue for slander or something???

I would simply settle for getting through one shift without having to play 50 questions about why I became a nurse, am I gay or straight, when am I going to medical school, etc.:angryfire

I absolutely love being a nurse, and I have no interest in being a doc, when will people understand this?????


Thank you mods for keeping responses clean. I was going to post something about "the phrase", but you guys do your job well. :) Thanks!

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